10 WINNETKA TALK March 20, 1926 = PAIN Tubes and Special colors Rasmesen's of all kinds. HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALI, YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS Store Painting and Decorating Jo ---- uae Strong at the fl Dave Parcelli, DO YOUR SHOPPING AT THE Winnetka Fruit House Best White POAtOES, PECK ... vic sswvissrrnstrcrasupsssvnssyeesing 79¢ Georgia Sweet Potatoes, 3 dbs... envi cinies sera rn vans covnsvans 35¢ NortherncGreenings, 4 IDS... «oc. 55% crnnns tis carne wnavive scvvne vas 29¢ Bry Onions; 4 Is... oo soa isi i fnran nies arn se hana ns servings 25¢ Spinach, eXtra Fancy, PECK.} J vd Fre sonras sons ion sss te vanroadsnsarses 39¢ Beets and Carrots, large bunches, 2 Jor.i....i.icoeii indivi dinn, 25¢ Catlliflowers each ....o i. ti diinivgavhnc vasvnsas sear ses snns 25¢ an up Calif. Telephone Peas, Ibi var vn rns o: Fused om evs cessor vi rows vail 25¢ Léttuce, crisp and tender... «icici Avi divin vii iiidiaihans 15¢ String Beans, ancy, Qh... ivvitcitecoes «vay funni Tenis oes vedio 39¢ Jonathan GApPples, 3 M8. us o cov insist dr amines snr PRs dene 35¢ Florida:Oranges, per doz... wove: «s+ concnpuime svmnss in vn vs vas 39¢ to 75¢ Calif. Oranges, DEF -QOZ...u si + bs cormmen ss oe sno ny foe eons 40c-50c-69c¢ Bananas, Per OZ. T oi: aus. vos ss scnson on rine ones svi for vies 35¢c and 45¢ Fresh Strawberries at the lowest possible price. Grapefruit, Z. Jor coon ivn ni erie cr sur rr a TR sn aE 25¢ Grapefruit, Teach. ii vi vin cues ies es SP Ses te rr 15¢ Best Brick Butter .... cc... iio ssrrs ios rivsitoms cosva as pastes sn vs 48c Artichokes, Z for 25€, 5. fOr. ai: po dP ne ste Tes vod vu cr nvtnss s burs 50c Open 7 A. M, to 10 P. M. Sundays 8 to 1 Where quality merchandise and moderate prices prevail SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY WINNETKA FRUIT HOUSE LIGHT GROCERIES High Grade Fruits and Vegetables 746 Elm Street Free Delivery Phone Winnetka 2470 fe ONES ELECTRIC SERVICE WINNETKA § 1848 3 ao] BLDG. \ \7I5 OAK ST. SW INNETKA OFFICIAL 9] 2W-N HW 3 3 FOR DELCO REMY {el d; LN £78 FAY SPARTAN HORN ECLIPSE BENDIX DRIVE REALTH 1 AND. STRENGTH E"LL repair the cells in your battery. We'll stop the leaks. We'll bring it back to health and strength. Batteries Joaned while others are being repaired. A battery needs lots of attention. Our Auto-guide can give you some valuable tips. | Chicago Newsboys Fete Four hundred newsboys, members | of the Chicago newsboys' union, were hosts at a testimonial dinner given to | We alter A. Strong of Tower road, | publisher of the Chicago Daily News, | in the Hotel Sherman, Monday, March | 15. Many of the men associated with Mr. Strong on the Daily News were present as honorary guests. The din- | | ner was tendered the publisher, the | newsboys said, in | interest he has displayed in the wel- | fare of the carriers. | silver vase was presented to Mr. close of the treasurer of the news- was toastmaster, | boys' union, | ' Hubbard Woods Merchant Takes European Journey U. J. Dini, proprietor of the Hubbard Woods Confectionery, left early in the month for New York and sailed on | March 12 on the S.S. Majestic for his old home in the north of Italy which | he has not seen for 18 years. Mr. Dini expects to be abroad about three months visiting in Rome, Paris, and London. This is the first vacation he has had in many years and he plans to make it a real one. EVENING SERMON TOPIC "Freedom from Fear" will be the theme of the sermon at the evening service at the Winnetka Congrega- tional church Sunday, March 21. Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin will discuss the ways in which God dispels fear and imparts courage to his children. TALK ON PRAYER The series of discussions about prayer will be concluded at the Congregational church next Wednesday evening, when the Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin will talk about "The Possibilities of Prayer. What results may we expects from prayer? What are the consequences for the individual, for the church, for society ?" Mrs. Franklin Rudolph of 745 Sheri- dan road is expecting her sister-in-law, Miss Bertha Rudolph, to arrive today from Florida, to be her guest. ubl 3 | the common good of all. appreciation of the | | cance of inspiration in the A large engraved | : | talks. dinner. | Tuesday Lectures W. A. Strong, Publisher Real Inspiration, . . Writes Listener (Contributed) The Rev. James Austin Tuesday morning talks in the borhood room of Community are very well attended and one sees there many of the women of the village who are living their lives for It is too bad who realizes the signifi- living of such a life, should miss any of these They are centered about "The New Isaiah" and the Richards' Neigh- House that anyone Message of the [lecture of the current week was con- | cerned with the thought which this writer brought to the people of his day concerning suffering. It brought immediate hope to the exiled Jews of a salvation for their nation through the God-like life of the individual and was prophetic of the coming of Jesus. One's imagination is stirred by this unknown prophet to whom came the vision of the power and beauty of in- dividual life lived in communion with and obedience to the will of God. He understood and makes us understand the fruitfullness of unmerited suffer- ing. There is no poetry more beauti- ful than is found in these chapters of Isaiah, no writing about God that pre- sents him so vividly as the ruler of the vast and limitless universe, while it comforts us with the tenderness of His understanding and love of those men who seek His council in the trials which beset them. Mr. Richards is a teacher of imagi- nation and of inspiration and his scholarship is no where more evident than in these Tuesday morning talks. That anyone should miss them through a multiplicity of engagements is a mis- fortune but that anyone should miss them because he did not know about them would be a greater misfortune, so you are reminded again that the talks on Tuesday mornings at ten in the Neighborhood room at Community House. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Renwick of 1457 Asbury avenue spent last week-end as the guest of friends in St. Louis. PHONE Univ. 2720 "A ET SACLE | PALACE CASH | MARKET THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS 1559 Sherman Ave., Evanston PHONE Univ. 2720 Prime Beef Tenderloin 45¢ Very Best Sirloin Steak 45c¢ Very Best Bacon (Sliced) 31bs. $1.25 Fresh Sweetbreads 69c¢ Choice Pot Roasts 1914¢ R------ Hind Quarters of Spring Lamb, 1b........... Headquarters for Fresh Dressed Poultry