January 9, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- SOMEONE to handle mangle in home; laundry work; must qualify; short hours and good pay. Phone Winn. 2420. 12LTN15-1te WANTED CAPABLE, RELIABLE woman from 8 to 1 daily; help with COMPETENT children school age, housework, mending. Tel. Winn. 2436, 12LTN15-1te WANTED -- WHITE WOMAN FOR general housework; good cook, will- ing, clean and orderly; small family. Phone Glen. 1027. 12LTN15-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; good home; expe- rience not necessary. Winn. 2325. 12LTN15-1te WARM, COMFORTABLE ROOM IN exchange for care of child after school and evenings. Winn. 1909. 12LTN15-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL TO HELP with housework and care of chil- dren; no washing; references. Phone Winnetka 105. 12LTN15-1te WANTED -- GIRL OR WOMAN TO help in kitchen. Lilac Tea Room, 576 Lincoln Ave. Tel, Winn. 1820. 12LTN15-1te 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS AM LEAVING TOWN, WOULD LIKE to place my 2d maid; can recom- mend her. Call Univ. 2880. 15LTN15-1te Johanna B. Andersen Dressmaking and Coats 4 Prouty Annex Winnetka 15T44-1tp 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- MARRIED couple (col.); exp. as cook and but- ler; 1st class refs. Phone Kenwood 9274. 16L TN15-1tp 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- SOLID MAH. SCHOLLE, 64-inch, living-room table, $35; solid mah.; 5 foot, Hi-Boy, $45; over- stuffed tapestry living-room chair, $20; large, blue velvet, overstuffed davenport with linen cover, $40; baby buggy, $10; Milgrim Covert cloth ladies suit, size 36, $25. Call Sunday A. M. from 10-12, 558 Arbor Vitae road. 17T44-1tp FOR SALE SIMPLEX MANGLE; child's bicycle and high chair; velour couch; Steinway Grand, style B; Vu- dor shades Tel. Glen 805. 17LTN15-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL AS GEN- eral help; small family; good home. Tel. Wilmette 2483 12LTN15-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR cooking and first floor work. Phone Winn. 2265. 12LTN15-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; small family. Tel. Wil. 3577. 12LTN15-1te WANTED WHITE LAUNDRESS; references required. Phone Winn. 429. 2LTN15-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Tel. Winn. 2557. 12LTN15-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED COUPLE, HOUSEMAN and cook (white); small house; 3 in family. Tel. Glencoe 841. 13LTN15-1te FOR SALE water heater; RIND STONE; COAL Two 3% size beds and springs; small buffet, sideboard. Phone Winn. 1236. 17T44-1tc FOR SALE -- KITCHEN RANGE, coal or wood, six holes, excellent condition; also small gas stove. Phone Winnetka 915. 17TN44-1te FOR SALE -- ROYAL VACUUM cleaner, practically new, very rea- sonable. Phone Winn. 1205. 17LTN15-1te FOR SALE -- FURNITURE. CALL AT 1027 Spruce street. Tel. Winn. 855. TITN44-1te 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY-- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 1SLTN11-tfe 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR (colored); A-1 city ref.; careful driver; 12 yrs. exp. in private fam- ily. E. Miller. Atlantic 3880. 14LTN15-1tp SIT. WTD. EXPERIENCED aly wants housework, furnaces, steady work. Phone Winn. 557- R 14T44-1tp SITUATION WTD. --COLORED MAN; cleaning by day; best of refs. Call 'George Fairfax, Douglas 8603 eves. 14LTN15-1te SITUATION WTD--RELIABLE COL. man; good houseman, plain cook; or day work. Call Glen. 639. 14LT15-1tp EE -------------- 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--WILL DO HOUSE- work in the mornings; also family washing done at home. Phone Winn, 1867. 15T43- 2te N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1633 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy-Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily, Tues., Thurs. Sat., 8 P. M. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212. 18T42-tfc WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--GOOD HOMES FOR 3 FE- male puppies. Phone Winn. 243, 19LTN15-1te AUTOMOBILES For Sale--Used Cars DEMONSTRATION GLADLY GIVEN. No obligation to buy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN15-1te 19 SITUATION WTD--COL. GIRL AS IND maid or for gen. hswk.; exp.; refs. Call Univ. 5711. 15LT15-1tp SITUATION WTD -- DAY WORK, cleaning or laundry, for 3 days a week. Address Wil. Life A-750. 15LT15-1tp EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE open for case January 15. $25-335 per week. Phone Euclid 4090-W. 15LTN15-1tp SIT. WTD. -- EXPERIENCED WHITE laundress wants work for Monday and Tuesday. Phone Winn. 2655. 15T44-1tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND alterations call Miss Carlsten. Winn. 416. 15T32-tfc Rent-A-Car, U Drive Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN15-1tc WILLS ST. CLAIRE BEAUTIFUL sedan, 6 cyl.; brand new. Best offer this week takes it. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winnetka 165. 20LTN15-1tc SALESMAN FOR ONE OF THE BEST oil burners on the market is inter- ested in trading an oil burner for used car, or would consider new car, This is a bona fide advertise- ment for the purpose of making a trade. Address Winn. Talk A-752. 21TN44-1tp RADIO SET FOR SALE--FOUR TUBE Browning-Drake Circuit; 1,000-mile radius on a loud speaker; very se- lective and good tone; dry cell op- eration. Set with tubes and bat- teries, $50.00. Call Winnetka 1682. 21T44-1tc 32 KENNELS FOR SALE -- PEDIGREED POLICE pup, 11 weeks old. Phone Univ. 2067-J. 33LTN15-1tp 31 BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE -- LARGE SIZB VELOCI- pede for 6 or 7 years old child; pneumatic dress form; nursery ice box; parrot cage. Phone Winn. 239. 21T44-1te FOR SALE--TROMBONE IN VERY good condition; reasonable. suitable for use in high school band. Tel. Wilmette 763-M 21LTN14-1tp FOR SALE--PAIR OF GIRL'S FANCY ice-skates, Lady Charlotte model, shoe size 4; reasonable. Tel. Wil- mette 763-M. 21LTN15-1tp FOR SALE -- IN MEMORIAL CEME- tery a 4 grave lot located in Section D, No. 137. Phone Winn. 1136. 21T44-1tc FOR SALE -- VICTROLA, IN UN- usual condition, with 20 records, $40. Phone Winn. 1589. 21LTN15-1te FOR SALE -- WILCOX AND GIBBS Sewing Machine; good condition. Phone Winn. 243. 21LTN15-1tc 23 PERSONAL FOR SALE--LIMITED NUMBER OF memberships in old established semi-public golf club on nearby north shore. Price to desirable par- ties for immediate sale, $100; dues $25. Address Wil. Life A-T44. 23LTN15-2te LOST AND FOUND 24 LOST -- BLACK VEIL ON WILMETTE or Central avenues, 10:30 a. m. Dec. 31. Finder please return to 1006 Central ave., Wilmette and get re- ward. 24LTN15-1te LOST -- NEAR HUBBARD WOODS Station, small blue change purse containing money. Finder Call Winnetka 488. 24T44-1tc LOST -- A PEARL NECKLACE IN Wilmette or Winnetka, Dec. 30. Finder please Call. Winn. 624. 24T44-1tc 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE Wilmette Upholstery Shop ATTENTION! FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERING DONE at your home or at my shop. Prices reas. Work guaranteed. 3 Electric Place. Tel. Wilmette 296. 27TN15-1tp NORTH SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE CLEANING CO. 10 Prouty Annex. Winnetka 1994 27T38-tfe A is 28 PIANO TUNING HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED FOR the New Year. Prices reduced for January. IL. W. Foster, 625 Park Ave.,, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 908-M. 28LTN13-tfc 30 TUTORING FRENCH--BY TEACHER OF EXPE- rience in European and American schools. Senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward high school students. Conversation for adults and children. Terms on application. Miss F. B. Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd. Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. 30LTN15-1te FOR SALE -- TUDOR FORD, NEAR- ly new, many extras. Owner M. A. Stockley or see at Hanson Motor Co., Winnetka. 20T44-1tc FOR SALE -- CHEVROLET ROAD- ster; winter enclosure. For imme- diate sale, $30. Phone Winn. 915. 20TN44-1tc ~ SIT. WTD. -- LAUNDY WORK AND . cleaning; white woman; references. Phone Winn. 2627. 15T44-1tp FOR SALE -- DODGE TOURING CAR. Brand new battery. Always runs. Cheap. Call Winn. 1755. 20TN44-1tc WANTED -- WASHING. WILL CALL FOR SALE--MODEL 50, 5 PASS.OPEN Nursery School Vacancy THERE IS A VACANCY IN THE Community Nursery School this sem- ester. Hours 9-12, Ages 2%-5. Tel. Winnetka 2560. 30T44-1tc 32 KENNELS i FOR SALE --DOBERMANNPINSCHER puppies, one male and one female; 8 weeks old. Phone Glencoe. 197 or call at 659 Valley road. 32TN44-1tc and deliver same. Tel. Glencoe 796. Haynes, extras, $150. Phone Wil. 5 15TN44-1tc 2357 evenings. 20LTN15-tfc SITUATION WTD -- MAID oR WANTED--OLD AUTOS AND ELEC- | FOR SALE--CHEAP--MIXED COLLIE mother's helper; exp.; sewing an trics; any condition. Univ. 1986 or puppies. 384 Hawthorn Lane. Phone mending. Tel. Wil. 1550. 15LT15- al Univ. 4125. 20LTN10-tfc Winnetka 969. 32LTNI15-1tc North Shore Taxi Service Has received 2 additional cabs en- abling them to take care of orders promptly. Telephone Winnetka 911 31T44-1te Dr. Elmer E. Lampert ORTHODONTIST Chicago Office--Field Annex Building « Winnetka Office Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank Bldg. Phone Winn. 1211 31LTN14-tfc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 34 BEAUTY PARLOR FOR RENT IN one of the North Shore towns North of Winnetka. Money maker for right party. Address Winn. Talk A-753. 34TN44-1tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 404600. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THAT the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement be made within the Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illi- nois, as follows: that Fig Street be improved from Rosewood Avenue west to Hibbard Road, by condemning therefor the south thirty-three (33) feet of Lot Five (5) in Block Ten (10) in the County Clerk's Division of the southwest quarter of Section Seven- teen (17) in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, together with the buildings thereon, and by improving the said portion of Fig Street when so widened by clearing, grubbing, grading, preparing subgrade, draining, hand raking parkways, constructing brick masonry manhole catch basins, constructing vitrified tile pipe drains, and connections to the present storm sewer drains and wood culverts, and by paving with boiler cinders in said Fig Street a roadway sixteen (16) feet in width, including street returns at Laurel Avenue and Burr Avenue, in- cluding the cost of engineering serv- ices and all labor, materials and other expenses necessary to construct said proposed local improvement, all in the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, and also what feal estate will be benefited by such improvement, and the amount of such benefit to each parcel of land assessed, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said Village havin applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for the ascertainment of the just compensation to be paid for the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land, including all buildings and other structures located thereon, to be taken or damaged in the making of said im- provement, and for an assessment for the cost of said improvement, accord- ing to the benefits, and a report and recast assessment roll having been made and returned to the said Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, and designated General Number 404600, the final hearing thereon will be held on the twenty-fifth day of January, A. D. 1926, or as soon thereafter as the busi- ness of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objec- tions in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. The ordinance for said improvement provides for the collection of said assessment in five (5) annual installments with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Hiinois, | this eighth day of January, A D. 1926. HARRY I. ORWIG, Commissioners appointed by the Su- perior Court of Cook County, Illi- nois to make said Report and As- sessment Roll. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. : T44-2tc Mrs. Harry Mess of Pine street, io, with her daughter, Mary, has been spending a few days in Michigan at her mother's home, is returning to Winnetka the end of this week.