bay, on ald TT WINNETKA TALK January 2, 1926 DUNCAN STUDIOS (Shop of Elizabeth and Arthur Duncan) 815 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. We have timed the arrival of our importations so that there is now at your disposal a compre- hensive selection of our unusual merchandise; ob- jects for use and decoration of your homes. ANNOUNCEMENT To make way for new merchandise we are offer- ing, beginning Monday, Jan. 4th, a discount on all Pottery, Crystal, Linen, Wrought Iron, Brass and Furniture. Our interior decorating department is fully equipped to meet all demands and at present is dis- playing some new and distinctive fabrics. The Best Wishes for the Coming New Year To our friends on the north shore, we wish to express our sincere appreciation for your . patronage during the past, and hope for its continuance during the coming year. In this spirit we extend our sincere wishes for a Happy and Prosper- ous New Year. G. C. Scheibe, 1. GROCERY AND MARKET 456-58 Winnetka Ave,, Indian Hill Phone Winnetka 2525-26-27-28 Campfire Girls The food sale held December 12th by the Camp Fire Girls of Winnetka proved a huge success. Its object was to raise a general fund for the up-keep of this organization. Honors were awarded to the girls having the most attractive tables, as well as to the group having the greatest percentage of members present. The "Litshui" group, whose guardian is Miss Spanglr, held a Christmas party in conjunction with a Ceremonial prac- tice December 17. Miss Ogan's group led the singing of the Christmas carols on the Village Green Christmas Eve. The '""Tatapochons," whose leader is Miss V. Ratcliffe, gave a Christmas dinner to a poor family. This is repe- tition of a kindness they performed on Thanksgiving Day. Miss McIntyre and her group, the "Wansichets" spread a bit of cheer by dressing 25 dolls and distributing them at the Children's Memorial hospital. The Tohehas, a group led by Miss Walsh, gave a Christmas party for a number of unfortunate children Wed- nesday, December 23. Mrs. Evelyn L. Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Brooke, and Miss Evelyn Brooke expected to return to Winnetka from their annual wacation at Sa- breeze, Fla, in time to welcome in the New Year. ---- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Doyle, 680 Locust street, are entertaining at bridge on New Year's eve. ---- Mrs. George F. Suker, 1028 Starr road, is giving a dancing and bridge party New Year's eve. Yacht Club Names Officers for New Year; Tells Plans Charles E. Galloway has been re- elected commodore at the annual meet- ing and dinner of the Sheridan Shore Yatch club in Wilmette harbor. Other officers are: Harold Elliott, vice-com- modore; Max Hayford, rear-commo- dore; Paul Date, secretary, and Louis Goss, treasurer. Kingsley Rice and Richard Muri- son were elected as directors for the coming year. It was announced that two new star boats would be added to the club's racing fleet next year, making the total of craft which race every Saturday af- ternoon during the summer season, weather permitting, total ten. Last seasons races were declared most successful and interesting at the meeting, and plans were laid for an even busier season in 1926. Movies of national and international yatch races were shown at the dinner. It was decided to limit the membership of the club for the ensuing year. Miss Harriot P. Houghteling and Miss Leila Houghteling have closed their home here and are passing the winter in town with Mrs. Hermon Beardsley Butler. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Houghteling are occupying their sisters' home in Winnetka. eve Dp Mrs. W. J. Huddle, 794 Rosewood avenue, has as her guests over New Year's, her brother, Dr. George A. Warfield, dean of the School of Com- merce of the University of Denver, and Miss Harriett Smith, of Rockford, IIL. You Want? possible source of profit. want the same goods. 985 Linden Ave. 372 Hazel Ave. Glencoe 951 Do We Have in Stock the Merchandise We realize that as purchasing agents of hardware for this com- munity it's our job to have in stock the merchandise you want, when you want it. Otherwise, we inconvenience you, and lose a A Real Job Consequently we try to have in stock, at all times, the goods you'll want, reasonably priced. This is a real job, and keeps us busy doing it as nearly 100% as is humanly possible. Once in a while we fall down; we wouldn't be human if we didn't. If such an instance happens to you, we hope you'll come to us personally and tell us about it. You'll be doing us a service and also helping others who may Yours for Service Wm. Edwards & Son HARDWARE Phone Winnetka 970 We Have! Hubbard Woods Just West of Masonic Temple do ( 0% Wot