24 WINNETKA TALK February 27, 1926 WINNETKA BUILDING NEWS | _Winnetka, LY like It won't go unless you push it. Business is a wheelbarrow. What is a home without a gar- age? Would you be interested in plans and spegifications? If you The N. P. Severin Co. will soon be starting building operations on the Melvin Stone estate in Glencoe for Mr. Rothchild. These are to be quite extensive, including res- idence, garage, greenhouse, swim- ming pool, ete. Seven buildings in all, and will require something over one year to complete. need a new garage, take this little tip. See Us. A lady who lives near Winnetka tells us that her hens lay such large eggs that it takes only eight to make a dozen. "Next to the dime," remarks L. A. Vollmann "the hardest thing to keep is fifteen cénts." You can accomplish a lot of things with Wall Board or Celotex. We INSULATION There's no guess-work about Cabot's Quilt. It actually cuts down the cost of heating. It keeps the heat in and the cold out. No home should be built without Cabot's Quilt Insulation. handle both, in all sizes. Tourist. -- "Not much going on here, is there?" Native. -- "Nope nuthin' but the . interest on the mortgages." The children and the radio rarely behave nicely when there's com- pany. Winnetka Coal - Lumber En. 823 Spruce Street Winnetka 734 Ig . Bo That we know how to serve is best de- termined by the many ws whom we have served feo UNDERTAKER Our Po Creed g To strive constantly to establish ourselves high in the es- timation of those requiring our service To perform our tasks in such a way as to lighten the bur- den of sorrow that the bereaved must bear. i =e eee Our Limousine Hearse | Its beauty, simplicity and quiet elegance, together with the i entire absence of depressing and sombre atmosphere has made a tremendous appeal to the discriminating public. We have served in our profession and have lived on the North Shore 19 years. 1124 Central Ave., Wilmette ] Phone Wilmette 654 -- = RE ok Local Youth Mid-Year Graduate at U. of I. Of the 150 aegrees which were granted by the University of Illinois at the close of the first semester of the present academic year, one of them was awarded to A. D. Rich, 1409 Scott avenue. The majority of the degrees nually awarded by the University given at the June commencement, there are always their work either an- are but a few who complete at the end of the first semester and receive their de- grees at this time, or those who com- plete their work during the summer session. These latter get their degrees in October. OPEN HOME TO GUILD Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Barber of 1214 Scott avenue will be at home to Win- netka members of the Theatre guild on Sunday, February 28, at 4 o'clock, for a reception in honor of Holbrook Blinn, who is now playing in "The Dove" at the Blackstone theatre. Mrs. George S. Wood of 975 Vine street will give a card party for the Woman's auxiliary at her home on Thursday, March 4. ee Mrs. E. Horsman of 978 Elm street was hostess at a luncheon and bridge for eight Chicago friends on Thurs- day, February 25. Country Day and Skokie See-Saw Cage Victories The North Shore weight team met Skokie Boys' heavy- a picked team from school last Friday, the former winning 14 to 4. On the same the middleweights from Skokie won from the North Shore in an interest- ing game, 10 to 8 On the previous day a close score of 3 to 2 was recorded in favor of the North Shore inexperi- enced lightweights in their game with the Skokie experienced lightweights. The two games last week between the girls' teams were both victories for the North Shore team, the Seventh and Eighth grade lightweights from North Shore defeating their opponents, 12 to 9, while a much closer score, 13 to 12 was recorded in the match between the seventh and eighth grade heavy- weights. date Mr. and Mrs. L.. Moen of 186 Scott avenue, Glencoe, returned last week from a western trip. They stayed for sometime in Castle Hot Springs, Ariz., and then spent several weeks motor- ing in southern California. About March 1, they are leaving home again, to go to New York City. ----(y---- Mrs. E. C. Weissenberg of 965 Elm street entertained at luncheon on Thursday, February 25, for Mrs. Rob- ert Perine of Austin, Ill *OR 50 YEARS THC STANDARD OF QUALITY Milk as the mid-day health tonic. They appreciate the energy it gives -- the "pep" to carry thru the busy day. / You, too, need this yoat ex ener food. build you up -- and stre TRA PO WIN. Order a FOR LUNCH Drink Bowman's Milk USINESS men have come to know the value of Bowman's quick Its creamy ive gs og Me AND THAT EX- ER NEEDED TO bottle of Bowman's ttn DAI RY. com PANY MilR/ Milk today. Prove its goodness. Taste its creamy richness; note its freshness and delicious flavor. Once you try this great health food you'll always have it handy --mo: g and evening as w as at noon. /