No) [= WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1925 CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued from page 27) 17 201 SALK--HOUSEHOLD GOODS z0 AUTOMOBILES COLLEGE FORD TOURING CAR IN GOOD RUNNING order: starter, magneto, dem. rims 4 good tires and 1 spare rim. Owner lvg. for schl. Glen. 339-M 20T28-1te FOR SALE -- 6 CYLINDER 1923 speeder. Good condition. $300. Cheap. 933 Linden Ave. Hubbard FOR SALE--BABY GRAND PIANO; Woods. 20T28-1te hall clock; furn. for din. rm., sun- io parlor; Bengal oriental rugs. Must | FOR SALE -- 2% YR. OLD FUICK. be sold by Tuesday. 415 Sheridan Driven 11,000 miles. Excellent con- Rd., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 760-R. dition. $750. Phone Winn. 2265. 17LTN51-1tp 20TN28-1tc FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE CHAIRS|,ux SALE -- LATE 1923 DODGE (lady's); chests, beds, tables; rugs; roadster. In good condition. $300 glass of all kinds. cialty. Selling out. St., Evanston. Prints a spe- 808 Washington 17TLTN48-4tc FOR SALE -- WALKER DISH-WASH- ing machine with motor, $25: Judd washing machine, $25. Call Sat. and Mon. 150 Maple Hill Rd., Glen- coe. Glen. 215. 17LTN51-1te FURNITURE FOR SALE--GATE LEG table, wing chair, Brunswick, ma- hogany bed and dresser. Very cheap. Winn. 2082, 145 Euclid Ave. 17LTN51-1tp FOR SALE--60 LB. ICEBOX, $18. Worthington oil burner, all attach- ments and 2 tanks, $50. Tel. Win- netka 393. 17TL/TN51-1te FOR SALE--FOLDING DOUBLE COT with mattress; overcoat for boy of 5 yrs. Good cond. Cheap. Phone Winn. 1205. 17LTN51-1te FOR SALE--STEINWAY UPRIGHT piano, mah. case, in very good cond. Price $300. 483 Sheridan Rd., Win- netka. 17LTN51-1te FOR SALE--ICE BOX, 75 LB. CAPAC- ity, $20, almost new; kitchen cabinet, $20; sectional bookcase, $10: Glen- coe 561. 690 Greenwood ave. Glen- coe. 17TLTN51-1te FOR SALE -- ATTRACTIVE FURN.; din. set; library table; rugs; chairs; miscell. articles. Phone Wil. 3059. 17L/TN51-1tp FOR SALE--LARGE, IVORY BABY- bassinette on wheels, almost new complete, $6. Phone Kenil. 3380. 17LTN51-1te FOR SALE--REASONABLE. TWO children's beds, one double iron bed. Call Winnetka 1993. 17TLTN51-1te FOR SALE -- BABY cheap. CARRIAGE; Phone Winn. 2110. 17TLTN51-1tp IS WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. : u 18LLTN24-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS cash. For demonstration call Winn 2145. 20T28-1tp FOR SALE--1921 CHANDLER SPORT. 223 Dupee Pl, Wilmette. 20LTN51-1tc FORD COUPE. 20LTN51-1tc FOR SALE--1923 Phone Wil. 1773. 21 FOR SALK--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- GREEN CLAPBOARD chicken-house about 5x8 ft. and 6 ft high; in good condition; very reas. Fnone Wilmette 763-M, 21LTN51-1tp SOR SALE GLOBE EARPHONE; half price; used very short time. Tel. Winnetka 129. 21LTN51-1tp 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- BROWN BOSTON BAG FROM yunning board of car last Wed. eve- ning; contained miscellaneous arti- cles and baby's bank; attached cag had Chicago address. Reward. Please call Winnetka Talk office in Wilmette or Winn. 24TN28-1te 25 CONTKACTORS AND JOBBERS Carpenter--Contractor William R. Wilson BUILDING ALTERATIONS AND RE- pairs. Garages, porches, roofs, screens and storm sash. 615 Kenil. Ave. Call Kenil. 1146 or Wil. 826-W. 25-LTN51-1te EHOLD SERVICE 27 HOU NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Parlor, 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 19TN17-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash street. New Store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LTS-tfc Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done around the house. Place your order now. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 27T26-cfe 28 PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING--REPAIR- ing.. LIL. W, Foster. Phone Winn. 509-J. All work guaranteed. 28LTN49-tfe 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING IF YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING OR decorating to be done, it will pay you to get in touch with E. M. Brandt. Best references. Phone Glencoe 971. 29TN1-tfe Painting--Decorating Remodeling--Paneling--Canvassing Tiffany and Shadow Glazing Carl Frankel Phone Wilmette 3104 291, TN50-3tp N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 1083. 18LTN19-tfe WANTED TO BUY -- CLEAN WHITE rags. 10c per 1b. Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette. 19LTN51-1tp 30 TUTORING NATIVE FRENCH TEACHER GIVES PRIVATE LES- sons and is forming classes for adults and children. For informa- tion call Wilmette 763-M evenings. North shore refs. 30LTN50-1te FOR 50 YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALIT. Happy Days when all are healthy! Children and grown-ups thrive on BOWMAN'S MILK. For BOWMAN"S MILK is rich in energy; it sends rich new blood coursing through the veins and puts the bloom of health in cheeks. BOWMAN'S MILK is whole milk--just as rich in cream as when it was taken from the cow. pasteurization and rapid delivery from country to you assure its freshness and purity. Start using BOWMAN'S MILK today. Ask one of our courteous milkmen to serve you. INSIST ON OWMAN DAIRY COMPANY MILK Also Butter Eggs and Cottage Cheese Perfect TUTORING wmADING AND DRAMATIC ART lessons, 10 week term. Private les- sons $20. Class lessons $15. Glen- coe 889. Mrs. Marjorie C. Mussman. 30LTN51-1te 32 KENNELS FOR SALE -- THOROUGHBRED COL- lie puppies; pedigreed. 595 Vernon Ave., Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 236. 32LTN51-1te +t OR SALE -- PEDIGREE POLICE dog; male; gentle disposition. $200. Phone Winn. 530-W. 32TN28-1te BEAUTIFUL PEKINGESE; 11 female; housebroken, very and affectionate. Wil. 753-M. 32TN28-1tc MOS. ; gentle APPEARS IN RECITAL Friends of Isabel Richardson Mol- ter, noted singer, are looking forward with pleasurable anticipation to her annual recital to be given at the Prin- cess Theatre, Chicago, Sunday, Oc- tober 25. The recital is to be given under the management of Bertha Ott. William B, McIlvaine, Jr. returned Wednesday from a summer spent in England, where he has been since his graduation from Harvard Law school last June. He will enter his father's business this fall. EVERGREENS, PERENNIALS, SHRUBS AND TREES Winnetka Landscape Company Not Inc. M. J. SULLIVAN, Prop. GRADING--SEEDING LAWNS--TRIMMING--FERTILIZER BLACK DIRT--MANURE Men for private grounds by the day 882 Pine Street Phone Winn. 1549 WINNETKA, ILL. | PIANO TEACHER John G. Elliott, Bach. Music from Northwestern University, will give instruction to a limited number of pupils. All lessons to be given in the home. Third Year on the North Shore. Phone University 2299 the contest last week. EALIZING that some readers may have missed last Sunday's Herald and Examiner, with the first pictures in the great "War Heroes" Contest, two com- plete sets of pictures will be printed this Sunday, giving those who failed to start an equal chance with those who entered If you failed to start last Sunday this is your opportunity to enter the race for a ghare in the $25,000 Cash Prizes--and on HERE'S CHANCE FOR A FRESH START IN RACE FOR UST PUT THESE TOGETHER AND TELL WHO IT IS an equal footing with those who started last week. Remember, 3161 Cash Prizes for simply putting together three piecces of a photo- graph (in a series to be published) and telling whose likeness it is. Pictures and other clews will be given to guide you. Open to men, women, boys and girls everywhere. Entertaining, edu- cational, patriotic--a child can do it. YOU HAVE AN EQUAL CHANCE TO WIN IF YOU Start if in Next S undays CHICAGO HERALD~EXAMINER Please get in touch with our distributor: Winnetka--T. BAILEY--Winnetka 765 » v