I ga aman ai a WINNETKA TALK January 9, 1926 Annual White Goods Sale G.L.ZICK & CO. advise all shoppers to wait for their Annual White Goods Sale which will take place in the near future. Your past experience has taught you that it isto your benefit to wait for this sale. We have no competition in this event for we can truthfully say our prices will be the lowest." You will be notified per- sonally as to the exact date. Wait ENTERTAIN FOR HOUSE GUEST Mr. and Mrs. De Fores Custer, 1497 | Church to Greet Asbury avenue, entertained 24 friends | New Minister at at bunco Wednesday evening in honor | » of their house guest, Mrs. E. Thayer | Reception Jan. 13 Hemmick, of Springfield, who returned | By OBSERVER to her home this week. Friday Mr. and The parish of the Winnetka' Con- Mrs. Custer entertained eight guests at | gregational church and all residents of dinner for the latter's father, W. S.|the village are to be welcomed at Matz Hamm of Scott avenue, in celebration | hall, in Community House, Wednesday of his birthday. | evening, January 13, when "Fellowship ES) EEE EE -- | Night" is designated as the spirit in which the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Just West of Goodwin are to be greeted on their en- trance into the work and fellowshi Center St. {of that church. P Mr. Goodwin comes as the third pas- | tor of the Congregational church. He | comes on an even footing with the | Rev. James A. Richards and Dr. J. W. F. Davies. He comes counting on the | loyalty and co-operation which these ministers have, and will continue to have. | The large committee in charge of | Fellowship Night will offer a pleasant | and informal manner of greeting the ministers and their wives; a unique and interesting program of music and other features of an agreeable social evening. This occasion gives every one an opportunity to make or repeat the New Year greetings of goodwill, and it is hoped that Matz hall may be filled between 8 and 10:30 o'clock with "alt sorts and conditions" of men and wo- men. Of course, this means YOU! 841 Spruce St. RESUMES CLASS WORK Mrs. Maurice Lieber has a busy week Luncheon 12-1:30 starting classes again after the holi- Tea 4-5 days. She will open two new classes : at the Trades Union college in Chica- Dinner 6-7:30 go, and on Tuesday she will appear be- fore the Chrysolite club of the South (Except Sundays) side. Friday she will be at the Aus- Proceeds for the tin North End club. She will also Congregational Church resume her work on the faculty of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college. Slewaib- lene Matched~Unit Radio INSTRUMENT + TUBES + REPRODUCER + ACCESSORIES ~-- - "New Building" Fund oe 2 We delight in demonstrating a Stewart- Warner Matched-Unit Radio to skeptics. Our business thrives on comparisons; in fact we invite them. Our greatest joy, however, is in hearing satisfied customers tell us why the Stew- "artWarner MATCHING of Instrument, * Reproducer, Tubes and Accessories, all to function in perfect unison, has brought them a complete satisfaction in radio en- tertainment beyond their fondest hopes. May we demonstrate--right in your home? Just phone or drop in. THE Brunswick SHOP PHONOGRAFHS -- RECORDS --- RADIOLAS 568 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, Illinois § Phone 2129 at