xv 46 WINNETKA TALK April 10, 1926 Phone At this Cafe you will find persons who appreciate appe- tizing, nourishing Foods, attractively served at moderate prices. Noonday" LunCh ".....ccc0es 60c Hours of Service: Steak Dinner ..usscvercinees 75¢ Week Days--S5 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Lunch Counter Service Sundays--6 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. Winn. 172 CHAMBERS CAFE copter st. Steak and Chicken Dinner Sunday $1.00 N ) \Y J Garden Service Whatever may need attention in your garden or lawn, it will be done by effi- cient and experienced men. Planting : Black Dirt Fertilizers Perennials Edwards & Lindberg 917 Willow Rd. Winnetka 885 Winnetka 0 SW SHA sl 6 IRB; J All 3 \ ) ) PREDICT RECORD VOTE IN PRIMARY ELECTION (Continued from Page 6) tive Voters league, as has also State | Senator Frederick B. Roos, Deneen candidate for state senator. William F. Propper is the Crowe- Barrett selection for state representa- tive. He is a resident of Dalton, an at- torney. He is conducting his campaign on the "Home Rule" issue and the re- | apportionment of representation in the state assembly. Opposed to Senator Roos on the Crowe-Barrett ticket is Arthur A. Huebsch of Brookfield. For United States senator from Illinois the fight between Frank L. Smith and Senator William B. Mec- Kinley is centered principally in the World Court issue, Smith assailing Senator McKinley's America's entry into the international tribunal. Miss Mary Lutz, daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. John Lutz of 460 Hawthorne lane, entertained 12 girls, schoolmates of hers at New Trier, at bridge, Satur- day afternoon, April 3. ------ Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Welles, 1411 Edgewood lane, entertained eight guests at dinner at their home Satur- day evening, April 3. Authorized Crosley Dealer One to Five Tube Sets $9.75 to $75.00 The Radio Service Shop 18 Prouty Annex Winn. 1840 endorsement of | H oover Lauds Voting Award in New Trier Herbert Hoover, secretary of Com- merce, as far distant as Washington, D. C., has heard of the action of the Winnetka chapter of the Izaak Wal- ton league of America, in posting a fine American flag as an award to be contested for by the four villages of New Trier township, Wilmette, Kenil- worth, Winnetka and Glencoe, in the matter of getting out as nearly a 100 | percent vote, as possible at Primary election time, and in a telegram to A. | M. Ferry, secretary of the Winnetka chapter, compliments that organiza- | tion most highly for its action in this regard. The telegram received Wed- nesday, reads: | "A. M. Ferry, secretary Winnetka | Izaak Walton League of America, Winnetka, Ill "My Dear Mr. Ferry: "It seems to me you have got hold of a fine idea and, just as Democracy is founded on the right to vote, so | patriotism is grounded in the exercise | of that right. If you can stimulate communities to friendly rivalry in go- ling to the polls, you will have per- | formed a genuinely patriotic service. "Yours Faithfully, "Herbert Hoover." Local Men Honor Guests at Sigma Chi Banquet Thomas F. McNally of 1087 Elm street is vice president of the Chicago alumni chapter of the Sigma Chi fra- ternity which is holding its forty- fourth annual banquet at the Black- stone hotel Friday, April 16. Among the guests of honor at the affair will be Walter I. Fisher of Winnetka, past grand consul; Ralph F. Potter of Glencoe, past grand quaestor, and Eric De Lamarter, formerly of Win- netka, assistant conductor of the Chi- cago Symphony orchestra. Dr. W. Henry McLean of Depauw university will deliver the principal address. An orchestra, a male quar- tet, Miss Cyrena Van Gordon, Miss Ruth Etting, and others will provide the music. This Week CHOCOLATE ALMOND VANILLA ICE CREAM FOR SALE AT North Shore Pharmacy Hubbard Woods Kenilworth Pharmacy = ed \ Special Three Layer Brick Between two layers of Adams' Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros. 742 Elm St Hubbard Woods Fharmacy ONES ELECTRIC SERVICE } WINNETKA 1848 \ 3 CARLTON \ BLDG. \ \ 715 OAK STA NW INNETKA WHAT DO 1 DO IF Yecuios MY SPARK FAILS? DO OFFICIAL DEALER FOR DELCO REMY the BOSCH (1: 9N @78 7. \ A I) SPARTAN HORN ECLIPSE BENDIX DRIVE Experience is the road we all gained the proper knowledge. Just remember our telephone from someone who has already number--for much free as the air. wise autoist to get a map here you get battery knowledge as