! Kebryary 27, 1926 . WINNETKA TALK 2 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 11 HELP WANTED--MALE [a HELP WANTED--MALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS f N h AND FEMALE \ FOR SALE .-- 60-INCH. ROUND TOP A orth Evanston ; WANTED -- CAPABLE WHITE | dining table and sideboard, walnut BAST: 'QOD APARTMENTS -- ON ant Couple. Address Winn, Talk A-811. finish, fine design; carved oak con- 1A ao 2 Als CENTRAL ST. : @ 7-33 TNb1-1tc| "sple table and mirror; mahogany RN OT COURT APTS. AC- firéside chair; brass crib bed; dark CLAIMED BEST OF NEW APTS. WANTED --- REAL ESTATE. SALES-| plue reed baby carriage. All in ex- | in Evanston. 4's and 5's with extra 4 peds, closets. Reasonable rents; 1% i blks. to C. & N. W.; 18 min. down } town, Sound-proof, large rooms; playrooms for children. No rear apts. | near public golf course. Owner on premises. Phone Greenleaf 1919. 3LTNG6-tfc 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- LARGE, ATTRACTIVE, furnished master ! bedroom with fireplace; in modern home; east side; private family; excell. transp. No. Shore r. r. and Evanston "L." Wil. 2451. 4LTN22-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT50-tfc FOR RENT -- LARGE LIGHT WELL furnished room; priv. bath. Near transp. Tel. Winn. 1543. 4LTN22-1tc FOR RENT -- SMALL, FURNISHED room. Phone Winnetka 1333. 4T51-1tp FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE ROOM; gentleman preferred. 1010 Spruce, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 589. FOR RENT -- 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, with private bath and kitchenette; for 2 people; in nicely located home. Phone Winn. " 4TH1-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM; HOT WATER heat; convenient to transportation. Phone Winn. 502-M. 4T51-1te FOR RENT -- 1 OR 2 ROOMS. 969 Spruce St.,, Winnetka. 4T51-1te -- 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT---SUB-LEASE ON THE finest business location in Winnetka; owner moving opposite; poss. March 15. Tel: Winn. 1811. S5LTN22-1te FOR RENT -- STORES, SHOPS AND apariments. Telephone Winnetka 62. S5LTN17-tfe OF- FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS, fices and stores. Tel. Winnetka 131. 5T51-1ce . FOR RENT -- ONE-CAR GARAGE AT 989 Spruce st. Tel. Win. 502-J. 6T51-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGES p-- house with garage; must be modern; conv. to transp.; Can. furnish refs. Ad- Life A-806. TLT22-1tp WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE party; furnished house, 5 or 6 rooms; for 4 or 6 months; with privilege of no small children. Address Winnetka 7T51-1te 'A HOUSE; $125 per month. Possession Address Winn. Talk A-788. in. good locality; poss. May. 1. dress Wil renting longer; Moderate rental. Talk A-807. WANTED TO RENT $100 to May 1st. CL TT51-tfe | - WANTED ..... .TO RENT. --. FURN. house; June 8-to Sept. '7; '4 master 2 baths: or: more; servant's P. -D.:M.; Box 36 High- N51-1tp bdrms.; quarters. land Park. -- Immediately Experienced Oil Burner = salesmen who are capable of producing One of the oldest and best known the real results. organizations in country, whose installa- tions are numerous in the North Shore terri- tory, will have several places for men who can qualify to act as District Managers. More than the usual financial opportunities. Phone University 7811 for appointment 11LTN22-1tc WANTED -- REAL ESTATE SALES- man by oldest and best located real estate office in Wilmette. A real op- portunity for the right man. F. COLEMAN BURROUGHS 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 640 i 11LTN22-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid for gen. hswk.; must be fond of children; own room and bath; good wages; no laundry. Apply 1412 Scott Ave. Winnetka 1682. 12LTN22-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, WHITE nurse girl for afternoons to care for 2 children; FPhone Winn. 2386. 12LT22-1te WANTED--GOOD, RELIABLE WHITE - girl for gen. hswk.; 4 in family; refs. req. 1033 Sheridan road. Wil. 2898. 12LTN22-1tc WANTED---WHITE' MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; 3 in family; no NasHine : Phone Winn, 583. k A 12LTN22- 1te WANTED-- WHITE: MAID FOR, GEN- housework; 3 in family; small house; refs. Phone: Winn. 919. 12LTN22-1tp WANTED -- SC WOMAN TO DO TELE- phone soliciting from own home for . 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES 5 - WANTED TO RENT--UNFURN. 6 RM. keeping rooms or will share kitchén privileges with private. family. Call * Winn. 2350. - ; 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS -9TH1-1te | - WANTED TO RENT -- ROOM WITH _or without board; for teacher and i § yr. old girl; conv. to transp. Ad- dress Winn. Talk A-813.¢ 10T51-1te & mo HELP: 'WANTED--MALE RTE -- MAN. 'POSITION NOW ' 'open; chance for promotion; drive tos 1599) Beistn' Ave. Evanston. "11T51- Ite / rt. Apply University Cab |' WANTED TO RENT-- high-grad otogra her. Call. Univ. APARTMENTS = 2178 oa ticulars. J 12T51-1te "WANTED TO RENT -- YOUNG | WANTED fi rime por FOR couple desire temporary light house- | gen. hswk.; must. be. exp. cook; clean; willing to help with children; satisfactory ref. req.; Phone Yinneoep 2114. 12TN5-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid for general housework. | Ad- dress Winn, Talk . A-812. 12TNG1-1te men Nia saleswomen for Nilés Cens ter; 7% commission and salary. Mrs. J. i Williams, 418 Woodlawn ave. Glencoe. 13TNb51-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALPR SITUATION WTD.--GARDNER WORK by . day, hour or. contraet. Refer- ences furn, Phone Winn. 885. qr? | 14TN51-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE EXPERIENCED, HIGH-CLASS DRESS- maker would like to have some more customers. Mrs. Breitfield, 506 5th St. Wilmette 3412. 15LT22-1tp SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG COL- ored girl, gen. hswk.; good cook; no laundry. Refs. Phone Glen. 987. 15L/TN22-1tp WTD. -- EXPERI- 1 or 2 children. Tel 15T51-1te 15 SITUATION enced nurse; Winn. 502-7. -- EXP. LAUN- Fri. and Sat.; SITUATION WTD. dress; Mon., Thurs, refs.; understands wash. machines and mangles. Univ. 7162. 15T51-1tp SITUATION WTD, -- EXP. WHITE laundress. Wants work on Wed. and cellent condition. Call 495 Ash st, Winnetka, Phone Winnnetka 1417. 17T51-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL SERAPI oriental rug, 9x12, practically new; less. than half priee. Tel. Wil. 3679. 17T51-1te FOR SALE -- ICE-BOX; DINING RM, set; rugs; other furniture; practical- ly new. FPhone Wilmette 3585. 17T51-1te FOR SALE -- TWO 3% SIZE, BRASS beds with box springs; baby bas- sinette; easy chair and rocker. Tel. Winnetka 1769. 17T51-1tp FOR SALE -- DINING RM. SET, TA- ble and 8 chairs, large buffet, $500 value. Cheap if taken at once. Tel. Winnetka 1099. 17TN51-1te FURNITURE FORSALE -- PARLOR set consisting of couch, 2 arm and 2 straight chairs; also 2 overstuffed chairs; all upholstered in Pullman plush, 860 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 2003. ©- ¥TLTN-22-1te FOR SALE--COLONIAL MAH. DRESS- ing table, triple mirror, glass top, and chair; davenport; rocker. Phone Winn, 1523 Sunday or after. 17LTN22- -1te Ss. Thurs Phone Winnetka ROS i-1tp FOR SALE -- SINGER SEWING MA- ching good SORG; Wilmott Dedeille SITUATION WTD. -- NURSE GIRL | Stand; reas. 1 mette Ave. after school hours for board, room 17LT22-1tp and small wages. Call Glen. 835. 15T51-1tc | FOR SALE -- HARVARD UPRIGHT - Mah. piano; reas. Phone Winn. 180. WANTED -- SEWING. CHILDREN'S ~ 17LTN22-1tc frocks and, smocking. Phone Winn. | == 1181. 15T51-2tc | 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS SITUATION WTD. -- BY EXPERI-| WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND enced Swedish woman as 2d maid; best of refs. Phone Winn. 2567. | 15T51-1tc WANTED "=~ WASHING AND IRON- ing, have mangle. Will call and de- liver. Tel. Glen. 796. 15T51-1tp SITUATION WTD. --BY YOUNG GIRL for gen. hswk. Call Winn. 329 Mon. 15T51-1te 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE | SITUATION WTD. -- BY COLORED couple in private family; wife ex- cellent cook; man employed will do odd jobs for room and board, Phone Atlantic 1564. 16LT22-2tp SITUATION WTD. BY COLORED couple in private family; good ref- erences. Phone Drexel 1603... 16LTN22-1tc best wages. | "WANTED -_-- YOUNG GIRL, UNDER '18, 'to assist with children 'and light SITUATION WTD. --COOK AND BUT- ler; exp. col. couple; man can.drive. Phone Winnetka 2256. 16TN51-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- BY COLORED couple as cook, houseman and chauf- feur; references. Phone Oakland 239%. 16TNG1-1tp 17 FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- EARLY AMERICAN pine and walnut furniture 'including | 'cupboards, chests and chairs; a se- lection of old hooked rugs: "milk white glass and Staffordshire; many Currier and Ives mezzotints and aquatints; fine French: cabinets and many other articles., Priced very reasonably. 808 Washington St., Evanston. 17TLT22-1tp FOR SALE -- 2 . PIECE, CARVED, brown mah., cane, mohair uphol- stered liv. rm. suite; davenport and console tables; brown mah. Adams dining rm. suite; electric' Columbia phonograph; mah" colonial © bdrm. suite; reas. Phone Wilmette 2451. Ye 1TLTN22-1te FOR SALE . SOLID MAH. CHIF- fonier, dresser, table and day-bed, $65; wardrobe trunk, fine cond., $30; beau., large, green velour living rm. chair, $30, cost $125; complete set 0 housework. Phone Winn. 327. of Rustic porch ur, $85, Winn 752. A kA '12TH1-1te 17LXN22-1te WANTED -- NoUNG - GIRL: FOR For SALE a Tox1z Woor, eT mother's helper' outside of 'school | rug, Chinese pattern, in good. cond- hours; stay 'or go "home v nights. 1566, Center St Winnetka: 2d: floor. | © 12TN51-1te ahog ¢ 1TTN5L-1t _ Phgne Winnetka' 363. ¢ F) furniture and other household goods Highest price for'samé. Crost Fur- niture . 'Store, 1004-6 REREon. St., Evanston, 111. Phone 48] i +18LTN11- tie N. -FELL--NEW. AND' USED FU ture bought and sold 44° Linn Phone Univ, 103. 18LTN3-tfe Ave. Evanston: WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--=Sell--Exchange--New---Used Open daily, Tues, Thurs. Sat, 8 p. m. ©1500 Willow Rd.. Tel. Winn, 1212 18T42-tfc WANTED TO BUY -- USED VACUUM Cleaner. Must be, reasonable and in perfect working condition. Phone Winnetka 1023. 18T51-1te WANTED --BABY CARRIAGE; GOOD condition: "Phone 'Winn. | Ask for Robert. 18T51- itp 20° TAUTOMORILES FOR SALE--USED CARS Purchased here are 'geod invest- ments We want you as a perma- _ nent customer. Satisfaction - guaran- "teed. Prices $125 to $650. Wersted Motor Co. $62 Lincoln Ave checinll Pela Winn. 165 of Fl201/INEE 1G i Bash 020% Zhen FOR SALE -- 1925 HUDSON COACH: latest model, r, been run. Wilt sell at i he sired: new . price, Will ne aes red. Tel. 'Wilmette 171. a se: } OLTN22- itp FOR SALE--LEAV TOWN; MUST sell my 1926 "Nas Feedin, © slightly used. will sell at f. eo: "Br price: CAd- dress Wil] | Life" A- 808. 20LT22- -1te FOR SATE--1925 ESSEX COACH: RIN 3,600 miles; first class:eondition; full equip.' incl. snubbers. Phone Wil- mette 171. 20LTN22-1tp FOR SALE--MODEFE 50; 5 PASS. O Haynes, extras, $100. Prone SI evenings. OLTN15-tfe Rent-A-Car, u Drive Wersted Motor Co. [ou tincom Ave, i oHELRl Sinn Tes . RTE HH foes ree Yiakd T wo Se