se WINNETKA TALK December 26, 1925 LEE SAYS: i CHRISTMAS candlelights ARE gleaming and in the GLOW of this Christmas EVENING, retrospection BRINGS bright reflections OF THOSE happiest days at CHRISTMAS when we were KIDS, and along with all THOSE wonderful memories WE shall cherish and } TREASURE always these days £ BEFORE Christmas here in . WINNETKA, when we stood To Wish You by ASSISTING as She selected A Merry Christmas! SER OF doe pio 3 15 J . HIS gift for Her, and 43 MOTHER and Father their i GIFTS for the children, 3 AND the Kiddies their GIFTS for Mother and Dad, AND it has all filled our CC o---- A a ------------ 3) on } HRISTMAS AGAIN! The most joy- HEART with gladness to ' 1 ous time of all the year. A time for SHARE this little part in 1 happiness. A time for pleasure. A time for YOUR happiness, and we % cheer. THANK you for this genuine ' 4 Winnetka as a community has much to be PLEASURE, and our greatest Pa merry about in this Yuletide Season. In WISH is that these gitts £ every home there will be the gladness of Christmas--in some homes the joyousness of festivity; in some the cheer of remaining not unforgotten by the busy, hurrying WILL give and keep giving BOTH giver and recipient a MERRY CHRISTMAS now, world. and , % THROUGHOUT the entire To one and all the Winnetka Trust and NEW YEAR. Savings Bank extends best wishes for the season -- and may yours be a Very Merry and Bountiful Christmas! WINNETKA ADAMS TRUST and SAVINGS PHARMACY BA NK The Rexall store Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2- Elm Street £ HERI LEN