February 6, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 7 High Grade Fruits and Vegetables 746 Elm Street Free Delivery Phone Winnetka 2470 I0I0 ox Gets Invitation As to the other letter, he said he | OFIO IOEIOK =IOIOK 1010 = 0X0 Je Th A M i! paid no attention to it. He has re- reaflt in ails ceived a thousand such letters and | © ' nothing has ever happened. Men who |] DO YOUR SHOPPING AT THE Fr om Our V illage write such letters, he said, are cowards, | Judge William N. Gemmill, of the | ? and there won't anything happen. | ® ® superior court, Chicago, speaker at the FTI | net a rut ouse Chamber of Commerce dinner, at Florence Farwell Strong | Winnetka, Thursday evening of last k 5 week, prefaced his remarks by relat M Killed by Motor Trmek ii Where quality merchandise and moderate prices prevail ing an incident of the previous day--| Mrs. Florence Farwell Strong, eldest | g an incident which the Judge viewed |daughter of Arthur Burrage Farwell | ff SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY as of no significance, but hich to |of Glencoe, was instantly killed when 2 ' 3 : Sar feet and others, no doubt, might appear more | struck by a motor truck in Miami, Best Wisconsin Potatoes, Florida Oranges, sweet an serious. | Florida, last Wednesday. It was said re Cr rin 7 85¢ juicy, 39¢ a doz. up to.75¢ He received an anonymous letter, |that Mr. Farwell, who is president of yp Kk 95 : Sa - . the author of which Judge Gemmill |the Chicago Law and Order league, ° Iqeho Potatoss, pk, »g Grapeiruit, 3 for 250,210! said, claims to be a friend of "Marty" | had been speaking on speed and reck- i Jersey sweet Iotatoes, 95 25¢, extra large, each.25¢c Durkin, and who threatened dire | | less driving before a meeting of the ; 3 Ibs. i TA SARE C Cooking Apples, 4 Ibs. ..29¢ vengeance upon the Judge if Durkin | Chicago oct n of Commerce just|® Dry Onions, 4 lbs....... 25¢ 5 is convicted. Other judges received | before he received word of the tragedy. Spinach, extra fancy, Jonathan Apples, 3 Ibs. .35¢ similar letters the same day, Judge | Mrs. Strong and her husband had been pk : 45¢ Bananas, large, per doz. .35¢ Gemmill said. expected back next week for a visit, Toa Met Rly | wi : The incident was related, not be-|it was sald by members of the family. Beets and Carrots, large (73 ineapples, 1 arge and 35 cause of any importance which Judge EE | bunches, 2 bunches. ..25¢ fresh .opaiiass vu veins Ls Gemmill places upon the affair, but CORRECT STATEMENT 0 : ' because of the postmark which the| In publishing an announcement in 1 Fresh Strawberries, Artichokes and Alligator Pears at envelope bore. It was posted at Win- | last week's issue of the TALK comment-|©Q lowest prices netka and came in the same mail in|ing on the review given at the Wo- : " which arrived another letter from man's club by James Weber Linn of Open 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. Sundays 8 to 1 Winnetka, inviting him to speak at|the fictional biography, "Ariel," the life the Chamber of Commerce dinner. He |of Shelley, an error was made in the was very happy, he said, to accept |statement that this work was not well the invitation to Winnetka. Mrs. | done. Prof. Linn spoke of "Ariel" ° Bligh D. Grasett, a daughter of Judge'as a work "well done." WINNETKA 4°10 i Gemmill, resides at 797 Walden road. TALK wishes to correct this error. I LIGHT GROCERIES ZEN mnetka Uongregational ) Church ZS f ~ Sunday evening, February 14, at eight o'clock, Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin will institute Evening Worship as a permanent part of this Church's service to the com- munity. You will want to be there. | Phe AT 344 | J = PAINT inds. ind Special colors HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE GIVEN ON ALI, YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS PAINT | DAN' Rasmesen's rox: Painting and Decorating EI OE OE OE OE OIE 0 IOLA "3.97 IGHT tubes all simply operated by a delicately adjusted single control! Radiola 28 will cut out a powerful station playing close to you and bring in a distant station on a near-by wave length. The desk-type cabinet, a beautiful piece of furniture, has room inside for all dry batteries. Let us demonstrate this Radiola in your home. Convenient time payments ar- ranged if desired. RCA Cone Type Speaker is specially built for the Radiola 28. delivers volume as clearly as whispered words. of natural voices as no other speaker can give. It It gives the full range Radiola 28 including eight radiotrons and RCA Cone Type Speaker, No. 100. . $295. 00 SPECIAL SPECIAL NEW BRUNSWICK RECORDS 2996--Lantern of Love (Fox Trot) from 'Castles in the Air." Baby (Fox Trot) from 'Castles in the Air." 2997--Who (Fox Trot) from "Sunny." Sunny (Fox Trot) from "Sunny." Played by Harry Archer and his Orchestra. 2993--Drifting Apart. I want Someone. 2994-- I'hat Certain Party. Paddlin' Madelin' Home. 3015--I1 Love my Boby My Castle in Spain. 3022--3Sitting on top of the World. I Wonder Where My Baby is Tonight. All Played by ISHAM JONES and his Orchestra. THE Brunswick SHOP PHONOGRAPHS -- RE CORDS -- RADIOLAS 568 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, Illinois Phone 2129