Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 14 Nov 1925, p. 41

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i Died io i Has -------- a. J C--- yr ro- 2 I November. 14, 1925 WINNETKA TALK 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 24 LOST AND FOUND WANTED -- MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN for position as matron; good pay; pleasant surroundings. Inquire at office of chief operator, Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 740 Elm St.,, Winn. 12LTé6-tfc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED NURSE girl for 18 mos. baby and assist with four-year child. $18 per week. Write Mrs. Saville, Box 272, Lake Forest, Ill 12L'TN7-1tp WANTED--MAID, WHITE, EXPERI- enced; general housework; good cook; small family; near trans.; ref. Tel. Wilmette 84. 12LTN7-1tp WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; must be good plain cook; no washing; bungalow. Phone Glencoe 440. 12LTN7-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE cook for cooking and 1st flr. work; likes children. Phone Winn. 1137. 12LTN7-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with hswk. Family of 3; good home. 731 11th St. Wilmette 2908. 12LTN7-1tc WANTED -- CAPABLE WHITE MAID for housework; by the day or hour. Tel. Winn. 58 12LTN7-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; good wages; small family. Call Wil. 1014. 12LTNT7-1te WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER; stay all the time. Phone Winn. 2557. 12LTN7-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL; GOOD home; small family; no exp. req. Phone Winn. 2325. 12LTT7-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID, good cook. Phone Wilmette 283 12T36-1tc 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- COUPLE; WOMAN FOR gen. housework; (no washing); man to work elsewhere; have own quar- ters including bedroom, living room and bath. Tel. Glencoe 440. 13LTN7-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED MALE SITUATION WANTED--CHAUFFEUR with 9 years experience. Ref. Z. D. Payne. Tel. Greenleaf 450. 14136 1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD--WASHING, TRON- ing and house cleaning by the day; white girl; best ref. Phone Wil- mette 3156. 15LTNT7-1tp SITUATION WTD -- GENERAL housework and cooking; middle- aged white woman; 1st class ref. Phone Kenwood 3607. 15T36-1tp MISS KINGSROD MAKES SNAPPY gowns in your home. Does kinds of remodelling. Univ. Rm. 14. Write Gen. Delivery. 15TN386-1tp SITUATION WTD -- REGISTERED nurse desires cases by the day or week. Phone Univ. 5263. SITUATION WANTED -- 1ST CLASS cook; colored. Best references given. Oakland 1120. 15LLTN7-1tp FOR, YOUR DRESSMAKING AND alterations call Miss Carlsten. Winn, 1436, 15T32-tfe ------ -- 15T36-4te | FOR SALE--AM SELLING OUT MY furniture and household goods; everything at 1% cost or less; gas range----ice box--Thor elec. washing machine--Thor mangle--Canton gas dryer--bedroom furniture--2 book- cases--about 500 books--Berkey and Day mah. dining room set--cooking utensils---china ware--a big assort- ment. Will sacrifice to close out. Call at house Sunday, Nov. 15, be- tween 10 and 4. 693 Walden Road, Winnetka 17T36-1tc FOR SALE--FULL-SIZED, bow end walnut bed, spring and mattress; Alcazaar gas range; large oak dresser; 2 mah. rockers and chairs. All new; very reas. Tel. Winn. 2478 mornings. 17TN36-1tc ANTIQUES -- ALL KINDS -- NEW things every week; also Lincoln col- lection thousand items; also Roose- velt collection; furniture, pewter, glass, ete. 808 Washington St. Evanston. 17LTNT7-4te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE ORIENTAL rug, 7x8; Navajo rug; oak writing desk; chair; sanitary cot; sled; sev- eral pictures, ete. 1093 Elm St. Winn. 17T36-1tc FOR SALE -- DUO-ART, UPRIGHT, Steck electric piano player with music rolls; excellent condition. (all Winn, 2869 or Briargate 1523 for appointment. 17T36-1tc FOR SALE--GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO. Tel. Winn, 767 or call at 1152 Hamp- tondale Rd., Hubbard Woods. 17T36-1tc FOR SALE -- LARGE "RELIABLE" gas stove, $10; 3 mah. dining rm. chairs, $2.50 each. Tel. Glencoe 689. 17TN36-1te LOST -- BOY'S SLICKER, THURS- day, nr. Elm St. Call Miss Bubbett, Skokie School. Winn. 850. 24T36-1tp LOST -- PLATINUM PIN WITH FIVE diamonds; in Winnetka. Finder please call Winn. 136. 24T34-3tc LOST -- In Winnetka or Glencoe; red velour hat on Monday night. Reward. Tel. Winn. 642-M. 24TN36-1tc BROWN PUPPY WITH last week. Tel. Winn. 24T36-1tc FOUND -- white chest; 129. 26 GARDENING LANDSCAPE GARDENING. manure for sale. Tel. Park 2168. Matt Caretta. BLACK Highland 26TN30-tfe HOUSEHOLD SERVICE 27 Wilmette Upholstery Shop ATTENTION! FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERING DONE at your home or at my shop. Prices reas. Work guaranteed. 3 Electric PL Tel. Wil. 296 27TLTNT7-1tp NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done around the house. Place your order now, Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex, Phone Winn, 1994, 27Té-tfe FOR SALE--SINGER SEWING MA- chines. Portables $30 and up. All makes repaired by expert. 1167 Wilmette Ave.,, Rm. Phone Wil. 2354. 27TLTN7-2te 28 PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing; 10 years experience. Phone Winn. 25. © 28T36-1tc FOR SALE--IVORY ENAMEL BABY bed complete with hair mattress 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING FOR SALE--REED BABY CARRIAGE in good condition. Tel. Univ. 3642-7. ; 17LTN7-1tp FOR SALE -- SMALL ORIENTAL rugs, $10, $15 and $20. 250 Ridge ve., Winnetka. 17T35-2te and springs, practically new, Tel. PAINTING--DECORATING Winn. 1684. 17T36-1te For estimate and right prices call CARL FRANKEL FOR SA -- GAS "RADIANTFIRE" | Wil. 3104 1506 Wilmette Ave. heater. Call Glencoe 5. 17TN36-1tc 29L/TN5-4tp FOR SALE--ACORN STOVE AND ICE |30 TUTORING box in excellent condition. Phone Winn. 1809. 17T36-1tc | FRENCH BY TEACHER OF EXPER- ience in. European and American schools. Senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward high school students. Conversation for adults and children. Terms on ap- plication. Miss F. B. Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd, H. Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. 30T36-1tc FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO, GOOD tone, good cond. Phone. Winn. 1686. , 17TN36-1tc FOR SALE---5-tube radio eahinet, Tel, in walnut inn, 1038, 17TN36-1te 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO Buy -- SECOND HAND furniture other household goods Highest price paid for same. Crost urniture e, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, 1. Phone 189. : 18LTN3-tfc WI FURNITURE STORE hange--New---Used n., Wed.,, Fri.,, 8 P. M. . Tel. Winn, 1212. J © 18L/TN4-tfe N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave.,, Evanston. Phone Univ. 103, 1RLTN3-tfc Ee ------------ 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Antiques ONE PAIR SHERATON, MAHOGANY, flap top, end tables, very rare: one . cherry mahogany English high-boy desk, ebony and maple interior, un- usually handsome; one O. G. mahog- any mirror, 30x40; one gold mirror 20x30; three piece, mercury candle stick set, very old. Telephone Glencoe - 1042, 17TLTNT7-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE, CARVED teak table, $15; antique shaving stand, $25; mah. china closet, $25; mah. 4-poster double bed with box Springs, $40; small, antique, mah. sofa, ~~ $25; ornate wrought iron bridge lamp, complete, $11; leaded glass lamp, $8: ivory fire screen, $8. Wilmette 2149. 17LTN7-1te FOR SALE--7-PIECE, FUMED OAK . dining set, excell. cond. J. C. Long. Winn. 2195. 17LTNT-1te FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SET; LI- | " WANTED -- OLD AUTOS. TRUCKS and electrics; any condition. Univ. 1986. gz 19LTNT7-2tp WANTED--A GOOD VIOLIN. MUST he reasonable. No dealers. Call Winn, 140. 19T36-1tn -- -- 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS CHRYSANTHEMUMS -- LARGE VA- riety and pom pons are -now in flower, all colors. Moderate prices. Large stock of potted plants and ferns. Edwards. Florist. 917 Wil- low Rd. Winnetka. 21LTN6-2tc FOR SALE CHEAP -- REMINGTON typewriter purchased last year; good order. Phone Wil. 718-W, 21LTN7-1tn 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- BROWN AND WHITE ghtinger spaniel puppy. Tel. Wil 24LT7-1te LOST--CHANGE PURSE CONTAINING door key and $10. Reward. Tel. brary . table: overstuffed chair. 389 Ridge Ave. Winn. 1651. 17T36-1te Winn. 2362. 24T36-1te LIP-READING CLASSES, TUESDAYS 2:30 p. m. at Elm Place School, High- land Park. Consult Mrs. W. P. John- son, 832 Waukegan Ave. Highland Park. - B0LTNG6-2tc Bil BUSINESS SERVICE HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Parlor, 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. . . 31TN17-tfe St. Francis Hospital in Annual Charities Appeal North Shore residents are receiving ithe annual appeal from Thrift House, 1240 Chicago avenue, Evanston, for contrubutions of used clothing, furni- ture, rugs, dishes, toys and other articles which are utilized in the charitable work conducted through St. Francis hospital. Mrs. Joseph Kutten, of Wilmette, is one of the leaders in sponsoring this worthy enterprise. Householders who are not in a posi- tion to deliver contributed articles to the Thrift House, are invited to call University 313 or 544 where delivery service will be provided. Girls' Club to Usher at Dramatic Production Members of the friendly committee of the Girls' club of New Trier High school will act as ushers at the per- formances of "A Thousand Years Ago," the play which is being presented tonight by the Dramatic club of the school. The girls will be dressed in Mandarin costumes and will sell 39 El == -- SHOW PLAYSHOP WORK North Shore Playwrighting Group Gives Excellent Program of Plays at Northwestern University By R.D. F. The Town and Gown Playshop of the School of Speech of Northwestern university is presenting three very charming and attractive plays at the Annie May Swift hall this week, This is the third year of the existence of the Town .and Gown Playshop, a dramatic club composed of members, of the drama class and whose purpose is the presentation of plays written by members of the class. Eugene Frost who came to North- western this fall deserves much credit as director of the plays. The first play "Nancy" by Martha Boyd Linn of Wilmette is presented with the follow- ing cast: Nancy, Isabel Carothers; Polly, Dorothy Tinley; Aunt Libby, Elizabeth Evenson; Grandma, Mrs. Edwin F. Pierce; Mrs. Elliot, Mrs. Robert D. Cunningham. The second play, "A Chopin Waltz," is written by Mrs. Samuel Sackett of Evanston and presented with the fol- lowing cast: Chopin, John Elliott; Madame Sand, Delia Crowder; So- lange, Marion Williams. Many will recognize in the third play the "Love of Pete," by Mrs. Bertha Burrill of Wilmette, the play with the Economy Shop as a setting, which was given at the Woman's club of Wil- mette a year ago in October. The play being presented this week, how- ever, has been re-written and the story changed a little. The cast is as fol- lows: Kitty, Burnette Vanderkloot; Emma, Louise Starkey; Peter, Leon McDonald ; Mrs. Bonelli, Velma Bissel ; Mrs. Haggerty, Beulah Larkin; Mrs. Ole Oleson, Beverly Brody; Yetta, Wilhelmina Loesh, Mrs. MacPhearson, Helen Kuehl; Tommy Bowning, Ber- nard Craven; Largo Johnson, Ralph Ball; Mrs. Smythe, Dorothy Beck; Nurse, Margaret Crippen. ~~ °° The Town and Gown Playshop has been very successful in giving their plays, 28 of which have been produced on the north shore and in the vicinity of Chicago, as well as in Arkansas, Nebraska, Ohio and Michigan. "Man Who Came Back" Next Forum Speaker * louis Victor Eytinge, known as the "man who came back," will be the speaker at the Chicago Forum in the Apollo theatre Sunday afternoon, No- vember 15. ; Mr. Eytinge, a highly successful member of the advertising profession has won a reputation for unqualifie integrity after serving 23 years m prison. His address will relate to the current crime problems. = % "Fifteen of those black years in pris- on", reads a comment, "were on a life term from which he was pardoned af- ter his innocence of the crime had been established. Try to measure that experience in your imagination. Now he is giving a large share of his time and thought to intensive study and exposition of the forces that make crime and criminals. Of course he had a lot of 'inside' knowledge of criminals, courts, juries, and prisons. And he can talk as few men can. This will be a dynamic meeting and will be one more wedge thrust into Chicago's crime problem." Several north shore leaders are as- sociated with the Forum in an offi- cial or advisory capacity. The Woman's guild of the Church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, will give a card party at the resi- dence of Mrs. Ira C. Darling of Ken- candy. Elizabeth Babcock, of Win- netka, is chairman of this committee. ilworth avenue, Wednesday afternoon, November 18, at 2 o'clock.

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