34 WINNETKA TALK Villagers Donate $410 for Veterans in Saturday Drive The committee in charge of the Forget-me-not Day drive in Winnetka last Saturday is gratified with the re- sults from the sales of the little blue flowers, it is announced. It is felt that the public response would have been even greater had it been generally known that Forget-me-not Day was nationally proclaimed by President Coolidge. Each chapter, however, is free to designate the date for its own particular locality. This led to some confusion of dates in Chicago and suburbs. Care will be taken not to have this occur again, it is said. It will be of interest to learn of the hearty co-operation of the public schools. Each child wore a forget-me- not in observance of the day. Mrs. Charles O. Aspenwall, treasurer of the committee, reports that the re- turns for Winnetka totaled $410. This money will be applied to supplementing the pension given to the disabled veter- ans by the government. Detailed re- ports of such expenditure can be fur- nished to anvone desiring them by application to Mrs. Harry Lay, 1408 Edgewood lane. Mrs. Lay was the general chairman for the drive and much credit is due her for its success. DANCING SCHOOL TO OPEN Miss Alicia Pratt, who has just re- turned from the East, will open her school of dancing on Friday, October 16, at the Winnetka Woman's club. Her classes will comprise Character, Pantomime, Eccentric Plastiques, Dance Dramas, and the newest ball room steps. She will feature the Charleston. A Dutch treat dinner was enjoyed by a small party at Indian Hill club, Oc- tober 2, preceding the moonlight ball. With Oil-O-Matic heat, you can stay away as long as you like. If you are home all day, you can do other things, but they won't be shoveling coal or cleaning up because of the furnace dirt. WILLIAMS OILOMATIC HEATING Evanston Oil-O-Matic Co. THOMAS H. SIDLEY 517 Dempster St. University 9335 Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. DeClerque, 942 Tower road, announce the birth of a son at their summer home at Delavan lake, Wis.,, September 2I. The baby is the grandson of Henry DeClerque, president of Henry De- Clerque, Inc. and his maternal grand- father was the late Edward D. Stevens, one of the founders of Charles A. Stevens, Brothers. i Miss Barbara Mettler, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harrison LL. Mettler of Hubbard Woods, has returned to Smith | college. TREE SURGERY Trimming and Cavity Work, Spraying--all kinds of Tree Repair SOMERS E. TIMPE 1327 CHICAGO AVE. EVANSTON 3 Years Experience Tel. Winnetka 478 On the North Shore Excellent References Ail nd 7 ™~ If you are from Missouri and want to be shown, just drop in, and we will be pleased to show you any- thing you wish to see in the Electrical line at prices | that you will find hard to | duplicate. --Myr. Electro-serve. Do you need Fixtures? | How about that Wiring | job? How is working? What do you need in the way of Electrical Appli- ances? Why not get in touch with us and let us figure with you? It may be to our mutual advantage. your Radio SPECIAL Saturday Only Best White Potatoes, peck ........................ 49¢ Jonathan Apples, 3 Ib. .......i. cin iviss in 25¢ Sweet Oranges, doz. ...........«. ci vvaiviie, 39¢ Sweet Potatoes, Ib.,.................... 10c; 3 lbs for 25¢c Extra Sweet Honey Dew Mellons .................. 25¢ Peaches and Pears, basket .......................... 25¢ Fomatoes, ... i sr rinive rs cove 10c 1b; 3 lbs for 25c Egg Plant, good sized ........................onnn 20c Dry Onions, S51bs. .....c.....co nnn oni 25¢ Cooking Apples, 4 Ibs. ...........ccovvvueivnnnn 25¢ Michigan Concord Grapes, small basket 55c; large. ... basket for .viiivsntcct vs ii at bass voice vv $1.35 Open Evenings Until 10:30 Sundays From 8:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. FREE DELIVERY Winnetka Fruit House 746 Elm Street Phone 2470 726 Elm St. "The Home of the Well Groomed Car" AND~-- ~ NOW! Let us talk to you about storage. Cold weather is not far away and you'll want a convenient place to keep your car. We . have that place. Make your reservations now. Washing, polishing, oil- ing and greasing done by dependable work- men. Richardson's Garage Phones 841 and 25 October 3, 1925