Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 31 Oct 1925, p. 49

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---- October 31, 1925 WINNETK A TALK 47 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATING-- IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES; VACATION WITH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELEPHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT OVER WITH THE CHIEF OPERATOR, 740 ELM STREET, WINNETKA. 12T27-tfe WANTED--SALESWOMEN. PERMA - now available for capable women. Pleasant surround- ings and an opportunity for con- scientious workers. Apply superin- tendent's office, ROSENBERG'S Evanston nent positions 12L'TN4-3tc RELIABLE GIRL TO WANTED -- take care of baby afternoons. Phone | Winn. 1682. 12T34-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL TO TAKE care of baby afternoons from 1-6. Tel. Winn. 1963. 12T34-1tc WANTED -- NEAT, CHEERFUL, white maid for general housework; refs. required. Tel. Winn. 1562. 12TN34-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for 2nd work; refs. required. Tel. Wil. 176. 12TN34-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR AFTER- noon or part afts. by the week; to take care of child. Tel. Winn. 401. 12T34-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO HELP WITH children and housework; must be good plain cook, white, neat and reasonable young. Phone Glen. 812. 12LTN-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, GEN- eral housework maid (white, Prot- estant; 2 in family; references re- quired; no washing. Tel. Glen. 983. 12LTN5-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; neat and good cook; 2 in family; ref. Winn. 422, 12LTN5-1tp WANTED -- WHITE GIRL TO HELP with gen. hswk.; wages according to exp.; small family; good home. T'hone Wil. 2483. 12LTN-1tc WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR general housework; must be good plain cook; no washing; bungalow. . Phone Glencoe 440. WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; assist with child. Phone "Glencoe 914. 12LTN5-1te WANTED -- WHITE MAID; HSWK. Mother's helper; 3 adults. Wil. 928-W. 12LTN5-1te fa 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE 12LTNG-1te | AMERICAN DRESSMAKER SPECIAL- married IS WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS PAINTING AND DECORATING WINNETKA FURNITURE STORIE izes in working for young Buy--=Sell--Exchange-- New---1sed ladies and young girls in their | Open Daily, Mon., Wed., Fri, 8 >. M. homes. Best Winn. refs. P. O. Box 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212, 117, Evanston. 15T34-1tp | 18SLTN1-tfc WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK FOR |N pPELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- Mon. and Tues.; exp.; White. Ad-| "tyre bought and sold. 1644 Maple dress Winnetka Talk A-712. | Ave. Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 15T34-1tc | 18L/I'N3-tfe SITUATION WTD. -- CHILD'S NURSE | RR: exp. and capable; age 35. Best North 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS Shore refs. Call nurse, Civ, 286M. WANTED TO BUY -- FLUTE OR | li clarinet, low pitch, Boehm sygie, ; Tit standard make. Phone Winn. 0. SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. LAUN- . ne TINIE dress wants 2 days at beginning Of | me ---- m-- -- - week. M. RB. Schmidt, Ridge Ave, |, Wilmette. 15LT5-1tc | 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten. Winn. 1416. 15T32-tfc SITUATION WTD. -- NURSE-MAID; Danish; best references. Tel. Winn. 1128. 15T34-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- GENERAL housework; Bohemian girl. Winn. 283. 15TN34-1te WANTED -- WASHING TO TAKE Home; in Winnetka. Call Winn. f66-M, 15T34-1tn FOR SALE--LATE 1923 CLUB COUPE Maxwell, just painted; 5 new tires; fully equipped. Price $550. Terms. See chauffeur, 595 Sheridan Rd, Winnetka. 20LTN5-1tp FOR SALE -- MILBURN ELECTRIC auto in good condition; with recti- iier, complete. Tel. Glen. 99. 20TN34-1te FOR SALE -- 1923 FORD COUPE; good running condition. Winn. 932. 20TN34-1ip 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--6 LEG, MAH. DINING table and 8 chairs; decorated arm- chair; fireside stool; 2 large, gold framed mirrors; small mirror: book- end-table (walnut); mah. tea table: mah. bedside stand; Seth Thomas chime clock; Paisley shawl; pair blue pottery lamps; mah. Windsor rocker and straight chair; decorated gate-leg table; small, mah. gate-leg table; decorated tilt-top table; chintz curtains; dyed muskrat coat. TPhene Winn. 2014, 17L'TNS-1te FOR SALE -- OVERSTUFFED pieces; spinet desk; gate-leg table and Windsor chairs; bedroom set; child's bed and dresser; hooked and braided rugs; antique ladder-back chair; lamps; kitchen furniture; other household equipment. Must sell at once. 33 Milton Ave. Glencoe 880. 17TN34-1tc FOR SALE -- MINK FUR COAT, % length; black cape; pencil blue, georgette crepe dress, size 18, etc; all in wonderful condition. Also beaut., white enamel breakfast sot, almost new; other household furni- ture. Tel. Winn. 2557. 17LTN5-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE ENGLISH spindle bed, pine tree spindles; pink Saffordshire plate; great variety of antique lamps; set of 6 mah., carved, Fiddle-back chairs; old glass, china and brass. 1854 Sherman Ave., Evan- ston. 2nd Floor. 17LTN5-1te FOR SALE -- CONSOLE, CHAIRS, tables and music cabinet, all mah and beautifully handmade, in fine condition; several lamps. Tel. Winn. 243. 17LTN5-1te ANTIQUES, DROP LEAF TABLES, coverlets, samplers, Currier & Ives, old glass, early Amer. furniture, old prints a specialty, 808 Washington St., Evanston. 17LTN2-4te FOR SALE -- LARGE, LEATHER- ette-covered, oak bed-davenport; good condition. Tel. Winn. 1757. 17T34-2kp FOR SALE -- GLENWOOD, GOLD Medal, Combination Gas and Coal Stove. Tel. Winn. 1922, 17TN34-1tp FOR SALE -- LARGE, VERY FINE, mah. combination table and desk: suitable for living-room. Tel. Winn. : - 17TN34-1tec FOR SALE -- HOT WATER HEATER, 3 months old; cost $25; will sell for $15. 800 Bluff St. Glencoe 135. : 17TN34-1tc FOR SALE -- MY 5-PASSENGER sedan in perfect condition. Phone Wil. 406. 20LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- GARDNER COUPE IN excell. mechanical condition; good tires. Tel. Wil. 2782. 20LTN5-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- REAL BARGAINS IN Lady's 3 pce. winter suit Kolinsky trimmed, and coat Fitch trimmed, both size 38; also household furn- ishings. 335 Hawthorn Ave. Glencoe 679. 21LTN5-1te RIVERSIDE SALTED NUTS -- AL- monds and pecans, superior quality, distinctive flavor. Prepared in Home Shop at Riverside, Ill. Call Mrs. Alice Eisendrath, 1145 Chatfield Rd. Tel. Winn. 479. 21T32-tfc FOR SALE -- LADY'S, BLACK DU- vetyn, 3 piece suit, lynx collar and cuffs, size 36. Price $25. Call Sun- day. Wil. 1051. 21T34-1te FOR SALE -- CHEAP. STAR SEDAN 1923; dining-room set, table and § chairs. 725 Bluff St. Glencoe 937. 21TN34-1te FOR SALE -- GREEN CLAPBOARD chicken-house about 5x8 ft. and 6 ft. high; in good condition; very rcas. Phone Wilmette 763-M. 21LTN5-1tp FOR SALE -- RACCOON FUR COAT good condition, price $50. 800 Bluff St. Glencoe 135. 21TN34-1t 23 PERSONAL TWO GRADUATE NURSES WILL give services for transportation to Florida. Tel. Winn. 1884 or Wil. 1722, 23LTN5-1ct TE ---------- 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- BLACK AND WHITE, 5 months old Collie; white chest and tip on tail. Please notify Robert Po:- ter, 570 Hawthorn Lane. Phone Winn. 1497. 24T34-11e LOST -- MALE, BLACK CHOW: WiL- mette license. Reward for informa- tion leading to return. Tel. Winn. 2461. 24T34-3¢t~ LOST -- PLATINUM PIN WITH FIVE diamonds; in Winnetka. Finder please call Winn. 1376. : g 24T34-3tc 26 GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BLACK j manure for sale. Tel. Highland Park ! 216% Matt Caretta. 26TN30-1c WANTED -- COUPLE; WOMAN FOR gen. housework; (no washing); man to work elsewhere; have own quar- ters including bedroom, living room 'and bath, Glencoe 440. 13LTNG-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING: floor-waxing; care furnaces. Wil 3428. 14LT2-tfe FURNACES CLEANED AND TAKEN care of by the month. House and garden work by the hour. Phone Winn. 486. Victor Carlson. 14T34-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED _ furnace man. Tel. Winn. 1552. A ¥ 14TN32-tfe FOR SALE -- ENGLISH OAK DINING set; walnut davenport; oak dining table and cabinet. Tel. Winn. 1218. 17T34-1te FOR SALE -- REED CARRIAGE and reed go-cart; baby scales. Tel. Winn. 150. 17TN34-1te FOR SALE -- PIANO, VICTROLA and davenport. Tel Wil. 2627. 17LTN-1te EE -------------------------- 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 27 ° HOUSEHOLD SERVICE SKOWRON SEWING MACHINE CO. Repairing all makes at your home. Work guar. $1.00 un. uick ser- vice. Refs. Singer drop-head, $25. Portable $30. Free demonstration. Phone Albany 3724. 3567 Armitage Ave., Chicago. 27LTN2-5tp WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. | Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 1SLTN3-tfe I: NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Oleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done around the house. Place your order now. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 27T6-t'c 29 PAINTING--DECORATING For estimate and right prices call | | | wil. 3104 1506 Wilmette Ave. CARL FRANKEL : 29L/TNG-4tp 21 BUSINESS SERVICE | HAG S CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Farlor, 19 | Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. ; | 31TN17-tfe RS ----" r - E------------------ CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John Engman w.shes to aec- knowledge, especially to the Pine Street Circle, her appreciation and thanks for the many expressions of sympathy shown her during her recent bereavement. T34-1t2 Interest in Lectures Spreads to Glenview A large delegation of Glenview women attended the talk given by Mrs. Walter F. Dodd, in Wilmette, Thurs- day of last week, on "Superlatives in Legislation," when her point of great- est emphasis was the bill for amend- ment of the constitution on the sub- ject of taxation. The subject of Mrs. Dodd's talk for Thursday, October 29, will be "Some Inequalities." This course of six lectures on citizenship given by Mrs. Dodd under the auspices of the Woman's Club of Wilmette, the Wom- an's Catholic Club of Wilmette, the Wilmette League of Women Voters, |and the Logan-Howard and Central Parent-Teacher associations, is en- gaging the interest of a great many women of the village, and those who are interested in hearing Mrs. Dodd, may procure tickets at the Woman's club Thursday mornings before the lectures, or from the civics depart- ments of the organizations which are sponsoring the course. Richards Starts Morning Lecture Series Tuesday Members and friends of the Winnet- ka Congregational church are antic- ipating with keen interest the series of Tuesday morning lectures to be given by the Rev. James Austin Rich- ards, in the Neighborhood room of Community House. These autumn lecture series have been extremely popular in previous years and it is expected that this sea- son's program will surpass all others in interest. The subject of the series is "The Message of the Prophet Jer- emiah to Twentieth Century Life." The talks will begin at 10 o'clock and the series is open to every resident of the community. STAGE CHARLESTON CONTEST All those who like the modern dancing are invited to attend the New Campus theatre in Evanston Thursday evening, November 5, at 9 o'clock in the evening, between the first and second shows when there will be -a Charleston contest open to all comers. Several cash prizes will be offered to individuals and couples. The manage- ment has been staging Charleston contests every week for several weeks and they are becoming very popular. ENTERTAINS EASTERN STAR Mrs. Arthur Pratt of 201 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, entertained the officers of the Campbell chapter, num- ber 712, Order of Eastern Star, of Highland Park, Tuesday, October 27, at cards and afternoon tea. Mrs. Albert Youle and her daughter, Miss Tsabelle, assisted in pouring. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt are leaving shortly to spend the winter in Chicago. RETURNS FROM FLORIDA Scott C. Greene, of the Wilmette office of McGuire and Orr, real estate dealers, has just returned from a month's trip to Florida. Mr. Greene has many interesting tales to tell of the sunny southland. 2

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