THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1921 =] | IIL ea R i Mrs. John C. Cobb Ir entertained |! at a wig erty i Thireday even- . 3 RE . . el ing a er home, 5 Elm street, in . . . . ] i é >: fo cial H eninGSs f lonor of her small daughter, Mar- | First Church of Christ, Scientist : i ZT; 23) EA garet, the occasion being her seventh OF GLENCOE | i i 25 . bd Z| birthday anniversary. Among those ] i TRE) | in wall 2 whe Siensied were Katherine, Jeanne | : R24 :|and M arjorie Street, Irene Coffin, Holds regular services Sunday mornings at 11 O'clock fr cr Winnetkas Hubbard WOO. HE fen' Reihone, "Team "Trseieray erat 8.0 i XN : i Hope Freeman, Frances Wells, and : Wednesday evenings at 8 O'clock i ¢ "1 S by Ruth Risley se, wf li I : Welthyan Harmon, Sunday school convenes at 10:00 A. M. : } : a H - . : i } 1 3 7 . a | HE Mr. Milton J. Timberlake of 415 The services are held in Masonic Hall, corner Vernon and Hazel | Pah BE IR ss I f | Maple avenue, returned on Thursday Avenues Sa BRL re INE mes | from a month's vacation spent in . : ; Jaskeon, Mich., with relatives, and in THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT ES CTIVITIES at Indian Hill Country club have been ex- of iy ons Onto; Shes he zisnds = ceedingly gay this summer, with large attendances at the |He is a member of the 45th Ohi a afternoon luncheon and bridge parties as well as at all of | unteers. SLM the dinner dances, both for young and older folks. Among --_ those who entertained at Luncheon and bridge yesterday, Ladies' | Dy apd Mss. DSi W. Poff and Day, were Mrs. Thomas P. Smith, Jr., Mrs. J. Parker Gowing, STA fe phe tory Both, of Rison Mrs. Fenger Brown, Mrs. Roger Sherman, and Mrs. Phelps Hoyt. ing from a two week's stay ith Mr. Elaborate preparations are now under way for the Junior dinner and Mrs. Glen C. Bull at their log dance which is to take place at the clubhouse on the evening of Sat- cabin on Lake Charlton, Ontario. urday, August 27. Since this will be the last of the gala occasions | Messrs. Sidney Spiegel Jr. 410 Beauty Shop for the young folks before they start back to school again next Sheridan road, and Charles Rummler, Mi Ali Fi ll month, it is expected that the affair will be a most interesting one. | 965 Spruce street left Thursday to (SS ice ellman P g I y spend a fortnight camping at Lake Tuesday is Ladies' Day at Skokie Golf club, and among those Hamlin Michigan In Personal Charge who entertained at luncheon and bridge this past week were Mrs.| Mrs. John Stuart of Hubbard J. V. Rathbone of Kenilworth, Mrs. D. Edwin Farle, Mrs. Charles Woods and Mis Solomon A. Smith of F. Pearce, Mrs. C. Howard Searle, Mrs. L. C. Mowry Mrs. Frank! 3<$ forest, have gone to Charlevoix, In addition to all th ded and t . 4 } ' : Mich., to pass two weeks with Mrs. n addition toa e needed and want- Miller, Mrs. Albert S. Webster, Mrs. Stanley Clague, Mrs. $1) Edward Gould Shumway. ed ways of making ladies look their Williams, Mrs. A. T: Mitchell, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Louis Hopkins, -- we hh 3 Mrs. Edwin H. Cassels, Mrs. J. L. Lane, Mrs. Alfred Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Roswell B. Mason best, we give here the personal service and Mrs. John Compton. snd two <hjldegn; 326 Ridge avenue, that makes our customers return to us. : . eft yesterday for a six week's stay Lg Php the clubhouse 1s announced for Saturday | ,¢ Vieux Desert BS Porthern Wiss . consin. * te fn 903 Linden Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon C. Drake of Wilmette, announce | Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bacon of Winnetka 800 the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lucile Drake, to Mr. Ferd- |New York, who with their little . . : : -_ | daughter, have been visiting Mrs. inand L. Larson of Austin. The wedding will take place early in| Bicon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Qctober. W. Blossom of Hubbard Woods, * A have returned home. Dr. and Mrs. Albert H. Wales, 385 Ridge avenue, announce KEE, the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothea Wales, to Mr. | Mr. Henry A. Lindwahl, 1020 Oak : i 3 f Evanston. street, is making a fortnight's tour : Richard $ Cutierio E ASO Nn through the east with friends. ---- Mrs. Charles Wolcott Hubbard and The annual garden party is to be : two children left yesterday to spend held Wednesday, Aug. 31, at the home 1 de, ang Mes Sens Ian oe 5 the autumn and winter in the Hawai- of Mrs. Carl Schroeder, 711 Park Ave. week's boat trip to Green Ba and jan islands. Mr. Hubbard will be at Wilmette, for the benefit of the Phil-|\ackinac A y the University club aril ho joins Bis tatheey department of the Wilmette yn family the latter part O ovember. oman's Catholic club. A cordial in- 13 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Cory Drake, vitation to attend this affair is extend- Haigh Cote 5: Fah hos Jetuined who are spending the summer with | ed to the entire village. Working on g pe Lot T he Best Desert the Tracy Drakes at Lake Geneva,| the committee for its success are have taken the Hubbard's house at Mesdames F. M. Nolan, B. M. Con- PRICE CUT ANNOUNCED BY * 849 Foxdale avenue. lev: M. A Fouts, Carl Renneckar, MOTOR EQUIPMENT SALES CO. --_---- aper, cArdle, Dempsey, Reich- --_-- 3 ic 1 W Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Arnold of Bos, fend, Morea, Ronel DicDermiot, Material reduction in prices of mo- for or occasion i hi crear. e ton are the house-guests © r. an etchum, Schroeder, N. P. Anderson | tor accessories is announced this ma it--1n an avor -- to or- Mrs. Heyliger A. de Windt of Sher- and F. W. Harvey. week by H. E. McNeal of Motor e it any 0 jdan.road, during this month. ' Among ---- Iiquipment Sales Company, 2 Prouty der. the affairs being given in their honor | The Indian Hill club has arranged Court. . res was a dinner party given last week for a junior members' dinner dance Facilities for meeting at home the 5 by Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sidley, | which is scheduled for Saturday even- | needs of the north shore motorist is Birthday Cakes, too -- 739 Tisha _yenus, sd a pnchizen ing, Auge 27. A Dames of week- | emphasized by Mr. McNeal in the a ? : on wrsday given by Mrs. Hermon | en ouse parties have been arrang-|announcen ent of the drop in cost of 1 -- % Butler at the Saddle and Cycle}ed, embodying this event, for the Re, ctsories: p.m Light and fluffy and made as club. ans young people before they return to| "It is no longer necessary for the you want them. 595 Lincol school and college. motorist to make the long drive to Mrs. Pregl DT st thet the city to obtain automobile sup- B B avenue, delive i 5 Mrs. Edwin Price and children of | prices found in many Chicago houses, om 1 ee 1 1 ~ gis i Tg ed Jacksons 699 Walden road have just returned plies and accessories. The reduced g8S Broilers rymg Chick ville, Tl, yestercay, i from Spring Lake, Mich., where they particularly in the instance of the Sm r American Red Cross, on "The Estab- | spent several weeks. lesser known brands of accessories, ens the freshest are always here lishing of Health Centers throughout | ow may now be secured here. for you the World" Mrs. Fulton centered yr. o Jean Alton, 577 Cherry street, The Motor Equipment Sales Com- . y SR ih $ Be A Th Mg , returned last Tuesday evening from pany 1s loated in the Carlton Prouty {a ten days' motor trip to the north- building pending the opening of a ven: aia ern woods of Wisconsin. modern sales and display room In 2 Miss Mary Edith Douglas of Buffa- ; ee prominent Winnetka location. . Yo. N. Y., is making a short stop with Frances Pfeiffer, small daughter of : her sister, Mrs. H. E. McNeal of 925; Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Pfeiffer, 337 Cedar West Virginia Exports Gas. TS. mi Elm street. Miss Douglas will make street, celebrated her fourth birth- West Virginia exports to other Balthier short Stop foreevin she Sum: fay on Thursday afternoon, by €nter=| gegtes natural gos to the amount of . ner 08 Jer ratien from an extensive jtaming a few of hier small friends. rly 125,000,000,000 cuble toot 8 8 1 9 Qak St. Winnetka 1 12 P sec Nil Mrs "Virginla E. Noe, 99 Ash|feer Mr. and Mrs. Ormus Harrington of street, left Saturday last for a two Winnetka Togansport, Ind.. a niece, Miss Mae | weeks' visit in St. Louis, Mo. "Tyner of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mr. ---- RALPH M. EVANS Albert Bridges motored to Winnetka Miss Margaret De Lay, 878 Oak . . from Logansport this week to be the |street, left Friday evening to spend AE Chiropodist : guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Y.| several weeks with the John Olm- Village Theatre Building - Saunders, 1058 Linden avenue. sted family at their camp near Buffa- WILMETTE, ILL. ' : oh lo, N.Y. Phone Wil. 2259 their daughter, Miss Nancy Porter, of t street, Hubbard Woods, will return in Sep- | returned to the village from a tember from their home at Great | month's visit in Sioux City, Iowa. 'Spruce Head Islands, in Penobscot ---- Bay, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. M. Miller spent --a-- several days this week in northern Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rogers and | Wisconsin. family of 467 Linden street will re- -- turn this week-end from an outing at Mrs. S. C. Hancock, 153 Bertling Potiawattomie Lodge, Minocqua, Wis. | lane, returned Monday from an eleven --_---- days' trip through Yellowstone Park. Miss Alice De Windt, daughter of ---- ; J Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. De Windt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Haines will of Sheridan Road, will spend the win-larrive at the Ambassador, on Nov- ter abroad this year, attending Miss ember. 1. Risser's school in Rome. She will ---- sail from New York on September 14.} Mrs. Cornelius Lynde, of 864 Bry- int" YAN ant avenue, has returned from a three Mr. Frank D. Fultoh of 545 Lin- week's visit at her old home in Phila- : Mr. and Mrs. James F. Porter and Ves. Othe 9 eR Thos By Appointment ADVERTISE IN YOUR LOCAL PAPER Start A Savings Account To-day Never put off until tomorrow what you should do today. If you follow this practice the time will come when you will regret it. Start a Sav- ings Account today; make up your mind you can and will, and then SAVE, SAVE, SAVE, and keep on SAVING. Own Your Home To own your home requires money to pay for it. To own your home you must practice Thrift. The most practical way to get a home is to ™ coln avenpe, and Mr. J. Mitchell delphia. a "tart a Home Savings Account in this bank. In this way you can, in a Hox ti Lg "iy thisl irs. Willoughby Walling of Pri resaonable time, accumulate enough to make the first payment and ob- y ---- vate road will go, a little later in tain possession. Keep on Saving Not having any more rent to pay, it then will be easy for you to save After spending the greater part of | the season, to Watch Hill, Rhode Ts- the summer at the home of her grand- | land. to visit her son, Mr. William boc ther, Mrs. Sweet, in Los Angeles, English Walling. ; I : Cal. Riss Harriet Plowman returned --a-- in larger amounts, and in due time you can pay out in full on your home. early this week to her home, 421 Lin- Mrs. A. C. Johnson is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James den Avenue: McFarland of Watertown, S..D. THE WINNETKA STATE BANK ---- Mr. and Mrs. William Dale, 519 Ash ESTABLISHED 1906 BANKING HOURS --_---- street, have returned from 2a three Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Plowman. weeks' camping trip in northern Wis- {421 Linden avenue. have returned : from a two weeks' camping trip. This Bank is open for the transaction of pusiness from % A M to3 FP MM, daily, except Saturday. Saturday hours 8 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. and 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. consin. io --_---- . . Tr Mr. and Mrs. ET. Allsebrooke, 427 1 Miss Isabelle Hahnemann left this Elm Street at Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, Illinois Yincoln avenue. have returned frim | week for 2 several week's stay at her p to Estes Park, Colo. home in Kaukauna, Wis. NR, an extended tri