rh 36 WINNETKA TALK February, 20, 1926 22 FINANCIAL High School Girls | Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Bartholomay,| Mrs. Murray, mother of Mrs. Ches- GOOD LOCAL MERCANTILE . | formerly of Chicago, and cousins of the | ter Masters of 851 Oak street, left this INVESTMENT | Give Program for | Herman Bartholomays of Blackthorn | week for Tucson, Ariz., for a stay of Resident property owner in Wilmette, | road, have moved into their newly [a number of weeks. whe hag for years, condusted 8 suc- Two Upper Classes completed residence at Spruce and Ce- | oi SS re siness hicago, b cienne am desires to open a store in same line The freshmen of the Mallinckrodt j des Strest. | Mrs. Willard McNitt and her chil- ; Te L ] . bf in Wilinette, Wiunetics Sy ou the high school entertained the junior and | _....|dren, 975 Pine street, have returned alize plans as to equipment and | Sophomore classes with a Lincoln pro- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bertoli, 1315 | from Kansas City where they spent two unique character of service adapted | gram, Thursday afternoon, February, | Asbury avenue, announce the birth of months with Mrs. McNitt's parents. 2 it op gh-Erade Shientels heegs 11. The freshmen girls felt very much |a daughter, Thursday, February 12, at | ------ be given every OPPOTIIIIY tor Con. encouraged because ot the acknowl- the Highland Park hospital. The baby vince himself as to character and | edged success of their program which | has been named Dorothy Ann. ability of advertiser and as to pros- | follows: a--p-- DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE Pects 0h Tetum ore ne cate a = DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE aress Wil. Life TA-tone ment. Ad- ( patriotic Medley One rus Ci. Murey On Saturday, February 27, Helen | Osteopathic Physicians "Li ni ray Thoms «ine | Fulton will entertain about 40 little [|| Adneolna" i... v0 Marian Husting . : ¢ : [ Residence and Office N Violin Selection ........ Mendelssohn | girls at a luncheon, given in celebration ||| ' 22LTN21-1tp ; ¢ : : [ 913 Central Avenue Phone 300 me -- Mary Jane Seng, accompanied by of her birthday, at the home of het | wile : > 21 LOST > De Gertrude Ginaine mother, Mrs. Frank Fulton, of 884 Hill | === LOST AND FOUND Smile. visi Catherine Ginaine road f | LOST -- BROWN PURSE BETWEEN Rip Yan Winkle, 1H biay) aca Clots > t villag . 1 900 ke 3 Mino Fo trea ev BNL Le 28 & ass --O-- es Rg. hg 0 bloek DF Pins The lsual Way fi... 00. P. Fergus Virginia Nickel. little daughter of Mr Winnetka 1741 Siok '| Mary Louise Byrnes, accompanied by Zima vie tel, inl e caughter Mr. a 1741. FETB0. Fee Mary Lynch and Mrs. Gustav Nickel, 140 Bertling | ZeI00-11C [py oaftation 0100 Geraldine Harvey | lane, has invited ten little friends to her 27 ~ HOUSEHOLD SERVICE | "2nd of Hope and F reedom 'Gardnes | home Saturday, February 20, in cele- a . ia RE Po ' . Gardner EE oF oF Biv Ae Ses { - eames p---- - - Emily Gould, Elizabeth Peter bration of her sixth birthday. NORTH SHORE WINDOW AND A Flag Drill Class ip OUSE CLEANING CO. ¥ wi Br thon Sem veka ub eacon dig 4 bo 3 10 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1994 Hester Reilly, daughter of Mr. and 27T38-tfe Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Thompson of | Mrs. John Rice Reilly of 640 Black- 1067 Oak street motored to Lake Mills, | thorn road, was hostess to a number FIRE! FIR E! FI RE! Wis, last Sunday. Mrs. Thompson's of her little friends on a sleigh ride Sat- Why sob over a few dollars and grieve sister, Mrs. F. H. Joeckel, of Lake urday, February 13, all winter when MacDraft by | Mills, who had been visiting her for a --C-- sweeping your chimney and furnace! few weeks, returned with them. can make them ~ooh ke ow ce I'om Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. you 20% of fuel and prevent a £30 : | Bob Anderson of 328 Linden street, serious fire. For prompt attention Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Jackson of | gave a Valentine and sleigh ride party PHONE call Fire Station. 933 Tower road, Winnetka, announce | Saturday, February 13, for a number of 27LTN21- : : ro : he 2TLIN21-1tP | the birth of a son at the Evanston hos- | his young friends. - : ital, Monday, February 15. The baby Ns TKA 12 Nebenzahl Upholstery Shop i Bane SABA ud Noe >. WINNE has been given his father's name, Jar- ATTENTION! vis Willis . Mrs. Henry Woods of 656 Locust FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERING DONE street 'left last week for Florida where she will spend several weeks. Mr. E. C. Weissenberg Woods will join her later | -- - - at your home or at my shop. Prices | : . ¢ ak stree reas. Work guaranteed. 3 Electric | Mrs. A. McDougall of 842 Oak street Place. Tel. Wilmette 296. 27TN21-1tp | returned from the St. Francis hospital last week, and is recovering rapidly | g J 1 ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRING | from her recent illness. and refinishing, upholstering, mat- ---- tresses renewed. Fred Nitto, 124 , vip vA} Contral Ars hone. iT Lo; hr Mrs, Coram T. Davis of 132 Bertling 27LT19-tfc | lane, and her daughter, Dorothy, have | gone to Florida where they will spend a month or six weeks. PAI of all kinds. Tubes and Special colors HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE 28 PIANO TUNING HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED FOR -- the New Year. Prices reduced for February. L. W. Foster, 625 Park Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 908-M. SIL JSLNIgfs hf | FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING Hk ' PAINT IF YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING, CAL- =, 20 cimining, canvassing or paper-hang- - - 77a | 10 o/ [/ Rasmesen's Stor: Painting and Decorating ing to be done now or in the spring, I ean save you money. Good work. --. N A A -------- Best of refs. in Winnetka and Glen- I | coe for five years. Phone Brandt, Al R A i Glencoe 971. 27TN48-8tc allt MI! Rf 30 TUTORING -- Mie: {lif 1 Private Tutoring in the home Dud F by experienced teacher; ve 7, i [13 ( PHONE MARKET P H ONE children 6 to 8 yrs. of age. | Univ. 2720 Univ. 2720 Phone Greenleaf 2155. a | L | THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS 30T50-1te 2 : 1559 Sherman Ave., Evanston BUSINESS SERVICE ARM. GE TENDED GUT Very Best Bacon (Sliced) 3lbs. $1.25 Dr. Elmer E. Lampert ORTHODONTIST READY FOR USE Chicago Office--Field Annex Building : Winnetka Office The Kitchen-Katch-All Prime Beef Very Best Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank Bldg - - . - Phone Winn. 1211 =~ $2.50 installed Tenderloin Sirloin Steak -- prevents those brown stains in the TYPIST WILL DO TYPING AND sink, provides a neat, convenient, 45 42¢ copying. at home. W Imetts 328% io odorless refuse receptacle that Cc . swings under the sink and out of 32 KENNELS the way. It drains the refuse, making it easy to handle and prevents spoil- Fresh Choice Pot For Sale ing the kitchen floor. Sweetbreads Roasts 65¢c 19Y4¢ Don't Forget Our Dollar Day Specials for Irish Terrier Pups Sold and Installed IRISH TERRIER PUPPIES, EXCEL- lent specimens; highly bred; subject by to registration in A. K. C. Phone Wilmette SNe VIC J. KILLIAN, Inc. -------------- 34 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PLUMBING CONTRACTORS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Ft ni. Wak Hace or tor ior [I 874 Center Bt." Winnetka: 1260 Headquarters for Fresh Dressed Poultry mediate disposal. For information address Wil. Life A-795. 34L/TN21-1tc