Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 10 Apr 1926, p. 52

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April 10, 1926 WINNETKA TALK -------. a 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- 2-ROOM suite office; Wilmette State Bank Building: oc- cupancy May 1. Phone Wilmette 90. S5LTN28-1tv FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS, Telephone Winnetka 62. S5LTN28-tfc [J FOR RENT--GARAGE 220 MYRTLE Winn. 606-W. 6T1-tfe 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT---GARAGE, St.,, Indian Hill. Tel. WANTED TO RENT -- IN good location; house with 4 bedrooms; extra lav. on Ist floor; garage. Will pay $200 per month if house in good condition. Pos- session May 1. Address Wilmette I.ife A-853. TLTN28-1te WANTED . TO RENT -- Modern 7 or 8 room house for 1 year or longer; must bave at least 3 bathrooms with lav. on main floor. Tel. Nevada 4950. TLTN28-1tc WANTED TO RENT FOR SUMMER-- Furnished house in east Glencoe or Winnetka; with 5 bedrooms; 2 baths on 2nd floor. Address P. O. Box 45, Winnetka, Ill. TTN5-1te WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED house; 6 rooms; for 2 or 3 months beginning May. Will pay $125-$150 per month. Phone Mr. Leonard, Winnetka 281. 7T5-1te WANTED -- FURNISHED HOUSE May 1 to Oct. 1; 4 bedrooms; 32 baths; garage. Phone Winn. 2388. 7TN5-1tp WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or apt. over garage; will work eve- nings if desired; small family. Ad- dress Winn. Talk A-850. 7TN-1tp 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--3 OR 4 ROOMS for light housekeeping; 2 adults. Call Winn. 1681. 10T5-1tp 11 HELP WANTED--MALE LIVE BOYS! HERE IS REAL MONEY FOR NEWS- paper subscriptions, plus show and circus tickets. Jack Dunn of Wil- mette collected $13 pay last week. You can do the same. Extensive campaign going on. Everybody a prospect. See Mr. Seidenbacker, Wil- mette News Agency at 3:30 p. m. any day. 11LTN28-1tp WANTED--AN EXPERIENCED GAR- dener for private family in North Shore suburb; all year round posi- tion; wages $120 month; rooms, heat and light furnished; married man without children preferred. Address Winn. Talk A-856. 11TN5-1te WANTED HIGH GRADE YNUNG man for permanent sales position. Call at 554 Center street, V/innetka or Phone Winnnetka 1793. 11LTN28-1te WANTED---MAN, 2 DAYS A WEEK; house and lawn work; permanent Wil. 3428. 11LT28-1tc WANTED--METER READER. AP- ply to H. Bohnen, Distribution Su- perintendent, Village Hall, Win- netka. 11T5-1tc WANTED--GARDENER FOR WORK 2 days a week. Mrs. Street, 592 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka. 11T5-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- EXPERIENCED LAUN- dress (white); Monday and Tues- preferred. Call Winn. 1346. 12TN5-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WINNETKA -- EXPERIENCED, SIN- gle, white maid for general house- work; must be good cook; exception- ally neat and trustworthy; no laun- dry except own and silks; references required; permanent position; best wages; able to take position April 15. Answer in detail with phone number, Address Wil. Life A-844. 12LTN28-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT GIRL FOR gen. hswk.; white; 8 in family; help with care of child; own room and bath; ref.; good wages. Tel. Wil- mette 3083. 47 Indian Hill rd.,, Win- netka. 12LTN28-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework and cooking no washing; 4 in family: high wages. 770 Sheridan rd., Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 1142. 12ITN28-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for general housework; small family; no washing. Tel. Winn. 1256. 12LTN28-1te WANTED -- GIRL, WHITE, WHO can do ironing to learn pressing in cleaning shop. Apply 899 Linden ave, Hubbard Woods. 12LTN28-1te WANTED --- GIRL FOR BOOKKEEP- ing and office work. Apply 899 Lin- den ave., Hubbard Woods. 12LN28-1tc WANTED -- WHITE MAID; GEN- eral housework; laundress kept; family of 5. Tel. Wilmette 1615. 12LTN28-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL TO AS- sist with housework; family of 3; good home. Tel. Wilmette 2908. 12LTN2S-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL TO COOK and assist with gen. hswk.; no laun- dry. Phone Winnetka 1971. 12LTN28-1tc KENILWORTH EMPLOYMENT oO FFICE Reliable domestic help supplied. Tel. Kenil. 1847. 12TN5-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; small family; good wages. Tel. Wil. 1262. 12LTN28-1te WANTED -- WHITE WOMAN 30 vears or over for general house- work; small family. Phone Wil- mette 2459. 12LTN28-1te WANTED--SHORT HOUR GIRL FOR tea room. Phone Wilmette 553. 12LT28-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED COOK and second maid; (white). Phone Winn. 192. 12LTN28-1te WANTED--NEAT WHITE GIRL FOR 2d and upstairs work; references. Phone Kenilworth 2532. 12LTN28-1tc 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- EXPERIENCED COUPLE for general housework. Winn. 1247. 13TN5-1te EE 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD -- EXPERIENCED gardener and all-around handy man; permanent position or work by the day; best references. Phone Win- netka 639-W after six p. m. 14T5-1tp WTD GARDENER; will care for small exchange for room. 14T5-1tp SITUATION young man; residence in 2134. Winn. SITUATION WTD -- GARDENER DE- sires regular work; married; no children; 18 yrs. exp.; good ref. Call Winn. 8. 14TN5-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- GARDEN AND housework; screens painted and re- paired. Call Winn. 770. 14TN4-2te SITUATION WTD -- HOUSECLEAN- ing; exp. man. Call Univ. 7162 eve- nings. 14LTN28-1tp EE -------------------------------- 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; evening work; best ref- erences. Tel. Wilmette 642. 15LT28-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- WASHING TO take home; exp. laundress. Phone Wilmette 2130. 15LT28-1te 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 51 ------ 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS SEWING 7131. 15T5-1tp SITUATION WTD--PLAIN by the day. Call Univ. SIT. WTD.--WASHING AND CLEAN- ing. Mrs. Kehl, 995 Linden ave. H. Woods. 15TN5-1tp FOR SALE -- SIMMONS BED, COM- plete; 2 fine new dressers; victrola; radio; kitchen table and chair; utensils; dishes; vacuum cleaner; blankets; lamps. 467 Chestnut st. Tel. Winnetka 730 or Greenleaf 939. 17T5-1te FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Win- netka 1416. 15TN2-tfe -- s-- 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WTD -- YOUNG COL. couple; general housework, exp. cook; man as chauffeur and gar- dener; refs. Tel. Waukegan 4066. 16LT28-1tp SITUATION Ee -------------- 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE-- will sell beaut. furniture of 4-room apt. for $500.00, worth $1,500.00, bought four months ago; 3-piece silk mohair parlor set; 4-piece wal- nut bedrm. set; 7-piece walnut din- ing room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs, floor lamps; small rugs; oil paint- ings; mirrors; library table; silver ware; kitchen set; will separate will arrange for delivery. 832 Le- land ave., near Sheridan Rd. Chi- cago, Ill. Phone Sunnyside 6190. 17LTN28-4tp FOR SALE--CHEAP--EN tire contents of seven- room house; furniture, drapes, bric-a-brac, rugs. etc. Must sell quickly. Call Winn. 789 for par- ticulars. 17TLTN28-1tc FOR SALE--WESTINGHOUSE RADIO with battery; living rm. chairs' solid mah. bedroom set; bed; hair mattress; bureau and chifforiier; 2 iron beds; 2 chests of drawers; kitchen table and chairs; several small articles. Moving away. Call Sat. or Sunday. 215 Woodbine Ave., Wilmette. 17LT28-1tc FOR SALE--SINGLE AND DOUBLE bedroom outfit; porch furniture; Story and Clark upright piano and bench, $50; safe $40; 6 dining rm. chairs. Sold our home--quick sale price on above. Tel. Winn. 1803. 17LTN28-1tc FOR SALE--MAH. DINING SET, BUF- fet, chairs, tables; refrigerator; sewing machine; Butterfly washing machine; hair mattress; gas stove; couch; etc. Must sell, leaving town. 415 Maple Ave. Tel. Winn. 1560. 17TLTN28-1te FOR SALE -- CLARK JEWEL GAS range; ice-box; laundry stove; porch furniture; grass mats; camp beds; ete. Must sell at once. 228 Green Bay rd., Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. 17TLTN28-1tc FOR SALE -- GAS STOVE "RE- liable"; 5 yrs. old; $20. Winn. 1531 17LTN28-1tc FOR SALE -- BABY SCALES AND bassinette; brass crib bed and mat- tress; mah. fireside chair; mah. rock- ing chair; 2 green reed rocking chairs; velour portieres; reasonable. Call 495 Ash st, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1417. 17TN5-1te FOR SALE --2 VERY FINE, LARGE size, imported Scotch wersted taupe rugs, reversible; very quaint and durable; sizes 11x13 and 11x18; cost $135 and $115. Will sell both for $150. Call Winn. 1372. 17T5-1te -- FINE WALNUT DIN- ing room set: 2 large rugs; couch; gas range; ete. Call 730 Grove St. Glencoe or Tel. Glen 608. 17LTN28-1tc FOR SALE --- BRASS BED, FINE springs and mattress; also Morris chair; must be sold by April 12. Phone Kenilworth 700-M. 17LTN28-1tp FOR SALE FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD GOODS, very cheap; dining set; double bed, comp. bedding; cots; odd dishes; chairs, tables. Telephone Wilmette 1691. 17LTN28-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD FURNISH- ings of 11 room house; $3,000 bed- room suite, $1800; 2 pedigreed chow dogs. Tel. Glen. 990. 17TN5-1te FOR SALE--GENUINE FINE OLD English furniture and accessories, at substantially below current prices. By appointment only. Tel. Winn. 243. 17LTN2§-1tp FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL FURNI- ture; colonial mah. table; oak book- case; mirror; 912 fibre rug. Tel. Wil. 388. 17LTN28-1te FOR SALE--NEW WHITE NAPANEE kitchen cabinet and refrigerator, very reasonable. Phone Winnetka 2647. 17LT28-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY 3 DOOR bookcase, $25. Winn. 1531. 17TLTN28-1te SALE -- ICE-BOX, PORCELAIN 100 1bs.; good condition; $25. 17LTN28-1tc FOR lined; Winn. 1531. FOR SALE--MAH. TWIN BEDS, CCsl- plete; living room table; wicker chairs. Winn. 707. 17T5-1tp WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS is WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price for same. Crost Fur- niture Store 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18LTN11-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--=Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily, Tues., Thurs., Sat.,, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212. 1SLTN26-tfe N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 1SLTN3-tfe WANTED--BED-DAVENPORT, DAY- bed and gate-leg table; must be in good condition and reasonable Address Wil. Life A-851. 18LT28-1te 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS ; WANTED TO BUY -- MEN'S CLOTH- ing and shoes. Pay 25% more than any other dealer on North Shore. Call H. Gordon, Univ. 2990. 19LTN26-4tp S. GOLDMAN, JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19LTN28-1tp WANTED TO BUY--TRUNKS, WARD robe or steamer. Call Winnetka 916. 19T5-1te WANTED TO BUY -- MEN'S CLOTH- ing and shoes. Tel. Wilmette 1351. 19LTN27-5tp 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- USED CARS Satisfaction guaranteed. A variety to choose from. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winn 165 562 Lincoln Ave. 20LTN28-1te FOR SALE--1924 CHEVROLET; 4 pass. coupe; $300. 1923 Oldsmobile tour.; $300. 1924 Ford tour. $85. Tel. Winn. 25. 20LTN28-1te FOR SALE -- FORD SEDAN, 1924 model; very good condition; $225 cash. Phone Winn. 286. 20L.TN28-1tp WANTED--OLD AUTOS AND ELEC- tries; any condition. Univ. 1886. 20. T'N22-tfc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS MICHIGAN BULBS -- POSTPAID. Gladioli; 12 fine, named varieties, $1; 12 for 75¢; 15 for 50c; 25 mixed for 50c. Dahlias, all named varie- ties, 4 for 50c; 10 for $1, red, pink, vellow or assorted; 6 assorted $1, in- cluding variegated and white; 8 choice assorted $1.50. Appropriate gifts for Mother's Day. Best hardy shrubs and perennials for beautify- ing the lawn. Licensed nursery. Mrs. Jeanette B. Morrison, Coloma, Michigan. 21LTN28-1tp 21 FOR SALE--ICE-BOX; CHEAP. Call Winnetka 498. 21TN5-1tp MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 52

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