March 6, 1925 34 WINNETKA TALK 1 ] : On February 26, Mrs. E. Moreil of | ; this delightful topic will be both inter- 272 Poplar street was hostess to of Flowers to Be Topic |esting and instructive" The artist little folk in honor of her son, Frank's, § of Burdette Ss Talk | will be Rita Smith, costume song re- eighth birthday. The children were en- | | citalist. tertained with games and dancing, af- | fo Catholic League ter which delightful refreshments| The North Shore Catholic Woman's | were served. | league will 'hold its regular monthly books and current events under the | meeting at the Winnetka Woman's | auspices of the Catholic Woman': club Tuesday, March 9, at 2:30 o'clock | league at the residence of Mrs. F. T, in the afternoon. This being Nomin- | O'Brien in Winnetka Wednesday, ation day, a full attendance is urged. | March 3. These meetings are being The speaker of the afternoon will well attended and are a source of in- James H. Burdette, director of the |spiration to all present. The last talk | National Garden bureau, who will |will be given Wednesday, March 17, | speak on "Flowers the Season Thru," |at 2 o'clock, at the home of E. C. | "We feel sure, the league states, that | Weissenberg, 965 Lim street, Winnetka. 22 Million Dollars to Serve You Better DPEJCRESS never "happens." It must be made. And there are two steps in its making. FORESEEING opportunity is the first step. FULFILLING it is the second. And both these steps have had their part in North Shore Line progress. Ten years ago, in 1916, the North Shore Line came under its present management. The new management, in taking hold, saw and foresaw cer- tain things about this road. It saw, first of all, that the road served a favored, growing territory. It foresaw that this territory could absorb and would benefit by an improved standard of transportation. So it embarked on the second step of progress. It entered an immediate and definite program to build up its service. This program has never ceased, and it never will. In twenty-two years prior to the change in management, a total of $12,500,000 had been invested in the road. In the last ten years, or since 1916, this investment has been increased by more than 22 million dollars. Today the total investment is approximately $35,000,000. Just how has this additional $22,000,000 been spent? Here are some of the things it has done. It has bought 80 new all-steel passenger cars, including dining and parlor-observation cars. It has bought 48 Merchandise Despatch cars. It has replaced 78 miles of track with new heavy rails and rock-ballasted roadbed. It has laid 52 additional miles of new track, enabling the road to serve new territory. It has established a connecting motor coach service of incalculable value to thousands of com- muters and travelers. Further, it has made pos- sible a system of maintenance and a standard of service second to no other railroad in the country. Why have we done these things? Why have we spent this money? The answer is simple. We want your patronage; we value your good will. The steady growth of North Shore Line patronage convinces us that our efforts are appreciated. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. 72 West Adams Street, Chicago, Ill The High-Speed Electrified Railroad Mrs. Anthony French Merrill gave the fifth of her series of lectures on 5v%,% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban residence property at 5% % Iin- | terest. See us on renewals. [be E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 North Shore Line takes you direct to where you want to go in Chicago -- North Side, Loop or South Side. Save time and bus fare. Seeks Nomination Frank L. Smith . Col. Frank L. Smith of Dwight, Ill, is a candidate for nomination on the Republican ticket for U. S. Senator from Illinois. He has put himself on record as opposed to the world court. ANNOUNCE CIRCLE PARTY I'he Elm street circle of Sacred Heart parish will hold a card and bun- co party on Thursday, March 11, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. H. B. Hein, 850 Pine street, Winnetka. The hostess is extending a cordial invita- tion to all. SEWING MACHINES Almost new port- able Electric Ma- chines from $29.50 up SINGER DROP HEAD from $15.00 up Machines Rented and Repaired PATTERSON BROTHERS 816-818 Church St., Evanston, Ill Phones: Univ. 654; Wil. 526 1-8 Store Open Evenings