Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 6 Feb 1926, p. 32

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WINNETKA TALK February 6, 1926 ------------------------------------------------ | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General N otice -- to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names ap who are regular subscribers to eit TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates-- 3 on CHARGE 50 cents. type used. 15 cents a line in one paper. 30 cents a line in all three papers. Average of five words to the line. 10% discount on all cash with peap in the telephone directory, or er WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 25 cents a line in any two MINIMUM No black face order advertisements when brought te our office at 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. + : Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline f. or Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers, Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK Friday 12 o'cloc for the GLENCOE NEWS. and Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. --_-------- eee 1 REAL ESTATE = 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Best Buy in Wilmette BEAUT. 6 RM. STUCCO HSE.; SUN WINNETKA par.; well constructed; convtly. loe. At 519 Elder Lane, an 8-Room Stucco that owner will dispose of at a bar- gain. 4 bed rooms, bath, extra lav, beautiful grounds 100x165; 3 blocks 10 Suation and school. SUBMIT OF- GLENCOE -8-Room English plaster & timber; 3 baths, att. gar. lot 58x225 ft. with sunken garden. $26,500. KENILWORTH New splendidly built 8-Room Brick; 4 bed rooms, tiled bath, lot 58x125; 2 blocks to sta. $20,000. WINNETKA VACANT N. E. 50x165 at $150 per foot. Forest Avenue--50x132 at $125 per ft. Winnetka Manor--50x187 at $50 per ft. E.E.StultsRealty Co Winnetka 1800 460 Winnetka Ave. 1LTN19-1te WINNETKA BRICK COLONIALS 5 CHARMING BEDROOMS; IMMENSE sun rooms; spacious living and din- ing rooms and commodious kitchen; butler's pantry; h. w. heat; beau. wooded lot in choicest east sec.; 2- car solid brick garage; gutters, downspouts, decks, ete., all copper; all ceilings metal lathed; all walls and ceilings painted; steel constr.; a house not built for sale--a house built to last. $35,000. 7 DELIGHTFUL ROOMS; H. W. heat; 1-car garage; near Lake, transp.,, grammar and high schools; beau. wooded lot with houses on either side far enough away; su- perior constr. and material; $23,000. Heinsen&Kroll, Inc. Owners Exclusive Agents 720° Elm St. Phone Winn. 254 1LTN19-1tc FOR SALE WILMETTE : 7 ROOM FRAME, ON CORNER LOT 250x185, 4 bed rooms, modern. BARGAIN $17,500.00 GLENCOE 5 ROOM FRAME BUNGALOW, ON lot 50x145; garage; very good loca- tion. BARGAIN--TERMS $11,000.00 COUNTY 6 ROOM KELLESTONE DUTCH CO- lonial, lot 137x660, or 2 acres, glazed front and rear porches, furnace heat, 2 car garage, all improvements. 'A WONDERFUL BUY $15,500.00 5 ROOM KELLESTONE BUNGALOW, on lot 75x197, modern. $14,500.00 VERY LOW TERMS J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 RIDGE AVENUE, . PHONE--WILMETTE 364 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS 1LTN19-1tc Unusual East Side Bargain $13,600. Terms 4 bright airy bedrooms; h. w. heat; oak floors; trim; large basement; 60 ft. ; nr. schools and churches; 3 . steam trans- portation. Act quickly, . 5 F. J. BUDINGER & CO. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. ar SHE ~ 1LTN19-1te schools, trans. and lake; one of Wil- mette's best streets; in north east section. Decorations highest order; h., w. ht.; No-Kol oil burner; beaut. landsc. lot; south exposure; 1 car gar. Owner open reas. offer. We recommend this as a genuine oppor- tunity. E.E.StultsRealtyCo 424 Linden Ave. End of "L" Phones Wilmette 3450-51 1LTN19-1tc FOR QUICK SALE A GOOD BUILDING LOT 50x130 Located 6 blocks from station, just off Wilmette Ave. improved with well built garage connected with sewer, water and electric light and suitable for dwelling purposes. Price $2,800. Terms. F. Coleman Burroughs 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 640 1L/TN19-1te GOOD BUYS 7 rooms; 2. baths ........ cies $17,000 7 rooms; 1 bath ..... .. a0 ,00 S rooms; "2 baths ..... ivan 23,000 7 rooms; 2 baths ............ 27,600 8S rooms; 2 baths ............ 30,000 Fred'k. B. Thomas & Co. Elm and Linden Winnetka 2350 1LTN19-1te FOR SALE UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE ENGLISH home, rough brick exterior; 5 bed rms.; 3 baths; sleeping porch; brkfs. nook; large open porch; 2 car att. gar. oil heater; lot wdéoded, 185x175. Phone Winn. 1226. 1LTN19-1tec FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Co. REAL ESTATE Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 162 1T4-tfe BARGAINS IN VACANT FINE SHADED LOTS NEAR TRANSP. and schools; ready to build on; im- provements in except streets. Only $50 per ft. Easy terms. F. H. GATHERCOAL | 607 Main St. Wilmette 225 1LTN19-1te FOR SALE--457 GROVE STREET; OP- posite 8th green, Skokie club; superb view west; 8 rooms; 3 porches; oil heat; garage; picturesque living room, very large; fireplace with crane. Individual house of southern: colonial type. Special price for 30 days. Glencoe 83. 1TN48-1tc FOR SALE -- WINNETKA -- $12,500.-- Price just reduced. Attractive frame house, finely wooded lot, convenient to schools and transportation-- Fireplace; 35 foot living and dining room, 2 bedrooms and bath 1st floor, 2 bedrooms, lavatory and seat, 2nd. $4,500 cash. Phone Winn. 1327. 1T48-1te 80 FT. RIPARIAN FRONTAGE IN beautiful Ravinia; restricted sub- division; all improvements in and paid for. Attractive price and terms. Address Wil. Life A-778. 1LT19-1tc 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--A NEW COMFORTABLE home; Spanish, pink stucco; 7 rooms; attached garage; hot water heat; large wooded lot 100x188; beauti- fully landscaped. 1014 Dinsmore road. Phone owner for appointment. Winn. 2069. 1T48-1tp HOME WANTED--MAY 1; BETWEEN Evanston and Glencoe; by responsi- ble party. Will buy reasonable terms or rent long lease; 4 bedrooms and prefer additional sleeping porch. 1 Call Winn. 2226, T47-2te FOR SALE--WINNETKA, 139 BERT- ling Lane. 7 rm. Col.; 4 bedrooms; tile b.; encl. slp. porch; lg. attic; lot 64x150. Exch. small house or vacant. Winn. 1805. 1T48-tfe FOR SALE--7 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE; sun porch; sleeping porch; 2-car garage Real bargain. Winn. 546-J. 1LTN17-tfe ---------- ere 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- FOR THIS SEASON only--a desirable, rustic cottage; fully furnished; located at Leland, Mich., on high knoll known as Round Top; unsurpassed view over- looking Lake Mich. and Lake Lee- lanau; eleven rooms but so arranged that some bedrooms can be easily closed off; electric lights; two baths. For season $850.00. Apply direct to owner, Mrs. W. H. Nicholls, 660 Pine st, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 635-W. 2TN48-1tc 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM IN private home; business woman with references. Winn. 2131. 4LTN19-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE LIGHT WELL furnished room; priv. bath. Near transp. Tel. Winn. 1543. . 4LTN19-1te OR 2 ROOMS, FUR- FOR RENT--1 nished; private bath and kitchen privileges if desired; 4th street. Phone Wilmette 1481. 4LTN19-1te FOR RENT--2 LARGE, COMFORT- able rooms; good home; east side. Call Wilmette 1940. 4LTN19-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM, COMFORTABLY furnished. Phone Winn. 952. 4T48-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; near transp. Call Glencoe 923. 4TN47-1tc 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 5LTN17-tfe 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- GARAGE. 653 HILL Phone Winnetka 462. 6T48-1tc 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES road. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOME IN Wilmette April 1 to Nov. 1; 8 rooms; 2 baths; sun and sleeping porches; garage; yard and flower garden; near lake and transportation. $225.00 a month, which includes one day a week services of man in our em- ploy for seven years. Telephone Dearborn 5014. 2LTN19-1tp RENT -- UNFURN. house; poss. May 1; 6-8 rooms; 2 baths preferable. Either in Winnet- ka, Hubbard Woods or Glencoe. Good refs. Will give 1 or 2 year lease if satisfactory. Please write to Arthur C. Bachrach, 920 -- 134 So. La Salle St., Chicago, particulars. TTN48-1tc WANTED TO FOR RENT -- WINNETKA -- BEAU- tiful, hollow tile, residence of 10 rooms; with three baths, sun porch and enclosed sleeping porch. For 2 or 3 years from May 1st. Best lo- cation; 1 block from the lake. Ad- dress Wil. Life. A-755. 2LTN16-4tc WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED house for 6 months or one or two years; or unfurnished for three years. Must have 4 bedrooms and 3 baths. Responsible. Box 684. Kenilworth. TLTN19-1tp 11 HELP WANTED--MALE FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOME; 17 rooms; 2 baths; Oil-O-matic heat; heated garage; close to transporta- tion. Possession at once. 794 Wal- den road. Phone Winn. 823. 2T48-1te FOR RENT -- WINNETKA--6 ROOM, attractive house; heated sun porch; 3 bedrooms; 2 baths. Convenient to station and school. $125 per month. Phone Winn. 599-J. 2LTN19-1tp FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED 6 room house; garage. To June 1. $125 per month. 1093 Elm street. Winn. 2086. 2LTN19-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS SALESMAN WANTED TO SOLICIT orders lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Address The Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, O. 11LT19-1tn -------------------------- ee -- 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER; general light housekeeping; no washing; good home; middle-aged woman preferred. 1229 Leonard Pl, Evanston. Univ. 193. 12LTN19-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE woman for general housework; good plain cook; in family .of 4; small home; refs. Phone Wilmette 2576. 12LTN19-1te North Evanston EASTWOOD EASTWOOD AT CENTRAL ST. CORNER, NOT COURT APTS. AC- CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. in Evanston. 4's and 5's with extra beds, closets. Reasonable rents; 1% blks, to C. & N. W.; 18 min. down town. Sound-proof, large rooms; playrooms for children. No rear apts. near public golf course. Owner on premises. Phone Greenleaf 1919. " 3LTN60-tfc WANTED -- OFFICE GIRL; MUST have knowledge of bookkeeping and typewriting. Phone Winn. 1387. 12T48-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, WHITE nurse for two children ages 2 and 4. Best of references required. Ad- dress Winn. Talk A-780. 12T48-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; small house; fam- ily of 3; must have good references. Call Glencoe 1231. 12LTN19-1te FOR RENT--3 ROOM APARTMENT; with bath; heated. 1027 Spruce street. Phone Winn. 1820. SLTN19-1tp WANTED -- NURSE FOR UPSTAIRS work and some care of children. Hours 8:30 to 5:30. Phone Winn. 990. 12LTNL9-1te FOR RENT -- MARCH 1ST; 4 ROOM flat; furnace heat. Phone Winn. 2359. 3LTN19-1tp FOR RENT--WILL SUBLET KITCH- enette apt. Must vacate immediate- ly. Private. Phone Greenleaf 2152. 3LT19-1te 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS Castle Towers--Glencoe HAS ROOMS TO RENT. IDEAL LO- cation for business men and women. 750 Glencoe road. Tel. Glen. 770. 4TN48-1te | CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil, 1080. 4LT50-tfc FOR RENT--FRONT ROOM, $5 FOR 1, $7 for 2, private entrance: also single room, $4. 1419 Central Ave. Wilmette 3428. 47./C19-1tc WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with housework and 2 yr. old child; must be neat and willing Winn. 2374. 12LT19-1te WANTED--RELIABLE WHITE MAID for general housework. Phone Wwil- mette 3484, 12TN48-1te WANTED--MAID; UPSTAIRS WORK; mornings. Fhone Glen. 208. 12TN48-1tc WANTED--SOLICITOR; TELEPHONE over home phone. Univ. 2714. . 12TN47-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD--COL. MAN; GEN- eral housework; yard and garden work; waxing and polishing floors. Tel. Univ. 2991-J. 14T48-1tp SITUATION WTD -- EXP. CHAUF- feur; A-1 reference. Call Univ. 5020. 14LTN19-1tp

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