nme e------ April 17, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 1,200 ROTARIANS MEET IN ANNUAL CONFERENCE Richard Washburn Child to be Principal Speaker at Big Gathering Upward of 1,200 business and pro- fessional people, coming from thirty- three cities in northen Illinois will he guests in Evanston Monday and Tues- day, April 19 and 20, on the occasion of the meeting there of the 1926 Con- ference of the Fortieth District of Ro- tary clubs. Members of th: Wilinette Rotary club are pledged to register 100 per cent attendance at the Con- ference. From early morning on Monday until late afternoon on Tues- day Evanston hotels and the Evans- ton Country club, headquarters of the Conference, will be teemuinz with the activities of delegates and other Ro- tary visitors. Plans have been com- pleted for the most notable Rctary District Conference ever held in northern Illinois. It will be the first time that a north shore Rotary club has been called upon to be host to the Fortieth District clubs, and Evans- ton's first introduction to a convention of such ambitious proportions. Register Monday Morning Registration will begin early Mon- day morning at the Country club un- der the general supervision of Earl C. Iredale, general secretary of the Con- ference, and from that point the Con- ference will swing into action with District Governor Harry F. Kelly of Ottawa wielding the gavel, and ad- dresses of welcome by Mayor Charles H. Bartlett and President Joseph Breese of the Evanston Rotary club, providing the introductory features. Notable among the outstanding fea- tures of the Conference will be the ad- dress on Tuesday afternoon by Rich- ard Washburn Child, former ambassa- dor to Italy and one of America's foremost authors. Mr. Child is to speak of Rotary's part in the foster- ing of World Peace. Another speaker of national promin- ence is Merle Thorpe, editor of The Nation's Business, well known journ- alist and authority on trade conditions throughout the country, especially from the Washington angle. Mr. Thorpe's topic will be, "Let Washing- ton Do It." Other notable speakers will be Frank IL. Mulholland, nationally known lawyer, of Toledo, O., and past | president of Rotary International; | Bishop James Wise, Episcopal bishop of Kansas; Will R. Manier, Jr. of Nashville, Tenn., Carl Faust, special representative to the Conference for Rotary International, and other lead- ers in the world-wide Rotary Move- ment. Aside from the Conference program, proper, the visiting Rotarians are promised a gala time, what with luncheons, theater parties for the | women guests, a motor tour of the | north shore for women, and the an- nual Governor's Banquet and Ball to be held Monday evening at the Edge- water Beach hotel. Motor cars by the hundreds have been provided by Evanston, Wilmette and Winnetka Rotarians for the use BEAUTY [illimimm MANICURED N every activity of the day and evening your fingers are conspicuous. It will save you embarass- ment if you have them well manicured. Our ex- pert attendants will make you feel such at ease. "Our Methods Please" The Comfort Shop 797 Elm St. Winn. 933 SHOPPE I Hg A] of guests during the Conference days. One of the unique features of the Conference will be a Club Presidents'! and Secretaries' breakfast discussion | at 7:30 a. m., Tuesday morning. These will be labeled "Rotary Car" and driven either by Rotarians them- selves or chauffeurs retained for the two days. All sessions of the Conference will be held in the Evanston Country el! auditorium which, Conference officia declare, is admirably adapted for the purpose. Chicago Rotarians, who hold their regular meeting at the Hotel Sherman Tuesday afternoon, are planning to at- tend the Tuesday afternoon session of the Conference in a body, special trains having been chartered to con- vey the contingent from the metro- polis. Music for the Conference sessions will be under the general supervision of Rollin Pease of the Evanston club, well known director of the North- western university Glee club and other singing groups on the north shore. Official pianist will be Milton Hosking, who is pianist for the Evanston Ro- tary club. Community singing is al- ways one of the important features of a Rotary gathering whether local club District Conference or International Convention. Special music is to be provided by the Northwestern univer- sity glee club, the Kewanee Rotary quartet and the Morrisin, Ill, band. ONES ELECTRIC SERVICE \ WINNETKA 1848 AW INNETKA | [WHAT DO 1 DO IF a1 MY SPARK. FAILS? OUR PHONE OFFICIAL [0]. § 3 3 FOR DELCO REMY BOSCH GRAY & DAVIS SPARTAN HORN ECLIPSE BENDIX DRIVE the Experience is the road we all must travel--so from someone who has already gained the proper knowledge. Just remember our telephone number--ifor much battery knowledge as free as the air. it behooves wise autoist to get a map here you get ... and the birds are coming back from the south. Be a Good fellow to the Birds If you are friendly to the birds . . . . and want to hear their song thru-out the summer, the time is here when the birds are looking for a home. A bird house put up now will be occupied before very long. You'll want at least one in your yard. We have for the goodfellow something new in bird-houses made principally of white birch wood in a wide assortment of styles and prices. Be a goodfellow to the birds. You are probably thinking about your garden and lawn. So are we, and we have everything you may need to make the task more easy and more pleasant. You'll want VIGORO for your lawn. Also "Parkway" and Clover Seed. We have them both. Eckart Hardware Co. Paints, Tools, Cutlery, Glass 735 Elm St. Phones 843-844 WINNETKA