EL > ta } : 2 | January 30, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 23 NEW CHRYSLER HERE W. D. Reagan, Local Sales Manager, Tells of Wonders of This New| Car "Walter P. Chrysler has produced a new definition of a very fast automo bile in the Imperial "80", as his latest car is to be known," said W. D. Reagan, | manager of the Evanston Motor Sales! company, 1840 Ridge avenue, this week. | "Yet it is more than a high-speed car. | More properly it may be described, as | it will be used, as.a highly refined prod- uct adapted to the everyday uses of' the particular owner, but possessing a | remarkable high-speed range, | which is available ployment. very for occasional em- | The added range, and the | ease with which it may be brought into use, makes this a remarkable car. "The Chrysler Imperial which is a six, is being manufactured in phaeton, roadster, five and seven-passenger se- dan, sedan limousine and coupe styles. | This makes the new line complete in it- | self. "The smaller six, now to be known as Model "70", naturally is being con- tinued in eight types, while Model "58" | --the four-cylinder--is produced in five | types, including a brand new roadster, | which like the new model is an of- | fering of the show season. Chrysler dealers are thus able to maintain a complete line of 19 types on three dif- ferent chassis. "The Chrysler Imperial "80" ties in with recent advertising mysteriously featuring "80 Miles an Hour," and "92 Horsepower." This proclaims at once its ultimate and spectacular perform- ance and the reason therefor. But it gives no hint of the far more signifi- cant fact that it is an easily handled, remarkably smooth riding, comforta- ble and stylish turnout, but one that is radical only in point of perform- ance." North Shore Gets 42,000 Feet of Packard Service Forty-two thousand square feet of service for north shore Packards is of- fered by the Evanston branch of the Packard Motor company of Chicago. Or if service can not be measured in those terms, the Evanston branch offers 42,000 square feet of floor space de- voted to caring for the needs of the north shore. C. E. Stube, general manager of the Evanston branch, said that the increase of the number of Packards on the north shore, required three changes in the plant in the last 18 months. The last move being the addition of an entire second floor to the new Packard agency on Railroad avenue. The present home of the Evanston Do you know that you can own a HART OIL BURNER as low as $50.00 down and about $25.00 per month? HART OIL BURNER CO. 1514 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Greenleaf 1752 742 Elm St. | WINNETKA Winn. 1146 | | north shore. The shops are equipped | ard would be from 90 to 120 days be- branch is the largest agency on the | New Dodge Model Is Business Coupe With a Wide Door Dodge Brothers have added a new model to the line of cars which they hind in delivery. It is impossible to |have made especially to meet the re- obtain immediate delivery on certain quirements of the business world... W. models now and this is considered the |T. Wersted, dealer for the slack time of the year. Mr. Stube |featuring this new business added that the last quarter, however, | COUpe. had been the greatest quarter in the | The unique feature on the new car history of the Packard Motor car |is the unusual width of the door open- company, even greater than April, May ing. The small window to the side and June. | has been done away with and the en- to handle 75 cars a day. Eighty men are employed. Mr. Stube said, in the light of pres- ent conditions, that by summer Pack- man's Dodge, is | | tire space put into the door. The car |is equipped with a one-piece wind- | shield and cowl ventilator. The entire line is finished in Duco. The upholstery [is in tan pigskin. | The Standard B sedan is being fur- nished now in two colors; grey green or blue. Natural wood finish or disc | wheels may be had at the same price. | Mrs. John Perry of Sturgeon Bay 1s | the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lin- | coln Pacey of 706 Ash street. Mrs. | Pacey will entertain at luncheon and bridge for Mrs. Perry Monday, Feb- | ruary 1. ~ why she ¢ ur neighbor, Every half hour,day and evening, there's an express train to down- town Chicago; and the same half- hourly express service returning Save money; use a 25-ride or 10-ride ticket. In addition there are 47 Chicago- Milwaukee trains daily. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Company The High-Speed Electrified Railroad Winnetka Passenger Station Telephone Winnetka 963