44 WINNETKA TALK October 10, 1925 English Coach Here to Coach Winnetka Field Hockey Club Miss Warner, English coach, has been secured by the Winnetka Field Hockey club, to coach the local squads. She will begin her work Monday, Oc- tober 12, and conduct a six weeks' course of training. Women in the village who are in- terested in field hockey are invited to appear at the Winnetka Playfield Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Prac- tices are scheduled for Monday and Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. The first game of the season is scheduled for Thursday, October 15, at 3:30 o'clock, when the first squad meets the Country Day School girls' team at the Country Day field. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Beeler, 472 Elder lane, have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gordon Ray, 650 Ash street, and have bought the Ray home. The two families exchanged homes this week. --O-- Mrs. Joseph Braun, 234 Sheridan road, entertained at their home Thurs- day in honor of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Phillips, whose birthday the guests celebrated. -- The West Elm circle will hold its first meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss E. Horsman, 978 Elm street. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of . . Winnetka Trust . and Savings Bank located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 28th day of September, 1925, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate (la)..$114,100.00 Loans on Collateral Security ARERR RTT 113,273.83 Other Loans (Ic) ........... 86,526.32 Overdrafts (2) ............ 1,689.81 U. Government Invest- ments (3)... un eiiraer, 75,000.00 Other Bonds and Stocks (4). 739,906.96 Banking House, Furniture Expect Opera Talks to Attract Many Patrons The first of a series of opera talks to be given in Winnetka this winter will be held Tuesday morning, Oc- tober 27, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Duncan, 1314 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods. The first talk will be con- ducted by Elizabeth McCrystal Heath and will begin at 10 o'clock in the morning. The opera discussed will be "Rosencavalier." Current operas will be discussed during the series and music from the scores will be played. Dr. Poff Family Plans Long Stay in Florida Dr. A. J. Bushey of Chicago will resume the practice of Dr. Delbert W. Poff, dentist, during Dr. Poff"s ex- tended stay in Florida, it was an- nounced this week. Dr. and Mrs. Poff and their small daughter will motor to Florida, after a brief sojourn 'at Olney, Ill. They will remain in the South for three or four months. Mr. and Mrs. Paul MacCintock (Elizabeth Copeland) moved into their apartment at 1156 Fifth-Sixth street, October 1. ON CIRCLE CALENDAR The Lincoln Avenue Circle will hold the 'opening meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. E. J. Allsebrooke, 747 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, Tues- day, October 13. Work will begin at 10:30 o'clock, and luncheon will be served at 12:30. The attention of the Circle members is called to the per- manent change of date for the meet- ings to the second Tuesday of each month. Mrs. and Mrs. Samuel McCaulley, formerly of 988 Elm street, have sold their home and are temporarily located at 919 Burr avenue until their new home is completed. They expect to start building soon on Mt. Pleasant road. in Sars Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Renwick are again at their home at 1457 Asbury avenue after two months of European travel. NOONDAY LUNCH STEAK DINNER CHAMBERS' CAFE 552 Central Street Phone Winnetka 1762 STEAK AND CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAYS $1.00 Week Days--5:00 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Sundays--6:00 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. were. with coal--but the the world is how it really gets done. We've talked to somewhere in the neighborhood of 7,000 home owners. "Who tends your furnace anyway?" has always been one of our ques- But we've never made any tions. g've' friends by asking it. . Fathers simply have to admit that if they're earning enough to sup- port the modern family, their time's too valuable to put in at stoking a furnace. And after mother has read an ad- vertisement for Pond's Two Creams or Jordan Play Boys she certainly is in no mood to mix with shovel or A Stepchild Nobody Loves Wis you come right down to it a coal furnace is somewhat of a stepchild around the house. The modern "Orphan Annie" as it Of course, you can usually manage someway to heat your house wants to. 8th wonder of You cannot hire men to do what 0il-O-Matic does for you. home owner who "puts up" with coal does so now only because he This modern method, proved for nearly seven years, is available to every home owner with any type of good heating plant. A 'storage tank for oil is installed. Your oil dealer keeps it filled. The oil is drawn in automatically from this tank into the Oil-O-Matic. Your Oil-O-Matic is connected to So any the front of your present furnace or boiler. No part goes inside. It sup- plies oil as fuel in place of coal so nebulized as to produce an intense, pure flame. Hotter than a great bed of hot coals. In your living room is a thermostat connected with the Oil-O-Matic downstairs. This automatically starts and stops the burner as the and Pixtures (3) ........ 3,000.00 coal bin. : room temperature varies. Due from Banks, Cash and Tt takes just one sentence to dismiss Simply set the indicator at the tem- other Cash Resources (7, 8, the absurd idea of anyone's maid perature you enjoy and forget you 0) a EN Sas 210,511.74 playing stoker. : have a heating plant. Everything BR And as long as football, ice skating, else is done automatically. a Total Resources ......... $1,344,008.66 and coasting are in vogue there's 0il-O-Matic will be your choice if precious little use in counting on you want everything that science LIABILITIES help from the youthful members of and the largest oil burner manufac- Capital Steck (1):i..iv.. 00. 000. the family. turer can give you. - y Sooo ps ve Sashes Soo That a: the janitor ; not to speak Write, phone, or call for a frat Undivided Profits (Net) (3) 18,175.28 of his pay check. : edition of our latest book on 0 Time Deposits (4a) ........ 68,151.69 He alone can afford to be liberal Heated Homes and suggestions tor Demand Deposits (4b) ...... 677,711.55 minded on the subject of coal--he more pleasant use of your basement Dividends Unpaid (5) ...... 934.00 doesn't pay for it. space. Send for it today. Reserve Accounts (6) ...... 4,036.14 Total Liabilities... i. $1,344.008.66 I, Alired D. Herrmann, Cashier of the Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ALFRED D. HERRMANN, Cashier. ILOMATI( § --<« HEATING -- Evanston Qil-O-Matic Company Thomas H. Sidley 517 Dempster Street University 9335 State of Illinois, County of Cook § Subscribed and sworn to before me; this 7th day of October, 1925. HAROLD D. HILL, Et = TILSEN