January 9, 1926 WINNETKA TALK ['elephone January Sales Ridge Suits and O'Coats Always Sold for $40 $33.50 Ridge 2-Trouser Suits and Overcoats built to a standard, sold the year round for $40-- in the January Sales for $33.50. English Models, favored fabrics and designs. Boys' 4-Piece Sheridan Suits Regularly $15, now $12.50 They have golf knickers and vest. English cut models that boys like for looks and mothers prefer for economy. Third Floor Sale of Manhattan and Kingly Shirts $2.35 The standard of shirt per- fection--Kingly and Manhat- tan $3.00 shirts in this sale, $2.35. Men's Winter Underwear, $2.65 First Floor $15 Smart Dresses Are Now and $29.75 Dresses for every occasion--dresses of definite charm and chic--every one of- fering marked savings in the January Sales--all in three great groups. See them and you will admire them. Women's Skirts $4.95 $5.95 $7.95 Pleated and wrap-around models in yhaee IRROS enberg Evanston--Davis Street at the "L" 'The January Sales Bring but Once-a-Year Savings The January Sales, looked forward to as the greatest buying oppor- tunity of the whole year, bring to you a store full of fine merchandise at heretofore unknown prices.. It's the one time of all the year to save, and save tremendously, on all those things you will need for the coming months. Visit the store; we mention but a few values here in the January Sales of Women's Coats--W omen's Dresses--Girls' Coats Girls' Dresses--Notions Blankets--W ash Frocks--Lingerie Men's Suits--Men's Overcoats--Boys' Suits 500 Apron Dresses 88¢ Fresh new frocks in charming styles of gingham and prints, offered at a special January Sales price. Chemise and Gowns of Crepe de Chine $5 Scores of charming models trimmed with laces and ribbons. Spe- cial for the January Sales, each, $s. Silk Chemise $2.79 A feature offering! You'll glory in their love- liness. Sale Silk Negligees, $12.95 West Room -- Second Floor 6 to 14 years. prices--plainly choose now. $5.75 January Sales of Children's Coats and $21.75 All wool coats warmly inter- lined; many fur trimmed; sizes Smart and youth- ful models at special January Sales of Sale Girls' Dresses Women's Low Shoes Black calfskin, satin, patent and tan calfskin shoes of smart lines; special in the Jan- $6 45 vary Sales, pair. . Fine Silk Hose, 75¢ Plain and clocked hose in short lines and odd lots, that sold to $1.69; slightly imperfect. Stamped Dresses, $1 Chambray dresses in four pretty de- signs and colors--rose, tan, green and lavender. Carter's Union Suits Women's union suits in ankle and knee length styles, with or with- pew $1.48 68x80 Plaid Blankets Part wool blankets that are wonderfully warm. Regu- $4 05 lar $6.50 values, pair at. . * | Ruffled Curtains, 25% off January Sales of App Winter's Modish Coats For Women and Misses --Sharply Reduced $18.75 $25 $45 January is wise to and various lines. $7.95 $85 $100 Our entire stock of Coats for winter wear goes into this notable January Smart models sponsored by Paris that will definitely compliment the wearer in their individual weaves Fur trimmed with krimmer, fitch, squirrel, opossum, raccoon, wolf and » -- University 2400 Rogers P'k 2775 January Sales Rosecrest Sheets Better quality sheets made expressly for Rosenberg's and offers at special January Sales' prices. ar $2.10 ns $1.95 ae $1.80 ..31.05 Cases: 42x36 inch, 45¢ 45x36 inch, 50¢ January Sale of Pequot Sheets ne $1.95 fe $1.80 laa $1.65 ae, $1.80 Cases: 42x36 inch, 45¢ 45x36 inch, 50c¢ 81x99 Sheets Evenly woven, full bleached, 1 heets, Emin steris 4139 Turkish Towels 22x44--39c Marvel Pillowcases 46 and 42x36--6 for $2.00 Second Floor arel $65 $9.75 $15 sand, brown, grey and combinations. Suede Sports Jackets, $5.95 For the Outdoors Woman DELIVERIES fox: sizes for women and misses-- A fine new dress is now no five great groups at worthwhile sav- longer a matter of expense. ings! Choose in this great grouping a at these reduced prices. T.0 THE Women's Apparel--Second Floor NORTH SHORE DAILY