14 WINNETKA TALK December 5, 1925 ARRANGE XMAS PARTY Ouilmette Knights of Columbus An- nounce Holiday Fete for December 28; Budinger is Committee Chairman Quilmette Council of the Knights of Columbus is making extensive plans for a galla event in the form of a Christmas party to be held Monday evening, December 28, at the Wilmette Woman's club. It is expected 10 make this the leading holiday social event in local Catholic circles and the party will be the first of annual Christmas parties which the Knights of Columbus will give to extend their greeting at this time of the year to members and their friends. While the party which will consist of bridge, dancing and appropriate Christmas novelties is not being given in anticipation of making any pro'i, proceeds in excess of expenses will be turned into a charity fund. Through- out the past year, Ouilmette council has been building up a Christmas Charity fund which will be used to help warm the hearts and give cheer to the needy children, their mothers and daddies during the 1925 Christmas season. The general committee in charge of the Christmas party consists of W. G. Obermeier, Mrs. Charles A. Broad, Mrs. Peter Heine, F. J. Kreusch, R. E. McKay and F. J. Budinger, chair- man. This committee is being ac- tuated by a desire to make this first annual Christmas party such that in future years it will be considered an event second only to Christmas and New Year's in which Knights of Columbus and their friends plan par- ticipation during the holiday season. The committee urges the entire council membership to be present at the next regular meeting Tuesday, December 8, at the lodge hall, at which time a special message regarding the party will be delivered to all. The usual en- tertainment and refreshments will fol- low the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips R. Deily of 948 Willow road, have been receiving the congratulations of their friends upon the birth of a daughter, Geraldine, at the Evanston hospital, Sunday, No- vember 22. Mrs. Deily returned to her home Wednesday. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Paul MacClintock of Chicago came out to Winnetka to at- tend the Tenney-Cheney dance at the Winnetka Woman's club Friday night, and remained to spend the week-end with Mrs. MacClintock's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Gree- ley of 655 Maple avenue. ---- Mrs. Daniel Noe of 1432 Asbury ave- nue, was hostess at a bridge party Thursday evening in honor of her house guest, Miss Dorothy Pape of New York. ---- Mrs. Charles Weeks, who is spend- ing the winter at the Orrington hotel, entertained at luncheon and bridge Thursday. Builders to Give Dance at Edgewater Beach Hotel The semi-annual informal dance of the Tri-Chapter, Order of the Build- ers will be given on Saturday eve- ning, December 5, at the Edgewater Beach hotel, by the Edgewater, North Shore and Parkwood chapters. Dan Russo and Ted Fiorito, with their twelve-piece orchestra. the popu- lar radio favorites, will furnish the music. The arrangements of the in- formal are in charge of a most effi- cient committee, with Arthur R. Petrie, district deputy of 7224 Ridge boulevard, as chairman in chief. ROTARY PLANS XMAS PARTY Members of the Winnetka Rotary club have been invited to join with Wilmette Rotarians in the celebration of a Christmas party at the Ouilmette Country club Wednesday, December 23. The occasion is the regular meet- ing time of the Wilmette club and the luncheon will take on the nature of a regular Christmas fete. WY) Phone Winnetka 933 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT With The Comfort Shop for your MARCEL AND WATER WAVING . FACIAL AND SCALP TREATMENT SHAMPOO AND MANICURE EXPERT HAIRCUTTING for WOMEN AND THE CHILDREN Miss Jennie Anderson "Mrs. Chas. Stromgren" Meyer Bank Bldg. 797 Elm St. Winn. 933 Slate and Tile Roofing Sheet Metal Work Slate Walks and Terraces Interior or Exterior A real saving!-- Exide's low price makes this world-famous battery easy on your pocket-book. And it is high- powered and long-lived. Starting, Lighting, and Ignition Work WINNETKA EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE Opposite Winnetka Post Office Winnetka 1387 552-554 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA TIME AND TROUBLE MUST BE COUNTED IN THE COST! WILLIAM L. WENTE ho: od w= Phone Winn. 225 $74 Center St. Habbard Woods PETERS MARKET Phone Winnetka 920-21-22 Wait a minute, Happy, and I'll go with you, and let's have a fish dinner to-night for a change. PETERS MARKET have a fine as- sortment of fresh fish just received this morning and I am all set for broiled white fish. I must hurry over to the market, Careful, and get some meat for dinner, but it's a job to decide what to have. I wish somebody would discover a variety of meat. new