2° bi 7 SN SNSNSNS\S= = "72 Past and Present Among the displays at the Illinois Products Exposition in the American Exposition Pal- ace. Chicago, is a beautiful 20-foot panorama in the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce booth, done in oil by Allen E. Philbrick, Winnetka artist, depicting early historic, as well as pres: ent-day scenes in our community., The painting, which required several months to complete, was done at the instance of the Chamber of Commerce and will be placed on exhibit in the village at the conclusion of the Products Show in the city. a ~~ Fre Saturday, October 17, 1925 pe [= N- _-- A ERE EE 5 5 Ens NES EEE EEE EES B= A ATTTTY MN of To phat = |] Ee) o *11Y - L . nNatIIT op de tly H Gi 11 °1190g BY '*Raeaq