yf April 3, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 49 Check Dignity at the Door in This Big Church Party (Contributed) Games, singing, "stunts," and what- | ever goes to make up an evening of | wholesome fun and play will be en- joyed in Matz hall Wednesday, April 7. All members and friends of the Win- netka Congregational church are in- vited to join in the festivity, which will | start promptly at 8 o'clock. Don't come if it hurts you to laugh, as you would be in pain all evening. The manage- ment announces that they will not be responsible for any loss of dignity or damage to placidity suffered by any of the guests. A chariot race is to be one of the features. For speed this race will make Ben Hur look like a boy on his way to school and for thrills it will outclass Douglas Fairbanks. You probably have taken part in the old fashioned "spell-down," but did vou ever participate in a "spell-up?" Here is your chance! Have you dramatic talent as yet un- discovered by the representatives of Hollywood and the Drama club? Here is your opportunity to show what you can do. Many other unusual and thrilling events will take place on this evening of play and merriment. Come and re- new your youth. Report Lively Activity in Property Transfers Heinsen and Kroll"s Winnetka office, 720 Elm street announces the following recent sales in Winnetka and Glencoe: William T. Dean's residence at 779 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe, to Donald W. Green: O. W. Zur Welle's resi- dence at 371 Walnut street, Winnetka, to Jesse C. Barnes; Victor E. Clottu's lot on Elder lane, between Crescent and Woodland, to Harry E. White: Clifford C. Bradbury's residence at 375 Palos road, Glencoe. to Harry S. Sanborn: Rosette S. Hirsh's residence at 1009 Vine street. Winnetka, to Harry W. Roberts. The above sales aggregated $127,550. Evening Services Win Approval of Villagers The regular evening services, recently established at the Winnetka Congre- gational church each Sunday at 8 o'clock, are proving a real help to the higher life of the community, the church officials announce. "The ser- mons preached by the Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin, so warm and personal and: thoughtful, the evening music, the eve- ning lights, the atmosphere of friend- ship and rest and devotion, all mark this as a eood place for people to come on Sunday evenings," reads a comment on the services. .TEA FOR MRS. ALLSEBROOKE. A farewell tea will he given for Mrs. Ernest J. Allsehrooke by the Lincoln Avenue Neighborhood circle. Thurs- day, April 8, at the home of Mrs. Hugo Hartmann, 757 Lincoln avenue. Win- netka. Members of the circle and other friends of Mrs. Allsebrooke are cordially invited to drop in between the hours of 3 and 5 for a social cup of tea. Miss Emilie Hoyt and Miss Marjorie Allen, former Winnetka girls, are in- cluded in the wedding party of Miss Mary Elizabeth Waterman, whose marriage to Ralph Isham Farwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln Far- well of Chicago, will take place at the bride's home in Detroit. ---- Archibald Beebe and his sisters, Miss Beebe and Mrs. Valentine, of Indian Hill road, have returned from Pasadena, Cal, where they have spent the winter. Still Another Record First came January -- greatest in Dodge Brothers history! Then February--another record month! And now, at the hour this is written, reports from all parts of America clearly indicate that March not only surpassed every previous March but piled up the greatest record of sales EVER achieved by Dodge Brothers great organization. An overwhelming expression of public confidence in Dodge Brothers and in the goodness and value of the car they build! Experience has taught more than 1,600,000 motorists that Dodge Brothers product stands alone and unparalleled in solid dollar-for-dollar worth, Thirty thousand new owners a month are finding everythiag they value most highly in a motor car: Long Life--Dependability--Exceptional Riding Comfort--Good Looks, and Smooth- ness of Operation. And they also find SAFETY in the all steel body construction, double-strength steering unit, and a chassis made brute- staunch with more pounds of drop forgings and chrome vanadium steel than in any other car in the world, regardless of price. Touring Car. . $855.50 Coupe ......- $906.50 Roadster .... 854.50 Sedan ".-...... 960.00 Delivered See the Dodge Steel Body on Display in Our Showroom Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. MOTOR CARS Phone Winn. 165 LODGE ODROTHERS