~-SLe4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1925 BUSINESS FOLK DONATE AWARDS Amazing Variety of Prizes for Winnetka Day Virtually every Winnetka industry, store, shop and office contributed to the great variety of prizes for Win- netka Day events. The list compiled to date by Chamber of Commerce of- ficials includes the following : Hubbard Woods pharmacy, Dr. H. J. Lynn, Dr. B. E. Fillis, E. Percy May- nard, H. E. Odhner, Pullom and Regan, Dini Sweet shop, North Shore pharmacy, Hearthstone Tea Shop, Hearthstone Gift shop, G. L. Zick, and company, Hubbard Woods, Frank Reid, real estate, Dean Elec- trical shop, Linden Beauty Shoppe, Richard O. Ristow, North Shore Dis- tilled Water Ice company, Bert Smale, Hubbard Woods Bake shop, Wood- land Grocery and Market, John A. Odh, J. F. Davis company, Wickens Cash Market, Hubbard Woods Shoe Repair shop, J. W. Eberlein, Hubbard Woods Electric and Hardware com- pany, Hubbard Woods Grocery and Market, Hubbard Woods garage, Wm. L. Wente, Frank Borovicka, Ilg's, Florist, Winnetka Coal and Lumber company, A. Vickery, Alex. Irons, George Park, Winnetka Commission Market, Theo. Flynn, Johnson and De- Vroeg, Ettinghausen Jewelry, C. T. Northrop, Chambers restaurant, Geo. Rasmesen, Jr., E. B. Taylor and com- pany, Winnetka Trust and Savings bank, G. L. Zick and company, Win- netka, Dr. J. E. Fonda, Pouloplos Brothers, Blomdahl and Sundmark, Duncan's confectionery," Winnetka News company, E. C. Weissenberg, 5. W. Blow, Nelson Laundry, Hanson Motor company, Indu Beauty shop, Martin Adams, M. S. Voltz, Elizabeth Duncan Gift shop, A. W. Zengeler, Winnetka Shoe store, R. H. Schell and company, Vollman's Meat Market, Na- tional Tea company, John Dethloff, Adams pharmacy, Rapp Brothers, Braun Brothers, Norman E. Dally, Hammond-Bowen Printery, L. J. Hayes, Skokie Motor company, Win- netka Co-Operative company, Holland Furnace company, Village Home bakery, North Shore Gas company, Winnetka State Bank, Eckart Hard- ware company, Stanton Willhite, Sweet Shop, Community Kitchen, Parisian Cleaners and Dyers, Lilac Tea Room, Winnetka Grocery, Winnetka Bruns- wick shop, Gleason and Perrin, Wer- sted Motor company, John Smith, Hunter and Johnson, H. A. Lindwall, Winnetka Sanitary Dairy, Radio Service shop, Rudolph Wagner, Jones Electric Service company, S. J. Stef- fins, John Hoth, E. E. Stults Realty company, George Woods, Vic Killian, Lloyd Hollister, Inc. Richardson garage, Black and White Cab and Garage service, Kordick Electric com- pany, F. E. Ellis and Sons, Alice Mc- Allister Skinner, the Winnetka Co- operative company, Gino Mattioni, August Peters, Illinois Bell Telephone company, Winnetka Fruit store, Vil- lage Inn, Community pharmacy, Charles Burkitt and Company, the Rudolph grocery, North Shore Electric shop, the Comfort shop, Beach and Geils, Santy confectionery, Star Line express, Heinsen and Kroll, Winnetka Exide Battery service, Miss Herbst, Gifts, Miss O'Brien, hat shop. The following out-of-town firms made donations: Loose-Wiles Biscuit company, Mal- lott-Johnson company, S. K. Jeavaras and company, Gordon Silk Hose, Ar- mour and company, Hetzel and com- pany, Arnold Brothers, Chicago Cycle company. A MAN'S COMFORT is served by our pajamas, underwear, etc. After a busy day he loves fo op into a soft, easy pair of our pajamas. Detter see our line before buying. John H. Dethloff Men's and Boys' Furnishings 786 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1077 Kenilworth Happenings OW that the golfing season is at its height and the golfers are disporting themselves with great gusto and glory on the neighboring links, it is a fitting time to remark the prowess of a Kenilworth champion who gathered for herself fresh laurels last week. This fortunate person is none other than Mrs. Edgar A. Stevens of 330 Oxford road, carried off the Woman's championship of the Skokie Country club last week for the fourth consecutive year, a rec- ord that few golfers hereabout can sur- pass. In the first round Mrs. Stevens won her match from Mrs. Godfrey Phillips and in the second round she decisively defeated Miss Ernestine Pearce, winning the finals from Mrs. Paul Chace. All the competitors were golfers of ability and, particularly in the match with Miss Pearce, Mrs. Stevens was driven hard to defend her title, which she did in brilliant fashion. The result is that Kenilworth retains a champion of which it has great reason to be proud. ---- After many weeks of uncertainty owing to the ill health of her fiance, Walter Mead, of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., Miss Louise Durham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durham of 431 Abbottsford road, has decided upon October 3 as the date for her wedding. Miss Durham, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Durham, motored to Wisconsin Rapids last week-end where they were the guests of the Meads. The young people are planning an extensive honeymoon in Europe to follow the wedding. who triumphantly' Miss. Dorothy Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Cumner road, left last Tuesday for Wyoming where she will spend a month ranch- ing and visiting the Yellowstone. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor (formerly Miss Daisy Smith), who have been living at Lake Zurich this summer, have takes a house in Wheaton for the fall. --Q-- Miss Dorothy Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett of Sheridan road, who has been devoting herself largely this summer to the care of her mother since her return from Cali- fornia, left for the East on Thursday where she will participate in several house parties in New York City and Ridgwood, N. J. She plans to be away two weeks or 10 days. oe Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis of the Kenil- worth Inn, who have made themselves much liked among the Kenilworth voung people during their sojourn here, are leaving for the East a week from Sunday, following the wedding of Miss Martha Stevens and John Cory, in which they are members of the bridal party. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith and their sons, Harold and Eldridge, stopped off over night in their Kenilworth home Friday en route from their summer home in Wisconsin to the Yellowstone where they will tour for several weeks, going from there to the Yosemite. iis Four youthful campers returned home Sunday morning after having spent six weeks on a Wyoming ranch under the chaperonage of E. IL. Ny- gaard, principal of the Joseph Sears school. They are Bentley McCloud, Frank Springer, Frederick Breit, and Bobby Joslin. GOOD BLACK | DIRT by those who have used it. less coal than usual. coal once you try it. FX: OUR COAL IS CORDIALLY WELCOMED it takes carloads to satisfy their demands. preciate its fine burning quality, its freedom from dirt or slate and the great amount of heat it produces with You'll be another friend of our (OLR (DDR) FLEFHONE AND BUILDING MATERIAL HUBBARD WOODS. ILL. So many friends have it that They ap- 3 Purer Because Carbonated 50° Full Quart Brick 7 A \ ) iar g) of) | Special This Week Try FRUTTI Ice Cream Adams' Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros. 742 Elm St. North Shore Pharmacy Hubbard Woods Ristow Confectionery Hubbard Woods Pharmacy Mrs. Edward F. Hamm and her two daughters, Bertha and Harriet, are ex- pected home today from Estes Park, Col, where they have been sojourning for a week or two. --_---- Richard Luce and John Johnson of Grand Haven, Mich. are guests this week of Mrs. W. O. Belt and Miss Virginia Belt of 202 Abingdon avenue. --_---- Miss Frances Stevens of 330 Abbotts- ford road has been spending the week at Delavan, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherritt and daughter, Jean, of 330 Oxford road, left Wednesday morning to motor to Lost Lake, Wis, where they will spend several weeks. Frank Sherritt, Jr., will join them Saturday. DISSOLUTION partnership of E. T. Leonard and Miss M. Hettrich, doing business as the Glencoe Realty Company, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Signed: KE. T. Leonard, Miss M. NOTICE OF The Hettrich. TN24-3tc ways ample goods may be crowding and cor and fire proof; If you have iri iim NNETKA ILE Plenty of Storage Space N our warehouse there is al- Our store rooms are clean, tight, carefully protected while here. so that without room stored 1sequent damage. your goods are any goods for storage, call Winnetka 232. SCULLY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. ] "8 Fire Proof lorage YANN \ \ SPECIAL THIS WEEK Assorted Bath Salts $1.00 Value This Week 59c The Elm & Linden LEE SAYS: FORGET it! DAMS excl Store HERE on our desk at the STORE is a telephone over WHICH we can talk to anyone WE CARE to reach; we have A CAR at home and we can GO FARTHER in it in one HOUR than father could GO in a day; we get OUR daily papers and HAVE, the news hot off THE wires; our children ARE being given an EDUCATION right here IN WINNETKA that COULDN'T have been PURCHASED with a king's RANSOM a hundred years AGO; then there are ALL the wonderful : TOILET preparations MADE by Richard Hudnot HUBIGANT, Coty and ELIZABETH ARDEN AND ALL the other COMFORTS that we have HERE at our store--and STILL some people are INCLINED to crab and THINK we're having a HARD time of it--let's WINNETKA 2