18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1925 SAYS ACCIDENTS COST US $15 PER Most of Them Preventable, Expert Declares "Accidents all over the United States cost you $15 each year. You are pay- ing out of your pocket this sum of money for accidents that could be pre- vented. That is the tax you must pay for carelessness," says Charles M. Hayes, president of the Chicago Motor club. "The prevention of accidents is an individual problem. Each citizen must do his bit. Safety organizations can accomplish nothing unless you cooper- ate. To illustrate: The Chicago Motor club last year spent $50,000 in its ac- cident prevention department alone. In erecting signs at schools, dangerous crossings and curves, in issuing safety first literature and advertising, in ap- pealing for greater care on the high- ways, but that money does no good if you refuse to heed the warning signs that are erected or will not profit by the lessons taught in the safety first literature. "A young mother whom I saw cross- ing a crowded street during one of the blustery days of last winter had profit- .ed by the safety first warnings that she had read. Here is what happened: :She had two little boys by the hand -and was about to cross the street when «one of the youngsters broke away from ther and started to dash across the street at top speed. There wasn't a car on the deserted street, but this very wise mother, caught the little fellow, dragged him back to the curb, and made him stand in the cold while she read him a lecture. 'I never want to see you run across any street under any circumstances' she said. 'Now you stand here and think what I have told you.' "There was no danger in crossing that particular street at that time on a run, but this young mother knew that habits instilled into the minds of children never left them. She knew that if he always walked across the street knowing what he was about he would form a habit so strong that it would never be broken." Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Worthen of 314 Greenleaf avenue, who have been va- cationing in the West, have been stay- ing at Troutdale-in-the-Pines, Ever- green, Col, for a fortnight. LT Tr ov street has as her guest for the sum- mer months, her granddaughter, Miss Lois Allen of Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss Allen is a former resident of Wilmette. --P Mrs. Frank C. Van Ness, who was formerly a resident of Wilmette, has been confined to the Evanston hospital for a period of about three weeks. ANDY'S GONE AGAIN; THIS TIME IT'S WEST Andrew "Andy" Hostnick, dean of north shore automobile salesmen, ac- companied by Mrs. Hostnick and Mr. and Mrs. John Bleser, left early this week on a six weeks' tour in the West and Northwest with Yellowstone Na- tional park as their present definite destination. Andy, as many north shore resi- dents know, is a charter member of the auto-touring fraternity, having en- gaged in that pastime in the days when most motorists were timid about venturing much beyond hailing distance of their home garages. He has toured practically every section of the United States, varying his expe- ditions a few years ago by negotiating England and the Continent. The party will be gone about six weeks--possibly longer--and will em- ploy Andy's trusty Cadillac--this is not an advertisement--since all of Andy's trips must 'be by Cadillac. We'll no doubt have word from Andy ere long. Lieut. F. G. Harbaugh to Instruct at Camp Custer Lieut. Fred G. Harbaugh F. A. Res. who has been attending the Officers' Reserve camp at Camp Custer, Mich, has been detailed as an instructor in hippology, field messages and mounted military courtesy for the C."M. I. C. which opens at Camp Custer this week for 30 days. Gasoline and Oils Tires, Tubes, Accessories Hood, General, Goodyear Jobbers for Wadham's Oils Three Stores BRAUN BROTHERS 792 Nat. Qs 621 Main St. Wisma atlen pros Wilmette 3243 Ridge and Wilmette Aves. Wilmette 290 Read All the Want Ad; FOR 5() YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY Golfers, too, need Bowman's Milk! For a clear eye and nerves of iron drink BOWMAN'S MILK three times a day. Floyd Koon Auto Sales Invites You To Our New Home 1160 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette To Inspect The Various Models of the The Jordan Great Line "8" Phone Wilmette 597 ine Train ve hows, wo ¥ hore in ere tO North © > Prousd ANY popular vacation points are reached by North Shore Line Motor Coaches connecting with North Shore Line trains at Kenosha and Waukegan These lake-and wood -lands offer delightful week-end excursions as well as full vacations. Your trip is doubly enjoyable in our big, comfortable motor coaches. LINE Pl riod Lakes Nehmabin Lakes Oconomowoc Silver Lake Delafield Waukesha Beach Nagawicka Lake Pr ORTH SHORE LINE takes you direct to the heart of Milwaukee -- Sixth and Sycamore -- convenient to all parts of the city. And equally convenient to rail and boat con- nections for Wisconsin and Northern Michigan vacation points. Save time--travel the Take the North Shore Line from here. TH SH foVacation land! ORE d Ludington N Epworth Heights Hamlin Lake Manistee Portage Lake Onekama Best way to go: North Shore Line to Milwaukee; Pere Marquettenightsteam- er from there; arrive Michi- " ama ; clean, comfortable way. Pewaukee Lake Take North Shore Line trains to Milwaukee--step into T.M.E.R. & L. trains outside the door of our Mil- waukee terminal, for above \ ints. Through tickets. It is a great health-builder; gives you that extra-power need to win. gan next morning. Through tickets. Cedar Lake Crystal Lake Elkhart Lake Sheboygan Port Washington North Shore Line to Milwaukee; con- nections outside the door of our Milwaukee terminal with Milwaukee Northern trains for above points. Thousands of golfers tee off with a cool glass of Baggage checked through to point of destination. For schedules, fares and other information, inquire at North Shore ticket office, or at Traffic Department, 79 W. Monroe St., Chicago--phone Randolph 6226 or Central 8280. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. I Winnetka Passenger Station, Elm Street Also Butter, Eggs and Cottage Cheese Telephone Winnetka 963