April 3, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 19 Announcing- Two Old Established Cleaning Firm United in a New $135,000 Plant John B. Nazarian of the Parr A Al Kaplan of the Riviera isian Cleaners, Inc. of Win- IN Cleaners and Dyers of Chi- netka (Formerly of Evanston) J) cago have formed a partnership to be known as the Riviera Cleaners and Dyers. They will occupy the fine new cleaning plant just completed in Evanston by Mr. Nazarian. They have installed the new- est and finest equipment and now have the largest and most complete cleaning plant between Chicago and Milwaukee. The name Parisian Cleaners has been dropped by the new partnership in order to avoid confusion with other firms of the same or similar name in Evanston. Every branch of the cleaning and dyeing of fabrics will be in the hands of experts aided by spe- cialized machinery. Finest Garments Renewed--Sterilized--Dyed Household Fabrics Rugs--Carpets--Draperies Cleaned and Repaired - ELL ELLE EE LL LADLE LLL ELLE LT TT Tr Mr. Nazarian brings to Mr. Kaplan's name has the partnership an expert knowledge and long ex- perience in the cleaning and repairing of Oriental and domestic rugs, with twenty years of successful cleaning and dyeing busi- ness on the North Shore. been a household word in the North Side of Chi- cago for 20 years because of his exceptional knowl- cleaning of fine dresses and te edededodod dodo do bode dd od bb hdd d delicate fabrics. A feature of the new plant is a cold-storage, dust- and insect-proof vault for furs and fine rugs and draperies. This plant can do anything that modern skill, science and equipment can accomplish in the clean- ing and renewal of fabrics and cloths of every kind. Twenty delivery trucks bring our service to your front door. * ® Winnetka Branch DYERS 578 Lincoln Ave. JVIER ee, CLEANERS Wil. 727 Main Office and Plant H. P. 313 1019-21 University PL. : Phones Greenleaf 250-251-727--Ravenswood 3531 Chicago Branch 4744 Broadway Phone Edgewater 0960 edge of the dyeing and.