|= WINNETK A TALK January 9, 1926 Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton, uncle and aunt of Mrs. Lincoln Pacey of Ash street, who were her guests for the holiday season, returned to their home in Patterson. Ill, this week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Pacey entertained 17 guests at a family dinner party last Miss Helen Dean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dean of Hinsdale, form- erly of Winnetka, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Cary- Curr of 1051 Spruce street. Miss Dean was a guest at a number of affairs giv- en in the village for the young college Zeta Beta Tau Holds Its First American Conclave Zeta Beta Tau, the oldest Jewish in- ternational college fraternity, held its annual convention December 29-31 at Sunday. set. ZI p= innetha tongregational Church January 13th. January 17th. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Rev. James Austin Richards. "The Glad Heart." 11:00 A. M. Young Peoples service of Wor- January 20th. "Where two or three are gath- ered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Sunday, January 10th 9:30 and 10:20 A. M. Church School. ship. Sermon by Rev. J. W. F. Davies. "Jonah and 1926." Mrs. Thomas A. Goodwin. for Mr. Goodwin. Sermon by Parish reception for Mr. and Special service of recognition Annual Dinner of the Church. We may live science, ing? Montreal, the first time it has met on American soil. McGill University as host showed the visiting delegates what Jewish graduates and students are doing in Canada. There were two business sessions at which prominent Canadian and Ameri- gram of social and amusement affairs featured a New Year's Eve ball and a number of sport events on ice. A number of the older Jewish college men in Winnetka are keenly interested in this movement, it is explained. Fred Richardsons, Sr., to Winter in Pasadena Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Richardson, Sr., 261 Scott avenue, Glencoe, left for Pasadena, California, Tuesday of this week. Mr. Richardson is owner of Richardson's garage on Elm street. The Richardsons expect to spend three months in California, where they will visit Mr. Richardson's brother in Pasa- dena. CAMP FIRE NOTES Miss Judith Walsh's group dressed dolls with Miss Amy Macintyre's group for Children's Memorial at Christmas time. Miss Virginia Ogan's group took a dinner and some gifts to a family west of Wilmette as their Christmas con- tribution. READS PLAY "The Skeleton in the Closet," written by Mrs. Lulu Warmington, formerly a resident of Winnetka, and given re- cently in Ravinia, was read by Mrs. E. J. Sherwin of Glencoe at the meet- ing of the Friends in Council of Ev- anston held Friday at the Orrington hotel. CARD CIRCLE TO MEET The Glencoe Card Party circle will be entertained by Mrs. A. H. Mill- ward of 225 Sylvan road, Glencoe, at the Sacred Heart hall, Wednesday af- "We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without heart, We may live without books, What is knowledge but griev- : Sold and Installed by VIC J.KILLIAN, Inc. PLUMBING CONTRACTORS 874 Center St. Winnetka 1260 We may live without hope, What is hope but deceiving? We may live without love. What is passion but pining? But where is the man that can live without dining?" 576 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winnetka 1820 ee ---- ternoon, January 13, at 2:30 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Cary-Curr of 1051 Spruce street were the house guests of the Sam Deans in Hinsdale over New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Dean entertained at a large dinner party New Year's day. ts Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fleming of 760 Foxdale avenue entertained at din- ner Wednesday evening, December 29, in honor of the latter's brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Carothers of Pittsburgh. rer Mrs. George S. Wood, 979 Vine street, entertained guests from Mil- waukee and Highland Park over the week-end. On Saturday evening she was. hostess at a dinner and bridge party. oy Mr. and Mrs. C. A. G. Kuipers of 485 Elder lane announce the birth of a daughter December 29, at the Evans- ton hospital The baby has been named Inez Mercedes. -- Mrs. Lewis A. Vollman of 803 Cherry street entertained at her home on the 'occasion of her birthday, Tues- dav, January 5. --0-- : Miss I. C. Loomis and Oscar Lind- L] Lilac Tea Room blom entertained about 30 of their friends at a New Year's party Satur- day, January 2, at Community House. a There will be a meeting of the Cradle societv Monday, January 11, at 3 o'clock. at the Cradle, 2039 Ridge ave- nue, Evanston. can speakers made addresses. A pro- | Concert Soloist Katherine Hamilton, a graduate of New Trier High school in the class of 1924 and at present a student at North- western university, will be the soloist at the next young people's program of the Symphony Players of Chicago, un- der the direction of George Dasch, which will be given Tuesday afternoon, January 12, at New Trier auditorium. Miss Hamilton will play a violin solo, Mendelssohn's "Concerto," accompa- talented young musicians ever to at- nied by the Symphony Players. Miss Hamilton was one of the most tend New Trier, it is said, and was concertmeister of the school orchestra. She is a pupil of Herbert Butler in the American Conservatory of Music and last year won the Kreisler medal in the junior violin competition. She is the daughter of John Leonard Hamilton, prominent Chicago architect, and lives at 412 Walnut street, Win- netka. CONCERT SINGER GUEST HERE Mme. Elizabeth Day of New York City, who has been singing extensively abroad, and who is making her Amer- ican debut Sunday afternoon, January 10, in a concert at the Blackstone thea- tre, will be a guest of Mrs. Milton B. Kirk of 647 Lincoln avenue during her stay here. Madame Day, who has been called the Nora Bayes of the con- cert stage is an intimate friend of Mrs. Kirk. CIVE VANISHING LUNCHEONS Another chain of "vanishing" lunch- eons has been adopted in Winnetka, and this time the beneficiary is the United Charities. Mrs. John B. Far- well was hostess at the first luncheon at her home-on Lake Shore drive. Mrs. Murray Nelson was hostess at one of these affairs at her home Friday, and Mrs. Arthur S. Coffin and Mrs. Morris Greeley willbe joint hostesses" at a luncheon next Wednesday. STUPY CLASS TO MEET The Missionary Study class of Christ. church will meet at the home of Mrs. | Emory -Cobb Andrews. of 785 Willow | street Tuesday morning, January 12. After. the morning session, Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Charles "Trumbull will be joint hostesses ata buffet luncheon. :