WINNETKA TALK April 3, 1926 Brown-Umlandt nee A Solid Mahogany Phone Set The very best wood, finish and workmanship that can be put into fur- niture, has been put into this set. The price is A Karpen Coxwell Chair with a solid mahogany frame and covered in a good grade of tapestry. This is an unusually good value. The price is $29.75 TP FAAS NLHs ah 5 CR A be, ly" Breakfast Set finished in ivory and blue enamel and priced at $19.75 Brown-Umlandt Furniture Co. 1567 Sherman Ave. Tel. Univ. 6300 Evanston, Ill. | GIVES RADIO PROGRAM ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN Martha Linn of Winnetka Con- ducts Interesting Program Over Radio Station WSWS In Martha Linn, announcer for day- time programs over the S. W. Straus and company radio station, WSWS, Chicago, the north shore has another prominent woman who is making good in the growing opportunities offered to able women. Mrs. Linn is a resident of Winnetka and is well known in club and music circles of this section. Coming to the microphone with an unusual cultural background she has built up a noon-hour program from 11 to 1 o'clock which is growing rapidly in popularity. For Martha Linn knows what women like. Women's clubs, musical societies and Parent-Teacher associations have familiarized her with their problems. Her numerous contacts in these fields have also proven invalu- able in securing the best talent in each activity. Program of Variety "It is my aim," said Mrs. Linn in an interview, "to build a program with variety of appeal, but also with a care- fully-planned purposefulness; women have many interests, but they also want something worth listening to. Cultural interests are close to their hearts-- books, plays, painting, home decora- tions, the best in music, and the arts. Yet all of these must be so presented as not to be dull. "Woman's practical interests are closely linked with the home and family, but frequently overlap the cultural fields. Fashions, personal adornment such as fashions, beauty talks, health talks by established authorities and such fields are essential parts of her life, Shoe. famous shoe. It's and comfort. Fashionable everywhere ....Comfortable always Fifth Avenue--Riverside Drive--Michi- gan Boulevard--all know The Red Cross It winters in Florida and summers at Newport. Wherever you find fashion- able shoes, The Red Cross Shoe will be prominent among them. But style is just one feature of this its comfort -- for every model of The Red Cross Shoe is made over the famous "Limit" lasts, assuring both perfect fit Fashionable everywhere--comfortable always--Ilet us fit you with a pair of these nationally admired shoes today. features. Fountain Square--Evanston beauty is equalled by Carmoor--An unusual three- button model in Russia calf with the famous Arch-Tone Price $10.00. The home--her daily world--includes interior decoration problems, cooking, furnishings and plans for intelligent house-wifery." So Martha Linn set out to fulfill these needs of the up-to-date woman. Her own creative ability has made her solutions interesting. Retains Experts Her periods devoted to representa- tives from prominent clubs of this region are giving her listeners first- hand, authoritative information in a wide field of interests. Beauty secrets are divulged by Madame de la Vie of the Chicago Herald and Examiner. A prominent physician from the Y. M. C. A. staff is conducting a question and answer department on health. Eleanor Hall, Women's Counsellor for S. W. Straus and company, talks regularly on "Financial Problems of Women." There are special periods on Thursdays cover- ing kitchen problems. She has secured the co-operation of the National Farm Radio Council in her work. And al- ways, she has kept in mind that these programs are most appreciated when lightened with beautiful music of every type. Perhaps the most important factor in her success, however, is her own radiantly friendly voice which has at- tracted her audience to "listen in" for more. A quality of sympathy, under- standing and capability are blended in her daily announcements that assure her of a growing friendship among the day-time fans. Hour for Children Her final hour of the week, the Sat- urday 11 to 1 o'clock period, is fast be- coming one of the most charming of all, for she has not forgotten the chil- dren. Her "Invisible Village of Play," a period of entertainment provided en- tirely by child artists, has kept many a Johnny and Mary at the radio set on Saturday mornings. For a balanced radio diet, pleasingly served up and tastefully arranged, no other announcer has made a better offering than has Martha Linn, the north shore's contribution to "The Woman in Radio." LEASE WILLOW ROAD HOME W. M. Purves and family, of the Or- rington hotel, Evanston, have taken a two year lease from May 1, on the W. O. Girard residence, at 529 Willow road, now occupied by the Warren L. Leh- man family. The Lehmans will move to their new home at 570 Longwood avenue, Glencoe. The lease of the Girard property was made by P. W. Bradstreet and company, 788 Elm street. in 20 Lessons on wR hristensen, Chicago. Write for Free Booklet Do you know that you can own a HART OIL BURNER as low as $50.00 down and about $25.00 per month? HOUSEHOLD DEVICES -- COMPANY -- HART OIL BURNERS 1514 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Greenleaf 1752 742 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146 ph