Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Mar 1926, p. 42

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i March 13, 1926 WINNETKA TALK - 41 2 FOR RENT_HOUSES 10 WANTED TO RENT--RROOMS 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE. 9 rooms; 2 baths; located in North end of Glencoe. East of beautiful wooded lot. Oil heat. One or two years. Address Winn, Talk A-824. 2TN1-1tc FOR RENT---5 RM. BUNGALOW; © poss. May 1; furnace ht.; rent $65. 6256 Temple Court, Kenilworth. Tel. Kenil. 1307. 2LTN24-1tc FOR RENT--7 RM. HOUSE IN GOOD condition; large garage; on nice wooded lot; conv. transp. Phone Wil. 515. 2LTN24-1tc FOR RENT -- 7-ROOM HOUSE; 2 baths; convenient transp.; near schools. Phone Wilmette 3035. 2LTN24-1tp FOR RENT -- NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE; furnished; for summer. 1314 Isa- bella St. Call Wilmette 701-R. 2LT24-tfc FOR RENT -- BUNGALOW -- 3 RMS.; glazed front porch; basement. Phone 'Winnetka 2550. 2LTN24-1tc a3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- MODERN 6 ROOM apartment; 1st floor; near transp.; hot water heat; large living room; fireplace; bookeases; porch; garage. Shown by appointment. Winn. 1921. 3LTN24-3tc WANTED -- 1 OR 2 ROOMS IN GA- rage; pay rent or in exchange for house or garden work; by married couple; no children. Address--Box 141, Glencoe, Ill. 10TN1-1tp ---------------------- 11 HELP WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED --GARDENER and Caretaker; life experience; best WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL Dodge Brothers cars; auto sales ex- perience not necessary but must be ambitious and energetic. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincola Ave. Tel. Winnetka 165. 11LTN24-1tc i} --SALESMAN TO SOLICIT WANTED orders for oils, greases, paints; sal. or comm. The Harvey Oil, Cleve- land, O. 11T1-1tp 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WILMETTE INN UNDER NEW MAN- agement. Unfurn. and completely furnished apartments for rent. Tel. Wilmette 1868. 3LT24-1tc FOR RENT--3 ROOM FURNACE HTD. flat; 2 adults employed; no children; $45 per mo. 222 Catalpa Place, Wil- mette. 3LT24-1tp FOR RENT -- 3-ROOM APT.; BATH; heated. Phone Winn. 1820. 3LTN24-1tp FOR RENT -- APT. 5 ROOMS AND bath; h. w. heat. Tel. Glen. 343-R. 3LT24-1tc 4 FOR RENT_ROOMS FOR RENT -- LARGE, LIGHT, WELL furnished room; priv. bath. Near transp. Tel. Winn. 1543. 4LTN24-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT50-tfe FOR RENT -- ROOM SUITABLE FOR . one or two gentlemen; hot water heat. 848 Elm st. Ph. Winn. 674-R 4T1-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM; HOT WATER heat; convenient to transp. Phone Winn. 502-M. 4T1-1tp FOR RENT -- FRONT, DOUBLE OR WANTED -- MAID; GOOD COOK and dining room service; no laundry or heavy cleaning; own room, bath and sitting room; small adult fam- ily; references required. Phone Winn. 1117. 12T1-1te 1 WANTED -- NURSE; PROTESTANT; References; for 5 yr. old boy; per- manent position; one block from railroad station. 210 . Park ave. Glencoe. Phone Glen. 533. 12LTN24-1te WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL to assist with housework; '4 adults in family. Address 333 Sunset Rd. Winnetka. Tel. Winn, 1057. 12LLTN24-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; 2 in family; must be neat and reliable. Refer- ences, Phone Winn. 422. 12TN1-1te references; looking for steady po- sition. Phone Glen. 676. John J. Takach, 400 Madison, ave., Glencoe, IL 14TN1-1tp SITCXTION WTD. -- BY COMPE- tent gardener and chauffeur; mar- ried; no children; good refs. Ad- dress Fred Singele, 4835 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. 14TN1-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- GARDENER and houseman; married; references. Address, J.» Vanderwoerdt, 15 Deer Path ave., Lake Forest, Ill 14TN1-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- willing to do gar- Phone Winn. 14TN1-1tp enced Chauffeur; den and houséwork. 692-M. WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; 3 in family; no washing; ref. req. 1316 Ashland Ave. Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 3010. 12LTN24-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; small house; good wages; small family. 167 Maple Hill Rd. Phone Glen. 1235. 12LTN24-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for gen. hswk.; small house; small family; good wages; ref. req. Call Winn. 680. 12LTN24-1tec WANTED -- WHITE MAID; GEN- GOOD EXP. in last place. 14TN1-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- chauffeur; col.; 11 yrs. Tel. Oakland 2344. WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITUATION SITUATION WANTED ' -- EXPERI- enced beauty parlor operator; expert in shingling and bobbing. Work in homes by appointment. Phone Glencoe 328-R. 15LTN24-1tp WTD -- COL. GIRL AS or nurse girl; refer- 10257. 15LTN24-1tp SITUATION general maid - ence. Phone Univ. WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING to take home; exp. laundress. Will call and deliver. Tel. Wil. 834-J. 15LT24-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- BY YOUNG woman; general hswk. or clerking; to go home nights. Phone Wil. 2240. 15LT24-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- HOUSEWORK by the day; 3 or 4 days a week; no cooking. Phone Winn. 1036. 15TI-1tp JOHANNA B. ANDERSON Dressmaking -- Coats -- Dresses 4 Annex Store, 2-746 Elm. St., Winn. : 15TI-1tp SIT. WTD--NEAT COLORED WOMAN; as cook or 2nd maid; refs. Phone 15LTN24-1tp eral housework; good cook; 8 Oakland 1118. adults; fi ces. Phone' Winn. 1658. Felgen 12T1-1tec | WANTED -- WASHING TO DO AT . . home. Will call and deliver. Call WANTED -- WOMAN FOR GEN. Wilmette 3687. 15T1-1tp hswk.; with laundry, have elec. washer; very PR room. Tel. | FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- Winn. 2533. 12TN1-1te terations call Miss Carlsten, Win- netka 1416. 15T1-tfe WANTED -- GOOD RELIABLE white maid for gen. hswk.; per-|SITUATION WTD. -- MAID, COL., manent for right party. Phone for gen. hswk.; references. Phone Winn. 2368. 12T1-1te Seeley 8689. 15T1-1tp WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL for second work andx>assist with SIT. WTD__EXP. COL L.AUNDRESS wants day work. Tel Winn, 2256. 15LTN24-1tp EE ---------------------------- 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 17 FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- 4 PIECE, HAND carved, genuine walnut bedroom suite; also 2 pce., curly walnut set, Phone Wil. 1882. 17LTN24-1tc SALE--NEARLY NEW A. B. cheap. Phone FOR enameled gas range; Wil. 3548. 17LT24-1te FOR SALE -- 100 LB. ICE-BOX; very reasonable. 1163 Asbury Ave. Call Winnetka 744. 17T1-1te FOR SALE -- WASHING MACHINE, $30.00, cost $125.00. Ph. Glen. 1199. 17TN1-1te FOR SALE -- MOHAIR COVERED, overstuffed couch. Call Glencoe 192. 1LN24-1tc 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 1SLTN11-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--=Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily, Tues., Thurs, Sat.,, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 18T42-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS THE LOR ELLEN SHOP BUYS AND SELLS Ladies' Apparel, Antiques, Brig-a-brac and Linen. 1240 No. Clark St. Tel. Lincoln 1204 19LTN23-tfc WANTED TO BUY. MEN'S CLOTH- ing and shoes. Tel. Wilmette 1351. 19LTN23-4tp 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- USED CARS Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices $75 to $550. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN24-1tc FOR SALE--MAXWELL TOURING car in excell. cond.; also Utenco ironer. Phone Wil. 2332. 20LTN24-1tc FOR SALE--MODEL 50, 5 PASS. OPEN Haynes, extras, $100. Phone Wil. 2357 evenings. 20LTN15-tfc WANTED--OLD AUTOS AND ELEC- . any condition. Univ. 1986. 20LTN22-tfc 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS trics; FOR SALE -- POWER BOILER -- Hawkes combination flre and water tube boiler, 190 H. P., 150 1bs. pres- sure. - Chain grate stoker or Oil fir- ing equipment. Finest condition. May be seen in operation at New Trier High School, Kenilworth. 21, TN22-4tc ANTIQUES -- PINE, WALNUT, MA- hogany, and maple chests, beds, sec. desks, cupboards, chairs; rare old prints; old maps, pewter, lustre, samovar, candlesticks, rugs, glass, etc. 808 Washington St., Evanston. Open evenings and Sunday. 17LTN24-1tc FOR SALE -- HEATING BOILERS-- Two Brownell Fire Tube Boilers, 78 in. diameter by 18 ft. long, 170 Horse Power, 100 lbs. pressure. Chain grate stokers. Good condi- tion. May be seen in operation at New Trier High 'School, Kenilworth. 21LT N22-4te single room; hot water; near transp. baby; good home; $10.00. Phone "Tel. Wil. 3206. 4L.T24-1tp Winn. 1814. 12TN1-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE SOUTHEAST | WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL TO AS- Toom; for two adults; with board. sist with housework; character ref- _ 731 10th St., Wilmette. 4L.T24-2tp erence required. Phone tone ML - -1tp FOR RENT --- FURNISHED ROOM. Phone Winnetka 2655. 4T1-1tc | WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; no washing; no heavy clean- 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND ing; ref. Call. Winn. 1180. OFFICES 12LTN24- 1te FOR RENT + STCRES, SHOPS AND WANTRD --' EXP. WHITE MAID FOR 'apartments. Telephone Winnetka 62. gen. on" Wi sot 0 good "ig S5LTN17-tfc wa a nm Jd 12TN1-1te 6: FOR RENT--GARAGES - FOR RENT -- GARAGE. 220 MYRTLE St.,, Indian Hill; Tel. Winn. 606-W. o1-tfe 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED -- 4 OR 5 ROOM, UNFURN. bungalow or flat by April 1; rent not to exceed $50.00 per month; will 'lease for one year. Tel. Wilmette 1920. TLTN24-1tp WANTED--FURN. HSE.; JUNE 8- Sept. 7; 4 master bdrms.; 2 baths or more; servant's quarters. --P. D. M., Box 56, Highland Park. TTN1-1tp WANTED TO RENT -- A HOUSE; $100 to $125 per month, Possession May 1st. Telephone Winn. 2557. 7T52-tfc 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- 2 ROOMS FOR. +4 adults; with, or without board. Ph. Winnetka 458. 10TN1-1tp WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; plain cooking. Tel. Win- netka "2149. 12LTN24-1te WANTED --- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; small house and fam- ily. Phone Winn. 1196. 12TN1-1te WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER. Tel, Glencoe 1105. 12TN1-1tp 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- MARRIED COUPLE FOR general house work and garden; white; permanent place for willing couple; private dining room, bedrm. and bath. Do not call between 12 and 5 Sunday. 1110 Pine st. Win- netka. 13TN1-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD -- NEAT, COUR- teous col. chauffeur; permanent po- sition with family who values 1st class service; A-1 refs. Atlantic 3039. 14LTN-24-1tp FOR SALE -- MUST BE SOLD AT once--10 pce., Colby make, solid mah. dining set in excell. cond., $375. Can be seen at Iredale Fireproof Warehouse, 560 Center St, Winnetka. Ask for R. H. Iredale. 1LTN24-1tc FOR SALE--8 PCE. OAK DINING set, $25; 7 pce. oak dining set, $35; automatic elec. range, $90; 9 pce. walnut dining set, $200. Iredale Fireproof Warehouse, 560 Center St., Winnetka. FOR SALE--ANTIQUES. A NUMBER of spool beds; also maple post beds; | set of 6 Windsor back, maple chairs; medium size, drop leaf cherry table. Tel. Winn. 462. 17LTN24-1tec FOR SALE--ANTIQUE FURNITURE choice, Selections; old china, glass- wrae, mps, ete LOUISE B. PANUSHISA, 929 13th St., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 676. 17LTN24-1te N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. ; 18LTN3-tfc FOR SALE -- BED AND DRESSER complete; $10.00. Phone Winn. 2316. 17TN1-1tp 17LTN24-1t¢" FOR SALE -- per 5 TUBE 'R. F. radio set, complete with tubes, bat- teries and speaker; cheap. Tel. Wil 3522, = 21LTN24-1tc FOR SALE -- EVENING, SPORT AND afternoon dresses; almost new; $3.00 to $15.00. Phone Glen. 1199. 21TN1-1te 23 PERSONAL WANTED -- CHILDREN TO BOARD; country home. Address Wil. Life A-R21, 23LTN24-1tc 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- GREY DOMESTIC RUG IN Wilmette last Saturday. Liberal re- ward. Finder please call Wilmette 1949. 24LT24-1te 'LOST -- DOG, BLACK AND WHITE terrier, male; children's pet. Return "to H. T. Stanton, 698 Blackthorne road, Winnetka. 24T1-1te LOST -- WHITE name "Prince," noon; Reward. Wednesday after- Phone Winn, 1204. 24T1-1te More Want Ads on Page 42

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