44 WINNETKA TALK March 20, 1926 | most of our citizens here and have | caused some who have surveyed the | Your Village Caucus Platform surburban life of America to call it | the ideal suburb. The great majority | of our citizens come here to escape | | the bigness of the city and give their The platform of the Village Caucus, | age artificial and unnecessary divi- | fariilies Vw, benefit of 2 more open which convened M lav of this week | Sions into more than one party where and ea thful eountry life and the ch convened Monday oi this wee | there are no fundamental differences | more healthful interests which can and selected candidates for the various | i, policy. Permanent party alignments | O01y exist in comparatively small and | Village offices to be voted upon in the | along national or state party lines, or [ homogeneous communities. The resi- election on April 6 (as noted in another | otherwise, are not needed in village | dential ideal should prevail and neces- | column of this issue of WINNETKA | 2ffairs. They only tend to confuse the Sars commercial development should hs orl : . a | local issues, divide and weaken the | Pe in keeping with this ideal. This TALK) is published in its entirety here- | porces of good government and build | caucus stands for the carefully with: | up self-interested organizations of of- studied Village Plan, for enforcement RESOLVED, That this caucus of cit- | fice-seekers. of the Zoning law, for discourage- izens of Winnetka, assembled for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Village offices to be filled at the coming April election, hereby adopts the following statement and declara- tion of its principles, purposes and policies, and requests the secretary to have the same published for the in- formation of all voters, together with a list of the candidates nominated at this meeting: The rapid growth of Winnetka in recent years has added to our village many new residents who are natural- ly unfamiliar with local politics. For their information it seems appropriate to explain how the village officers have been nominated in the past, the history of this caucus, the policies for which it stands, its organization and procedure. History of Caucus. This caucus is the successor of similar meetings held each year for the last eleven years. The candidates selected in every in- stance have proved acceptable to the voters and were elected at the polls. Participation in Caucus. All citi- zens in sympathy with the ideals and policies of the caucus are invited to participate and their co-operation is welcomed. To insure attendance of a considerable number, special notices have been mailed to those who have attended previous meetings or have indicated some active interest in com- munity affairs. Any citizens notifying the secretary will be placed on this list for future years. The caucus is not, however, intended as a universal town meeting or open forum to settle all issues and could not so function or serve such purpose. Radical dif- ferences in policy should not be final- ly determined by majority vote at any meeting attended by only a por- tion of the voters, but by the presen- tation of alternative tickets for the consideration of all the voters at the polls. The aim of this caucus is to bring together a representative body of citizens fairly harmonious with re- spect to certain policies in order that a ticket of fit candidates, standing for those policies, may be presented to the voters. Any other group out _ of sympathy with these policies will al- ways be at liberty to put its own can- didates in the field. Ideals, Purposes and Policies for which the caucus has stood and con- tinues to stand may be summarized as follows: 1. Qualification of Candidates. The caucus aims to insure able, efficient and honest administration of the vil- lage affairs by securing candidates not only of unquestioned honesty, but of proved ability--men whose success and good judgment in their own business affairs and other matters justify plac- ing the village problems in their hands. In carrying out this policy the caucus has avoided office-seekers and let the office seek the man. With few, if any, exceptions the candidates put forward by the caucus have con- sented to act and given their time at considerable personal sacrifice from a sense of civic duty and in response to the persuasions of the nominating committee. 2. Discouragement of Unnecessary Parties. The caucus aims to discour- 3. Municipal Water and Light Properties. The caucus has stood, and stands, unequivocally for the municipal ownership and retention of the village water and light properties, and points to these operations with justifiable pride as indicating what may be done with an efficient and non-political administra- tion. 4. Track Depression. The caucus has stood, and stands, and pledges its candidates to work for grade separa- tion and track depression of our rail- roads. The frequent killing of our citizens and increasing number of high-speed trains make this one of our most important and pressing problems. Much work has been done on this matter by our present officials and we congratulate them on the progress made. Both railroads have been committed to track depression in principle. 5. Referendums on Franchises. Our candidates are pledged to grant no franchises to railroads or other public and operation utilities without first submitting the matter to a referendum vote of the citizens. 6. Preservation of Residential and Community Ideal. This caucus stands unequivocally for the preservation of the Residential and Community Ideal for our village. By this we mean the preservation, so far as controllable, of all those desirable features of our community life which have brought in 20 Lessons on Piano, Banjo, Sax., etc. Shifistonsen 20 E. Jackson Blvd, Chicago. Write for Free Booklet Telephone Wilmette 3347 DR. FRANK B. ERWIN VETERINARIAN Specializing in the treatment Of your best friends the "Dog and Cat" All ealls receive my personal attention 724 Prairie Ave. Wilmette, IlL Overstuffed Furni- ture by XTERMX process of fumiga- ting and treating. returned guaran- The Only Cleaning Plant in New Trier Rugs Carpets & Draperies We are now booking orders for house house cleaning Phone for our Estimator CLEANING : DYEING Phones Wilmette 3400 Greenleaf 700 uss ment of commercial and industrial de- velopments beyond the needs of a residential community and for exclu- sion, as far as possible, of apartments and hotels. In particular, any exploitation of the low lands to the west of the village. Undue and forced expansion into naturally un- desirable lands, bringing large in- creases of population of a different character and perhaps new commer- cial and industrial centers and activi- ties means direct and rapid progress backward toward the confused city life, and will be even more destructive of our present homogeneous commu- nity life than apartment development. Such development, aside from all other considerations, can only result in expense to our present citizens for unnecessary drainage assessments and increased tax burdens. 7. Endorsement of Village Admin- istration. This caucus endorses the present village administration. The annual luncheon of the Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial Lodging house will be held at 1 o'clock today at the Hotel LaSalle. Mrs. Harold Ickes of Hubbard Woods and Dr. John Timo- thy Stone will give talks on "The Lead- ership of Children." ] ' i LOAN WITHOUT COMMISSION } : On Desirable Homes and Apartment j Buildings i John Hancock Mutual Life Insur- ance Company : A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan Agent ' 112 W. Adams St, Chicago it opposes | SEWING MACHINES Almost new port- able Electric Ma- chines from $29.50 up SINGER DROP HEAD from $15.00 up Machines Rented and Repaired PATTERSON BROTHERS 816-818 Church St., Evanston, Ill. Phones: Univ. 654; Wil. 526 Store Open Evenings none too good. what you want. 902-04 Linden Ave. Headquarters for Spaulding's Athletic Goods When you are buying athletic goods for your boy, the best is In our store you will find a most complete layout of athletic goods. Catchers Gloves, Fielders Mits, Balls, Bats, Masks, Etc. Hubbard Woods Hardware & Electric Co. Hubbard Woods Spaulding's is Phone Winn. 871