November 7, 1925 WINNETKA TALK Voters League Puts Aside Problems for Cards November 12 Thursday afternoon, November 12, cards, gay chatter and refreshments will temporarily take the place that the World Court and Child Labor prob- lems usually hold in the minds of the members of the Winnetka League of Women Voters. For, in order to raise money to carry on the work of the league, that organization is giving a card party and all the north shore is invited to attend. At 2 o'clock the lines of cars will be- gin to park along Maple and Oak streets, flanking the Woman's club house on both sides. Mrs. Isaac Roth- schild, chairman of the committee in charge, assisted by Mesdames Herman 3eardslee, John Vander Vries and Per- cival Hunter will act as hostesses and show people to their tables. Guests are asked to bring cards. There are to be no hard and fast rules, it was announced. As there is to be a prize for each and every table, each table may make its own rules and even choose its own game. Refresh- ments will be served to all in the course of the afternoon. Those who prefer stories to cards are invited to the home of Mrs. Hathaway Watson on Sunset road, to hear stories of the South in darky dialect and de- lightful tales of French Canadian frontiersmen told by Mrs. Burton Han- son. The league feels particularly de- lighted to be able to secure Mrs. Han- son who has pleased many audiences along the north shore with her art. Tickets for both the card party and the reading will be on sale at the Com- munity House or from Mrs. Rothschild until the day of the party. If there are any tables left over tickets may be obtained at the door. Fred Hagen of Hubbard Woods, was among those planning to attend the Illinois-Chicago game at Champaign this week. Forget-Me-Not Group Fetes Lakes Veterans Members of the Winnetka Forget- me-not committee gave a party at the Great Lakes hospital last week. The party was for all those soldiers whose birthdays fell in Oc- tober. A special luncheon was served, with a huge cake, lighted with candles, occupying the center of the which was gay with Hallowe'en deco- rations. Each of the disabled veterans received a present from the committee. Cigars and cigarets were also dis- tributed. Following the meal there was a program after which the committee inspected the workshop where the vet- erans are making various novelties for sale. Dr. and Mrs. L. T. Mehlig of Tor- | reon, Mexico, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sterrett of 488 Ash street. birthday table, Rhythmic Classes Win Interest of Children | Many Winnetkans are interested in |a class in "Bentley rhythms" which is | being given at the Howard school, | Wilmette, by Miss Mabel Katherine | Pearse. The class is held on Wednes- day afternoons, and is sponsored by | the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher as- sociation. There is room for more children, it was announced. Several | Winnetka children have already en- | tered the class. Rhythm work is new [to the north shore, it is said. Mr. and Mrs. John Bunker have ren- ted their home at 656 Lincoln avenue, | and are moving to Grass Lake, Mich- igan, --0-- Mrs. Percival Hunter of 510 Ash | street gave a birthday party for four of her friends at the Cardinal Tea | House Friday. | AT WEST PALM BEACH E. Sawyer Smith, of the real estate firm of Hill and Wheeler, Winnetka, is now in West Palm Beach, Florida, where he will spend the winter. He has not disposed of his interest in the firm of Hill and Wheeler, as previously reported. Edith Ray Young PIANO STUDIO -- 630 Park Avenue Wilmette 3651 > | "A flome Bank for Wiketkz Feople" For a Delightful Change of Menu-- _erve Jones Dairy Farm sausage meat. An old fashioned delicacy that has never been sur- passed. Exactly thesame as Jones Little Sausages --butwithout theexpen- sive casing, so costs less. To remove sausage meat from parchment wrapper, dip en- tire package in cold water. Then if you wish to lice the sausage, cut through paper and al. Peel paper off after- ward. Jones Dairy Farm, Inc. Ft. Atkinson, Wik. ONES DAIRY FARM stitution. accounts. OUR FRIENDLY SERVICE has attracted hundreds of Winnetka women-- business women and home managers--to this in- Whether their transactions are routine or unusual, they find that every officer and employee aims to make them feel at home in this strong, friendly bank and to assure them of their utmost co-opera- tion at all times. Women like to bank here, and we appreciate their « Qfficers and Directors | HENRY R. HALE Fresidlent L.B.KUPPENHEIMER Lice~/resiaentd JANBORN HALE Coshier ' CEORGE W. MEHINNEY Asst Cashier VICTOR £LTING CARLTON PROUTY ---- NOBLE HALE WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. 8 eg Saturdays Bam.lo 1230pm. and 7 lo 8pm. E fod BANKING HOURS A.M. lo 3 P.M. SE -- |