Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale IS STILL IN PROGRESS FOR WOMEN $4.35 $6.35 $7.85 $8.85 Cantilever White Shoes $G 85 and $#7-85 : North Shore Bootery In the North Shore Hotel 529 Davis Street, at Chicago Avenue EVANSTON FOR MEN $6.35 $7.35 $8.35 | - | a ------------ ---- i ------------ aT ohn "I. eAmple Parking Space Avan taaYSWLIBADENAX BESS Sut tE earsyNRGEELIE SELES IATA BILAD AN: At the Door of the North Shore--Exactly Three Blocks West of Northwestern Depot ETHER EA SHEARER ERS Smyth UANUFACTURERS ~ RETAILERS ~IMPORTERS ompan oy | Truth In cAdvertising Breakfast Room Group $26.75 The practical phase of the drop leaf table is combined with a colorful finish of Grey and Blue or Blue and Orange and when grouped with the four well-made chairs, illustrated above, forms an ideal Breakfast Room Suite. For the convenience of those de- siring to apply their own color combinations we offer this same group, unfinished, at ...... $19.75 58 YEARS O.F GOOD FURNITURE FI HE annual Arden Shore pageant, which will be held at the camp Wednesday afternoon, August 19, at 3 o'clock, will celebrate also the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the camp. A cordial invitation to attend the pageant is extended to all north shore people. Arden Shore camp was started originally in connection with Gad's Hill settlement at 19th and Cullerton streets, Chicago, and was founded by Mrs. Leila A. Martin, a worker at God's Hill, who will be present at the anniversary celebration next Wednesday. The original camp was in Glencoe, and was moved to its present site a mile north of Lake Bluff and renamed Arden Shore in 1908. During its first years in Glencoe, the camp was backed by Central church of Chicago and the Gad's Hill settlement. Mrs. William E. Clow of Lake Forest will be hostess next Wednesday afternoon, and will be assisted by a group of past presi- dents of the Arden Shore encampment association. Those assisting Mrs. Clow will be Mrs. J. McGregor Adams of Highland Park, hon- orary president; Mrs. Frank McMullin of New York, who is here for the occasion; Mrs. Robert B. Gregory of Chicago; Mrs. James Keith, Mrs. Philip S. Post and Mrs. Charles H. Thorn of Lake Forest; Mrs. Grant Ridgway of Kenilworth; Mrs. Carl R. Latham of Evanston; and Mrs. Joseph J. president. Siddall of Glencoe, who is now The committee serving refreshments will be, besides Mrs. Clow, the following from Chicago and the north shore towns: Mrs. Lloyda S. Shaw, Chicago; Mrs. Edwin Sherman, Evanston; Mrs. Frederick Tilt, Wilmette ; Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, Kenilworth; Mrs. Norman W. Harris, Winnetka ; Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, Glencoe ; Mrs. Harry A. Sellery, Ravinia; Miss Mary Card, Highland Park; Mrs. Harry A. Hootan, Lake Bluff; and Mrs. William E. Casselberry. Elizabeth Boyden Makes Bow Next Month NNOUNCEMENT has been made that Miss Elizabeth Boyden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden of 725 Pine street, will be presented to society the afternoon of September 12 at an informal tea in the Boyden gardens. The names of the young women who will assist Miss Boyden will be announced later. Miss Corinne Fitzpatrick, who is di- rector of the Community Nursery school, has just closed her summer group of the enterprise in Indian Hill, and during the month of August she is conducting groups in Hubbard Woods and in Lake Forest. - Mrs. George Parker of Indian Hill and Mrs. Wayne Chatfield-Taylor of Lake Forest have aided the school by offering their homes for the project, The Community Nursery school, to which Mrs. J. Williams Macy of Hub- bard Woods has so kindly lent her as- sistance by the proffer of the use of her home for the past two years, will reopen in October with new quarters of its own. Children of the ages of from 2 to 6 are taken care of, and there are a few places for the term which are still to be filled. i Miss Fitzpatrick with Mrs. Carmelita Hinton started the nursery school movement in Winnetka four years ago, and since that time five or six nursery groups have started up along the north shore. Miss Fitzpatrick lives at 946 Linden avenue. There will be a reunion of Kenil- worth voung inarrieds in the form of a house party which. will gather at the northern home of Miss Miriam Shat- tuck at Land.o' Lakes, Wis., this week. Composing the party are Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett, 333 Richmond road, Kenilworth; Mr and® Mrs. Loomis Hypes, Glemrcoe; Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Kittermaster, Highland Park; and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sheridan of Evans- ton, who will motor over from the, Wausaukee club in Wisconsin. to be present at the house party. Omit Miss Undine Dunn; daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Dunn of 100 Broadway, accompanied. by the Misses Whitman of Winnetka, has left to be a councilor of art at Highfield, a girls' camp lo- cated at Penobscot Bay; Maine. Miss Dunn graduated from Northwestern university in June. = Miss Florence Marshall, who is head of the Girls' Vo- cational school of New. York City, is in charge of the Highfield camp' this summer. ¢ - --O= . George Massey, Jr, who, is at the C. M. T. C.: at Camp' Custer, 'Mich., was one of 15 out'of 3,100 competitors to make the rifle team at the camp. In- stead of returning to . Winnetka on August 24, he will go to Camp Perry, Ohio, to take part in the national matches in which the regular army, national guard, and civilians will par- ticipate. He will enter Yale university on October 1. David Rumsey and John Huddle are other Winnetka young men who are at Camp Custer. i hs Mrs. Barrett Conway of Londen av- enue returned Thursday from Diamond G ranch in Wyoming. Miss Louise Conway will stay on at the ranch until the first of September with Mrs. Wal- ter Wallace and her family of Mt. Pleasant road and Mrs. Ezra Taylor of Linden avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Street and their children are also among Winnetkans. at the ranch. --_---- Harry R. Hale has just returend to his home at 761 Foxdale, avenue after spending a few days on Cape. Cod,| where he visited the John §. Miller family at their summer hame. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kirkgasser, 166 Woodland avenue, entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hershey of Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKay, Kenilworth avenue, Rogers Park, at dinner on Wednesday evening in honor of their seventh wedding anniversary. On Sat- urday evening Mr. and Mrs. Kirkgasser will give a dinner dance at the Bunker Hill club in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrissey, Eastlake terrace, Rogers Park. : --0-- ; Chester. W. Cleveland of Foxdale avenue, a member of Sigma Chi fra- ternity, is on the committee of the Col- legiate club of Chicago which is mak- ing final plans this month for accom- modations for local groups of frater- nity men represented in the club mem- bership. W. E. Hotchkiss, Phi" Kappa Siema from Cornell, heads the com- mittee for the fraternity quarters ar: rangement. Erection of the club build- ing will begin early in 1926. Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. T.amson of 940 Sheridan road have just returned from a six weeks' trip through the Northwest. They stopped at Glacier Park on the way out to Seattle and Vancouver, and at Lake Louise and Banff on the way home. Miss Eliz- abeth Lamson returned yesterday from a 40-day pack trip through Yel- lowstone Park with Miss Louise May Greeley. y ---- Mr. and Mrs. Albion .S. Webbe of 1171 Oakley avenue, are spending some time'at Horseshoe inn, Estes Park. The Sidney. Bartlett family, 821 Foxdale avenue, spent a fortnight's vacation 'at Horseshoe inn also before returning to the "village this week for a'few days. Mrs. Bartlett and the children are now at White lake, Mich., where they are the 'guests of" Mrs. Bartlett's mother, Mrs. Little, at her summer home. Or Mr. and Mrs. James F. Porter of Sheridan road, are at their summer home, Great Spruce, on Head Island, Penobscot bay, Maine, for the remain- der of the season, 'and they have as their house-guests for several weeks the Misses Emily and Frances Hamil of Hinsdale. Their daughter, Mrs. 'Michael Straus of Hinsdale, is also visiting her parents for 'a brief time, but will return to her home next week. --0-- The Misses Joyce and Frances Whit- man of 640 Hill road are spending the summer' at Highfield camp at Penob- scot bay, Mass. Miss Florence Mar- shall, head of the Girls' Vocational school of New York City, is director of the camp, and Miss Undine Dunn of + Wilmette, who graduated from Northwestern university in June, is a councilor of art. : --Q-- Mrs. Charles Howard. Bent of 112 Woodland avenue has as her guest for some time her sister, Mrs. I. W. Baker, and her two children of Cleveland. Miss. Marion Bent will return with her aunt and cousins when they go back to Cleveland in about a week, and will be their guest at their home for three weeks. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Willett and son, Roscoe, of Louisville, Ky., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. HL W. Wales, 480 Sheridan road. Ne