January 9, 1926 WINNETKA TALK p ig Dy UR FALL Gay: GY gs nods amy : 5 A TWO STORES ing Saturday, January 16th This sale will be held simultaneously at our Hubbard Woods and Winnetka Stores, 930 Linden St. and 800-802 Elm street, respectively. Customers are not limited as to quantity, but because of the unusually advan- tageous prices offered, we ask your co-operation in the early completion of the Bed Spread Specials Crinkled Art Silk Spreads, size 80x108 at $6.95 "Pequot" Sheets 90x108 81x108 72x108 CHOICE PEQUOT BRIDAL CASES 45x36 Pillow Cases, each 42c¢ 36 inch Bleached "Bridal" Lingerie Cloth, yd 21c¢ 36 inch Bleached Long Cloth, yd. ................ 19¢ 36 inch Bleached Nainsook, Berkley brand, yd... 21¢ 36 inch Bleached extra fine Nainsook, yd. ar... 29c¢ "BRIDAL" BLEACHED SHEETING 72 inch wide 81 inch wide g9o inch wide "Bridal" Linen Finish Tubing 42 inch, per yard MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS 45 inch, per yard 39 100 dozn, colored woven bor- TABLE LINENS ders, 25c values, sale price, Fine Damask table linens in attractive designs. Size 68x68 Size 68x86 MEN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY Plaids and stripes, sizes 10 to 11%, pair LINGERIE CLOTH White Striped Satin Charmeuse, 3 boxes for yard wide, per yd. ..... 42c R. H. SCHELL 800-02 Elm St. 931 Linden St. WINNETKA HUBBARD WOODS Department Store Merchandise White Ripplette Spreads, 81x108 scalloped square at 72x108 63x108 63x99 other sizes priced proportionately. BLACK HAWK . 45x36 Pillow Cases, each, 29c¢ 36 inch Unbleachd standard weight Muslin, yd. 36 inch Bleached Cheesecloth, firm and uniform con- struction, yard BOYS' HANDKERCHIEFS Colored Woven Borders, WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS 100 dozen pure linen, wide range of patterns, 8 for $1.00 WOOL GAUNTLETS Women's and Misses' $1 bleached, standard MEN'S GLOVES weight Leather palm, canvas back, 25¢ & CO. 54x76 (full bed size) $2.95 39x76 (twin bed size) $2.25 Phone 900-901 Phone 111