14 WINNETKA TALK November 28, 1925 MacDowell Society Reports Big Growth in Its Membership The North Shore MacDowell society held a delightful meeting Monday, No- vember 23, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Pope of Glencoe. Frank Ambler, president, reported that there have been seventy six new members enrolled since the last meet- ing, making a total of 229 members. After explaining something of the meaning and purpose of the art colony at Petersboro, he introduced the artists ot the evening. Helen Abbott Byfield gave charming groups of songs, including "Sally in Our Alley," the "Little Shepherd Song," and a group of negro spirituals. Ruth Sawyer, a well known authority on folk lore, told an Irish Folk story, a negro tale of Simon Peter, and a French Fable "Le Jongleur of Notre Dame." Her beautiful voice and artistry made the evening a memorable one for her audience. The North Shore MacDowell so- ciety is not to be confused with the Winnetka MacDowell society which changed its name last year to the Win- netka Music club. Next Concert in All-Star Series Given December 8. The next artist of note to appear in Highland Park in the All-Star artists series held under auspices of the Com- munity Music committee, will be Renee Chemet, one of the famous violinists, who will make her appearance Tues- day evening, December 8, at the Elm Place auditorium. Music partons of Highland Park and the vicinity are afforded opportunities of hearing these great artists brought to the north shore by a civic enterprise. Tickets for the four remaining con- certs may be obtained from Pratt's United store, 39 S. St. John's place, or through the members of the com- mittee, Mrs. Arthur Byfield, Mrs. Charles Pardee, Mrs. E. F. Nolting, and Mrs. David Thomas, all of High- land Park. 5%% Money Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban residence property at 5% % in- terest. See us on renewals E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 High School Girls Start Annual Red Cross Drive The yearly Red Cross subscription campaign, now in progress in the north shore villages, began this week at New Trier High school. This year the drive, under the auspices of the charity committee of the girls' club, will last only one week at New Trier. The committee, of which Louise Clabough is chairman, is composed of Marian Wolf, Alison Klock, Jane Philbrick, Jane Babcock, Alice En- The Horner Piano Co., is the only authorized ZENITH Agency in Evanston. A complete line of high grade Radio Sets and ac- cessories. Horner Piano Co. Established 1907 1521 Sherman Ave. at Grove St. "HORNER'S CORNER" Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Greenleaf 464 Luggage and accessories of leather always have been most acceptable as gifts. 28 E. ST. NEW YORK . EST. 1850 CHICAGO Estab. 1859 Eleanor | carried on through the adviser rooms right, Bernice Abrahamson, Thayer, Catherine Bickham, Jean [but the headquarters are at the desk Watson, Marjory Evers and Betty |in the front hall at which different Webster. members of the charity committee The membership drive will not be | preside. rors ATL eu! a eh 10 ! A 0 Cooking and Baking or fore 4 MG . . . From ry This Delicate Tempting 200¢ sery gy 0 HU100 10g" 100 3g pg Flavor Scientists and famous cooks agree that there is no REAL substitute for pure cream butter. The sci- entists say: "Butter has precious vitamines that no substitute can claim." Famous cooks say: '"But- ter gives a delicate tempting flavor that only butter can give." BOWMAN'S butter is made only from sweet pasteurized cream. It is offered to you as the highest example of experienced buttermak- ers' art, Try a Pound Today It is delivered FRESH from our Clean, White Wagons DAIRY COMPANY Butter / re WHEN YOU SEE N illes Trucks : WILMETTE 333 on the streets-- 1 Wl Ew Place Yous Std Xo¥ they immediately bring to the mind TR VORTHBROOK a oe servic of the observer the feeling of con- accompanies each or- der, large or small. fidence, This is indeed a wonderful asset to the organization behind them. CC & MCe UNIVERSITY 5200 strength and reliability. i RAL v2 CENT COAL & MATERIAL There's one of our Coal Stations Near You CO. SN a R