A i a Ss fatale MAL a at WINNETKA TALK November 21, 1925 2%] CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notice to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates-- 30 cents a line Average of five words to the line. 109% discount cn all eash with order advertisements when papers. CHARGE 50 cents. type used. 25 cents a line in any two in all three papers. MINIMUM No black face brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. { ; Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted 44 to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- WINNETKA RESI- For Sale dence, uniquely situated on 1% COUNTRY acres. Well-kept grounds; lying in § ROOM BRICK, 2 CAR GARAGE, triangle between Sheridan road, hot water heat, modern improve- Maple and Garland place. House ments, on lot 100x206, bargain, is nineteen years old but has been $11,500.00. 5 room frame bungalow, hot water heat, 3 car garage, on lot 132x660, terms, $15,000.00. WILMETTE 7 room Colonial, stucco, 4 bed rooms, all metal weather strips, on lot 50x176%, terms, $15,000.00. 7 room frame, on corner lot (250x185), 4 bedrooms, modern, bar- gain, $17,500.00. GLENCOE 5 room frame bungalow, on lot 50x145, garage; very good location; bargain--terms; $11,000.00. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Avenue Phone Wilmette 364 Wilmette, Illinois 1LTNS-1te GOOD INVESTMENTS FOR A QUICK SALE WE CAN OFFER a fine residential lot with building on, containing modern conveniences, ~ price $5,000. Wooded lot in Hubbard Woods, close to schools and station, $85 per ft. New 6 rm. Colonial; slpg. porch; 2 tile baths; water heat; garage; large lot; $20,500. Frederick B. Thomas & Co. Elm and Linden Winnetka 2350 1LTNS-1te 'North Shore Real Estate GLENCOE--5 ROOM BUNGALOW--- newly remodeled; two car gar. lot 50x215; 2 blks. to trans. Price $9,000--easy terms. VACANT Investment bargain -- Winnetka-- 240x125; per ft., $25. Homesite -- Winnetka -- 55x177; per ft, $52.50. E.E.StultsRealty Co 10 Carlton Annex Winn. 1800 1LTNS8-1te Insurance--I,0ans Surety Bonds F. Coleman Burroughs & Co. Realtors 1157 Wilmette Ave... Wilmette Phone Wilmette 640 1LTNS-1te S. E. WINNETKA BARGAIN 9 ROOM STUCCO; NEWLY DEC- orated; 5 bed rms.; 3 baths; 70x165 landscaped corner; best value on the North Shore. For quick sale, $25,000. E.E.StultsRealtyCo 10 Carlton Annex Winn. 1800 1LTNS-1te 58-FOOT LOT IN FINE LOCATION on west side; all improvements in and paid. 100 per front foot. Terms. Tel. Wilmette 1750. 1ILTNS-1te For Sale WINNETRA HOMES a : Jat VACANT P.W. BRADSTREET & CO. £ REAL ESTATE 788 Elm St, ne bigs. 162 sae a 1T37-1te "Ro exception- run, well ally kept up and is comfortable and easy to Large living room; heated sun porch; unheated sleeping porch; eight bedrooms; seven baths; two car garage; hot water heat. At the price of a much smaller place. Owner, Ayres Boal, 122 8S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 1T37-1te BIG BARGAIN 8-ROOM HOUSE; HOT WATER HEAT; large, wooded lot 100x274 in Glen- view Highlands subdivision on Wau- kegan road north of Lake avenue. For information call Charles Hausen, Kildare 9724. Chicago. 1TN37-1tp MUST SELL EAST WINNETKA--8 ROOM STUCCO; 4 bed rms. lot 100x165 well wooded and landscaped. Conv. to grade and high schools and sta. For details call E. E. Stultz Realty Company, excl. agents, Winnetka 1800. 1L/'NS8-1te GLENCOR NEW ENG. COLONIAL 8-RM. BRICK HSE; 2 BATHS; NOKOL ht.; toil. and lav. 1st; 2 car garage. Immense wooded lot; conv. to schs. and trans. In choice neighborhood. $26,000. Glencoe 381. 1LTNS8-1te FOR™~ SALE--2% ACRES; 3-ROOM house; brick veneer chicken-coop, 10x20; 18 fruit trees; 25 Lombardy poplars and hedging. On Locust street, west of Wilmette. Phone Wil. 3512. 1LTNS8-1te FOR SALE--AN ACRE AND 1-3 ON Hill road near Indiamr Hill golf club; at a bargain. H. Ward. Tel. Wil. 3041. 1LTN6-4tc FOR SALE OR RENT---NEW HOUSE 7 rms. near lake, golf and trans- portation; large lot; price $21,000. W. Otten, 96 County Line Rd., Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 433. 1LTN50-tfe LOT IN SOUTH SECTION OF WIL- mette; 50x244 ft.; $50 per ft. Call Wilmette 1750. 1LTNS-1te BEAUTIFUL LOT ON SHERIDAN road; 50x150 ft. Rare bargain. $185 front ft. For more information call Wilmette 1750. 1LTNS-1te 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--ALMOST NEW, 6-ROOM colonial in Hubbard Woods; h. w. heat; garage; sublease to April 30, 1927. Leaving town and will give liberal concession to responsible party. $150 a month. Phone Winn. 1544. 2LTNS-1te FOR RENT--HOUSE IN GLENCOE; Dutch colonial; 8 rms.; 4 bdrms.; h. w. heat; near school and transp.; garage. Call Glencoe 5. 2LTNS-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS North Evanston EASTW OOD APARTMENTS --ON EASTWOOD AT CENTRAL ST. CORNER, NOT COURT APTS. AC- CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. IN Evanston. 4's and 5's with extra beds, closets. Reasonable rents; 11 blks. to C & N. W.; 18 min. down- town. Sound-proof, large rooms; playrooms for children. No rear apts. Near public golf course. Own- er on premises. Phone Greenleaf 1919, 3L'TN50-tfe FOR RENT---2-ROOM FURNISHED apt. with private bath. Phone Wil. 3082. 3LTNS-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE"® WILMETTE INN UNDER NEW MAN- agement. Housekeeping furnished apartments; newly decorated; 1 single room. Call Wilmette 1868. 3LTS8-1te FOR RENT----JAN. 15 POSSESSION; 1st floor, heated apartment; 5 rooms; bath; large sun porch. Phone Wil- mette 3407. 3LTS8-1tp FOR RENT--KITCHENETTE APT. IN Franklin Bldg.; in-a-dor bed. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn. 62. 3LTN50-tfc FOR RENT--3 RMS. KITCHENETTE light hskpg. Phone Wilmette 2399. 3LTN50-tfe 3-ROOM FURNISHED Call Winn. 112, 3T37-1te FOR RENT -- flat; and garage. 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS RENT--FURNISHED transportation; Call Winn. 1820. 4LTNS8-1tc FOR convenient preferred. ROOM; woman WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE woman to take charge of general housework and cooking; with or without laundry; Shad house; «3 adults, 2 small children; refs. req. Phone Wil. 2576. 12TN37-1tc WANTED -- NURSE GIRL FOR 2 boys, 6 and 8, and to assist with light housework; home nights. Winn. 2283. 12T37-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; must be clean and good cook; small familys go home nights; ref. . Winn. 205. in 12T37-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; small house and family; go home nights; south Glencoe, near transp. Phone Winn. 2162. 12LTNS8-1te WANTED -- NURSE, COMPETENT, exp.; hospital training not neces- sary; 2 babies; no laundry; private room; good wages; German or Scandinavian preferred. Phone Winn. 682. 12LTNS8-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT50-tfe WANTED -- GOOD FLAIN COOK (white girl); must serve; references required; best of wages. Call Wil 2810. 12LTNS8-1tc FOR RENT -- LARGE ROOM, NEW- ly furnished; $10 a week; gentle- man only. Address Winn. Talk A-725. 4T37-1tp FURNISHED ROOM; FOR RENT -- near transp. Call Glen. 923. 4TN37-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED : ROOM; suitable for 2. Tel. Wil. 623. 4LTNS-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. 4T37-1te Phone Winn. 533-M. WANTED--EXP. GENERAL HOUSE- work girl; must be good cook; 3 in family; small house; good wages. Phone Winn. 1296. 12LTNS8-1te WANTED--WOMAN FOR COOKING and down stairs work; home nights; good wages; small house. Phone Winn. 753. 12LTNS8-1tp WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; permanent home; go south for winter. Glencoe 1166. 12LTNS8-1te 5° FOR RENT--SI'ORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT --- STORE NO. 1105 CEN- tral Ave., Wilmette. Fine location for shoe store. Phone Wil. 2399. S5LTN52-tfc FOR RENT--STORE NO. 4 IN CARL- ton Bldg. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winnetka 62. 5LTN52-tfe 6 FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT -- GARAGE; ONE BLOCK from Indian Hill depot. 51 Warwick Ave. Phone Winn. 1676. 6T37-1te FOR RENT--PRIVATE GARAGE, 978 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1686. 6T35-tfe FOR RENT -- GARAGE AT 656 LIN- coln Ave. Tel. Winn. 2045. 6T37-1te 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with housework; 4 adults in family. 333 Sunset Rd., Winnetka. 12LTNS8-1te WANTED -- WHITE WOMAN TO take home laundry; must call for and return. Refs. Tel. Winn. 2239. 12LTNS-1te AND FIRST WANTED -- COOK; floor work; white; wages $100.00 a month; must be experienced and have ref. Winn. 429. 12LTNS8-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WOMAN for general housework; no laundry; ref. required. Phone Winn. 1244, 12LTS8-1tc WANTED--MAID, WHITE, EXPERI- cnced; general housework; good cook; small family; near trans.; ref. Tel. Wilmette 84. 12LTNS8-1tp WANTED -- LAUNDRESS; WHITE; must have ref. Phone Winn. 429. 12LTNS8-1tc WANTED -- EXP. FURNACE AND outside housework man (white) in exchange for 5-room flat in fine ga- rage; time for other work. Ref. req. Address Winn. Talk A-727. 11T37-1te a --.- 12 HELP WANTED--FEYMALIL "ELEPHONE OPERATING-- IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES; VACATION WITH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELEPHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT OVER WITH THE CHIEF OPERATOR. 740 ELM STREET, WINNETKA. 12T27-tfe WANTED---WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; must be good nlain cook; no washing; bungalow. Phone Glencoe 440. 12L/PNS-1tc | WANTED ---- EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework; good wages. Call Wil. 612. 12LTNS8-1te VANTED--WHITE GIRL TO TAKE' care of boy 21% years old from 2-5 .. m. Tel. Winn. 2239. 12LTNS-1tc VANTED -- COMPETENT GIRL FOR veneral housework; no washing. "all Winn. 1888, 12L/TNS8-1tc 4 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- COUPLE; WOMAN FOR gen. housework; (no washing); have own quarters including bedroom, living room and bath. Tel. Glencoe 440. 13LTNS8-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--CHAUFFEUR; will do inside work also. Address Wil. Life A-722. 14LTNS8-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- RELIABLE chauffeur; ref. Univ. 3434-W, 14L TNS-1te 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING to take home; exp. laundress. Will call for and deliver. Wil. 834-J. 15LTNS8-1te AMERICAN DRESSMAKER SPECIAL- izes in working for young married ladies and girls in their homes; also understands making all kinds of curtains and draperies. Best Winn. ref. P. O. Box 117, Evanston. 15TN37-1tp WANTED -- IRONING AND CLEAN- ing; col.; exp. Univ. 1487. © 15LTS8-1tp