Wednesday, September 30, 10 a. m. to 12 midnight Winnetka Chapter- Eastern Star Bazaar Community House, Winnetka Cards, Dancing, Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. RUBYS RIUSCLE DEVELOPING FOOTWEAR FOR CHILDREN NORTH SHORE DATRONJ/" FIND our EDGEWATER BEACH SHOP CONVENIENT « = A CHILD'S SHOE DESIGNED TO FIT A CHILD'S FOOT CORRECTLY RATHER THAN A SIMPLE FOOT COVER. Thousands of mothers can prove this statement of which we are proud. Sizes: 83% to 12 Smoked Elk.......$5.50 Tan Calf ...c00.t.. $9.50 All Patent......... 6.00 White Buck....... 6.75 Alfred RU BEACH HOTEL SHOP| 60-62 EAST WASHINGTON ws CHICAGO pg Mathilda E. Turnock Vocal Instructor Commencing Oct. 7 Miss Turnock will teach a limited numbe: of pupils at the studio of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bourgeois. 536 Sheridan Rd. Voice tested here. Call Wiimette 1884 for further information. | OD wea os ge EVA KARON SCHUR GOWNS-FROCKS- SPORTSWEAR NORTH SHORE HOTEL FOUNTAIN SQUARE--EVANSTON Telephones Wilmette 600 University 1024 Enrich Your Home with ORIENTAL RUGS Their fascinating patterns and the harmonious blending of ex- Oriental Rugs stand out as works of art. quisite colors create a certain atmosphere which adds distinction to the homes in which they are placed. Quality in rugs is difficult for any one but an ex- pert to judge. May we emphasize the fact that your confidence may be placed in all rugs purchased here? Proper cleaning and re- pairing has much to do with preserving the beau- ty and life of an Oriental Rug. Our experts: are fully equipped to render superior service along these lines, and will be glad to give you an es- timate. Rosenbergs The Golf Knickers and the Vest come with Sheridan Clothes for Boys $15 At first it might seem sur- prising how remarkably pop- ular these Sheridan Clothes are with boys. But then, you know they have the vest and the golf knickers as well as the plain knickers, and boys won't be behind the times, either. Some are Weatherproof Boys don't need to mind a little rain with some of these suits, for they are cravenetted-- woven so it is hard for the water to get through. Third Floor ot the Cradle, Friday evening, October home, Sheridan road. 6. The 1 o'clock luncheon under nal program of the afternoon. in by Saturday, September 26. hoth amusing and entertaining. club. October 14. at 10:30 o'clock. Warren Agry, 711 600 Ash street; Mrs. Donald W. Beck, Macy, 966 Hubbard lane. Moonlight Ball for Cradle Benefit NVITATIONS have been sent out all along the north shore for the moonlight ball which will be held by the Winnetka Cradle auxiliary for the benefit art and literature chairman, Mrs. S. George Levy. Middle West Ancestors" by Mrs. Gilbert Scribner, Mrs. W. Dow Harvey, Mrs. Alfred S. Alschuler, Miss Eleanor Cheney, and Mrs. Dudley Cates. tors of these women came from different parts of the earth and their talks will be 2, on the tennis court of the Ayres Boal Mrs. Joseph Husband is chairman of the Winnetka branch of the Cradle society, and Mrs. H. W. Armstrong is in charge of the ticket sale. Among the dinner parties which will precede the ball, is the one to be given by Mrs. William G. Hibbard of 840 Willow road, for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden Smith and their daughters, Rebbecca and Frances, of Boston. Unique Program Will Open Woman's Club HE Winnetka Woman's club will begin its year's work Tuesday, October the supervision of Mrs. Marcus D. Rich- ards, chairman of the social committee, will precede the very interesting and origi- Mrs. Richards will be glad to have all reservations Her telephone is Winnetka 498. The program promises to be full of interest and reflects the originality of the Talks will be given on "Our The ances- Mrs. Merrill to Resume Lecture Course one of the most worthwhile winter activ- HAT many Winnetkans consider V V vities, is the current events lecture course which Mrs. Anthony French Merrill gives each season, and which will open this year at the Winnetka Woman's This series of 12 lectures will be held Wernesday mornings Tickets may be obtained from the following committee : Mrs. Locust street, chairman; Mrs. Alexander Anderson, 1423 Edgewood lane; Mrs. Bob Anderson, 328 Linden avenue; Mrs. F. W. Fairman, 306 Forest avenue; Mrs. J. B. Coambs, Church road: Mrs. James P. Gillies, 1148 Oakley avenue; Mrs. E. E. Stults, 418 Sheridan road; Mrs. Warren Shoemaker, 45 Green Bay road; Mrs. Williams The membership campaign of the North Shore Theatre Guild began its activities Friday, October 25, with a meeting of the town chairmen at the home of Mrs. J. Williams Macy of Hubbard Woods to discuss plans for the coming year. Alexander Dean, the guild's director, and Melvin Wamboldt, business manager, met with them. The town chairmen are as follows: Mrs. Lowry Grulee, Evanston; Mrs. Robert Stoddard, Wilmette; Mrs. Harry Weese, Kenilworth; Mrs. Otis Beardsley, Highland Park; Mrs. Clif- ford McCullough, Lake Forest. a0 Winnetkans with their Christmas gift list in their minds will find the large bazaar to be given by the Win- netka Chapter of the Eastern Star Wednesday at Community House a large shop providing not only gifts, but clothes and tovs for children and a haberdashery for men as well. Tables are being sold for afternoon and eve- ning card parties, and a delicious chicken dinner will be served in the evening, but unless a prospective diner already has his ticket, he will be un- able to partake of the meal, as. the reservations were sold out last week, and, according to the committee, twice as many tickets could have been sold if space to accommodate such a crowd had been available. ty . Henry Bartholomay, Jr. and his ccusins, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Barth- olomay of Blackthorn road, are all going to Oregon, Ill, October 3, to at- tend the wedding of their cousin, Al- bert F. Madlener, Jr, when he takes for his bride, Harriet Elizabeth Low- den, daughter of the former Governor and Mrs. Frank O. Lowden. Henry Bartholomay and Miss Elsa Barth- olomay are members of the bridal party as best man and bridesmaid, res- pectively. The hour set for the nup- tials is 4 o'clock at Sinnissippi Farm, the Lowden home. Dr. Frederic Shannon will read the service. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bartholomay, Jr., are spending this month as the ouests of the former's parents at their Lake Geneva summer home. FEarly in November they plan to move into the new house they are building on Cedar and Pine streets, Winnetka. --_--Q-- The program committee of the Win- netka League of Women Voters met Wednesday morning of this week at 10 o'clock at Community House, to make plans for the coming season. The committee, of which Mrs. Morris Larn- ed Greeley is chairman, is composed of lations; Mrs. Arthur Cushman, educa- tion: Mrs. Charles Strong, child wel- fare; Mrs. Harold delay, membership; Mrs. Gross Williams, social hygiene: Mrs. Proar Sherman, citizenship. Mrs. Isaac Rothschild is chairman of the card party to be given November 12, at the Winnetka Woman's club. At the same time, musicales and readings will be given at private homes. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lippincott. formerly of Evanston, have purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mac- Gibbon, 738 Lincoln avenue. Mr. and Mrs. MacGibbon hdve taken an apart- ment at the Lake Shore Drive hotel for the winter. Mrs. William B. Hale, industrial re- | afternoon, September 28, the North Shore Musical society is holding the initial meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. George Truitt of Deerfield, formerly of Wil- mette. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Cordts and Mrs: Ernau Akely, and the program will be given by Mrs. Olive Ahara, Mrs. Elizabeth Weixel, Miss Adelaide Jones, Mrs. A. H. Ruth, Mrs. Ernau Akely, Mrs. Harvey Bush, Mrs. Jean Mac- Shene, soloists, and a selection for two violins by Mrs. Weixel and Miss Evelyn Dirks. The first of the North Shore Musi- cal Afternoons will take place at the home of Mrs. George S. Levy, 1160 Chatfield road, Winnetka, Tuesday evening, October 27, at 2:15 o'clock. On this occasion, Felix Borowski, mu- sical critic and lecturer, and Miss Helen Hedges, soprano, will give the program. The organization for these musical afternoons is an informal one that had its inception last year when five or six charming programs were most enthusiastically received. This season's plans are even more exifn- sive and promise a number of unusual- ly fine programs. Another club including in its mem- bership a number of north shore resi- dents, is the Chicago Woman's Ideal club which will observe Guest day on the occasion of its opening meet- ing Thursday, October 1. at the Blackstone hotel. The Honorable William FE. Dever and Mrs: Dever, Mrs. John S. Maurer of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs and Charles A. Marshall tenor with the Chicago Civic Opeara company and his wife, will be guests of honor. Fol- lowing the reception at 1:30 o'clock and the luncheon at 2, a program will be given by several theatrical stars and Isabel Cline, soprano; Izan Dneproff, tenor with the Chicago Civic Opera company; Ruben Davis, violin- ist, and a string quartet. Mrs. Frank M. Fulton is president of the club, Mrs. J- W. Benett of Wilmette, vice-president, and Mrs. Isadore L. Buchalter is program chair- man. The club meets the first and third Thursday of every month from October until April inclusive. --_0-- A group of admirers of the steeple- chase race are planning to attend the fifth annual point-to-point race to be held at Onwentsia club Saturday, October 3, at 1:30 o'clock in the after- noon, over courses laid out on the grounds of the Onwentsia club and the adjoining estate of John Borden. Seven races are on the program, including three steeplechases and four flat races. Many noted steeplechase horses are entered. and there will be events for both professional and amateurs. Colton Daughaday. 180 Chestnut street, is master of the fox hounds of the Indian Hill Riding club. --_---- \fr. and Mr-. Stephen Foster, 396 Manle avenue, have just returned from a fortnight's stay at Long Peaks inn, Estes Park. Monday a Miss Frances Jay of New York and Aico Cgrolve Remak of Philadelphia have been the house guests of Miss Rachel Foster of 596 Maple avenue. +L pI .