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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 17 Apr 1926, p. 48

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--_--_-- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice -- Classified. Glencoe inclusive whose who are regular subscribers to TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. advertisements will be -only to residents of the district from Evanston to names appear in the telephone directory, or either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Ss 15 cents a line in one paper. Rate 35 cents a line in all CHARGE, 50 cents. Average of fie words to the line. papers. type used. 10 Winnetka. H H S$ Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertion cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. Telephones: % discount om all cash with order advertisem brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette, or 564 rm hm WINNETKA TALK a --. ---- RE ---- 26 cents a line in any two three papers. MINIMUM No black face NEWS. 1 REAL ESTATE Bargains in Acre Tracts 80 ACRES--WHEELING TOWNSHIP, near Dundee road, $10,000.00 cash, $450.00 per acre. $36,000.00 20 ACRES -- Northfield township, 1320 ft. front on Glenview road. TERMS $40,000.00 120 ACRES -- Wheeling township; State Highway; will divide into 20- 40-60 or 80 acre tracts. TERMS $54,000.00 20 ACRES -- Wheeling township, near Arlington Heights, on Rand road across from golf club, $500.00 per acre. TERMS $10,000.00 10 ACRES -- New Trier Township, Very good location. $30,000.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Ph. Wil. 364 Wilmette, Illinois 1LTN29-1te HOME BARGAINS WINNETKA -- 7-ROOM MODERN white colonial; 2 baths; toil, lav., 1st fl; vapor heat; oil burner; cen- ter hall; double garage; east side lo- cation; price $23,500. Hubbard Woods--S8 room choice Dutch col.; exceptionally large wooded grounds, well planted; best of con- struction; a real buy at $35,000. English Cottage stucco; 7 rooms; 3 baths; attached garage; well lo- cated; owner anxious to sell; $28,500. Glencoe-- 8 room lovely brick col- onial on large wooded ravine prop- erty in N. E. section; 2 baths; large enclosed porches; oil burner; $34,500. Hill & Stone WINNETKA 543 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 1544 1LTN29-1te UNUSUALLY WELL-BUILT 6-ROOM bungalow; conv. to station and schools attractive place; garage; trees. Price $14,000. 8. E. Winnetka lot 756x150; east front; large trees; bargain at $135 per foot. Improvements are in and you can now build south of Winnetka avenue., conv. to Indian Hill station--Iots $85 to $95 per foot. ¥ E. E. Stults Realty Co. Winn. 1800 460 Winnetka Ave. 1LTN29-1te 1 REAL ESTATE Riparian Highland Park 200 FT. FRONTAGE OVER 400 FT. depth; riparian; high bluff; land- scaped; beautiful beach; large trees; less than two years old; design and structure will appeal; living room and master chamber 35x25. Price and terms will suit those looking for this type of home. For further par- ticulars call Mr. Purcell. Baird& Warner, Inc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 528 Davis St. Univ. 9100 or 9101 1LTN29-1te > ' Wilmette's Best Buy 6-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE; LOC. EX- treme north east section; conv. trans.; schools, churches; near Sher- idan road and lake; house very well constr.; huge living room; sun par- lor; extra lav. first floor; garage; lot nicely landscaped. This is your opportunity to take initiative step-- own your own home. Owner open reasonable offer. E.E.StultsRealty Co 424 Linden Ave. End of "L" Phones Wilmette 3450-51 1LTN29-1te Winnetka Home PRACTICALLY NEW 6-RM. BRICK; newly decorated thruout; sun and sleeping porches; fine location. Will consider taking in trade well located 65 to 75 ft. lot in east Wilmette, Kenilworth or s. w. or east Win- netka. B. B. Clover & Co. 847 Chicago Ave., Evanston Univ.470 1LTN29-1te We Have Home Buyers 759% OR MORE OF THE NORTH Shore home buyers are now living in Evanston apartments and hotels. Our rental department gives us in- timate contact with these buyers. List your homes and vacant and rentals with us. B. B. CLOVER & CO. 847 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Univ. 470 Chicago Office 1405 Title & Trust Building 1LTN29-1te UNDER $10,000 WILMETTE -- 8-ROOM FRAME house with furnace heat; 2 fire 1 ; wooded lot with 75 feet front English Type House BEAUTIFUL NEW BRICK AND stucco house on lot 871% x165 with 2- car garage and private driveway. Located 2 blocks from schools and 3 blocks from transportation in S. E. Winnetka; contains 8 rooms, includ- ing 4 bedrms. and 2 baths. Owner forced to sell at cost. Will decorate, landscape and finish to suit for May 1st possession. Mr. Melangton, Wil- 'mette 2599, or Baird®& Warner, Inc. 528 Davis St. Univ. 9100 or 9101 1LTN29-1tc FOR SALE -- BY OWNER; 5 ACRES on Glenview road; about 1 from the North Shore station. Wilmette 1432. block Tel. 1LTN9-1tp (room enough for another house); brick street; all improvements paid; good location; conv. to schools and transportation. Very easy terms and immediate possession. Buy this and stop paying rent. F. Coleman Burroughs 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 640 1LTN29-1te Winnetka Bargain MODERN 6-ROOM HOME IN EAST Winnetka within 3 blocks of grade school, high school and bathing beach; 2 glassed porches; garage and drive; lot 50x145. Owner called to West Coast. Will sell at $15,500. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Ave, Wil. 68 and 444 ao . -- M-------- 1 REAL ESTATE April 17, 1926 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- ATTRACTIVE 8-ROOM home; located finest northwest sec- tion; 4 bedrooms; 2 baths; h. w. heat; oil burner; 2-car garage; large landscaped lot. Execeptional value $29,000. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. 421 4th St. End of "L" Phones Wilmette 2760 and 460 1LTN29-1te GLENAYRE WEST WILMETTE WILL FURNISH LOT 50x168 WITH sewer and water service, paved street; a new 6-room modern house. $2,000 cash. $100 monthly. F. H. GATHERCOAL 607 Main St. Tel. Wil. 225 1LTN29-1te Bargains in Acreage 700 Acres at McHenry--price very low. 600 Acres adjoining Paul Rader Park, 'Wauconda. 20 Acres near trans. in Deerfield. 65 Acres on Kotz Rd., W. of Winnetka. 1% Acres on Hill Rd, Winnetka. Other building lots in Indian Hill dis- trict. Telephone F. H. Ward, Wilmette 3041. 1LTN23-tfe 739 WALDEN ROAD, WINNETKA; comfortable 7 room stucco; 3 bed rms. on 2nd fl.; sun parlor; garage; wooded lot 80x120; excellent loca- tion conv. to train; a good value at $17,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. SOLE AGENTS 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 1LTN29-1te FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Co. REAL ESTATE Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 162 1TH5-tfe WINNETKA 526 Sunset Road Comparatively new 6 room stucco house; good sized living room, din- ing room and kitchen; 3 bedrooms; 2 porches; fireplace; h. w. heat; ga- rage; lot T70x165; fine trees and shrubbery. $18,000. Attractive terms. Phone Winn. 1664. 1TN6-1te BEST EAST SIDE LOCATION 9-ROOMS; 5 BEDROOMS; 3-CAR GA- rage; excellent condition. $20,000. Terms. F. J. BUDINGER & CO. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Opp Village Hall Phones Wilmette 1750 and 363 1LTN29-11c HOMES AND VACANT FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished houses. Fred'k. B. Thomas & Co. El d Linden Sts. Winn. 2350 mas 1TN6-1te COLONIAL WOODS -- clapboard; S. E. exposure; 4 bed rms.; 2 baths; sun and sleeping porches; splendid living rm.; garage; $25,000. Phone Winn. 1226. 1LTN29-1te N. E. WINNETKA -- BEAUTIFUL white stucco colonial; green tile roof; 4 bed rooms; 3 baths; sun room; lot 50x200; terraced in rear; large trees; $33,500. Phone Winn. 1800. 1LTN29-1te GLENCOE--EAST SIDE--BRICK CO- lonial house; 7 bedrooms and 3 baths on 2d fir; oil heat; lot 85x325; beau- tiful trees; 2 blks. from lake. $35,000. Or will rent 3 yr. lease, $300 per mo. Glen. 561. 1TNé6-1te HUBBARD FOR SALE--WINNETKA, 139 BERT- ling Lane, 7-room Col.; 4 bedrooms; tile bath; encl. slp. porch.; lge. at- tic; lot 64x150. Exch. small house or vacant. Tel. Winn. 1805. 1T48-tfe 1LT29-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT -- 8 ROOM house; 2 baths; terms Call Win- netka 1212. 1LTN29-1te 7 ROOMS AND BATH; 4 ROOM COT- tage in rear. Lot 50x187. 879 Cherry st., Winnetka. Inquire at cottage be- tween 5 and 7 p. m., Saturday p. m. or Sunday. L. E. Anderson. Win- netka 596-J. 1LTN29-1tp FOR SALE -- 60 ACRES ON N. E. corner Pfingstun and Techny; about 1 mile from Northbrook station. Very reasonable. Phone Wilmette 1432 or Univ. 2382, 1LTN29-1tp FOR SALE -- CHOICE RESIDENTIAL lot opposite Skokie club; 60x182; trees and shrubs. Bargain at $125 a ft, Call Mrs. Davis, Glencoe 207. 1LTN29-1tc FOR SALE -- AT NORTHBROOK; mod. res.; prin. paved st.; 2 blks. to depot. Bargain at $8,600; easy terms. A. C. Kauke, Northbrook. Tel. 213-M-2. 1LTN29-2tp MUST BE SOLD -- 7 ROOM HOUSE. living and sleeping porches; all in- side newly decorated. Tel. Winn. 546-J or see the owner, 1487 Asbury Ave. 1LTN28-3te FOR SALE--LOT IN NORTH EVANS- ton, 47x123; sewer, water and side- walk in and paid for. $2,000. Part cash. Balance $25 per month--no interest. Phone Kenil. 315. 1Té-1tc GLENCOE --SPANISH STUCCO; TILE roof; 4 bed rooms; 2 baths; lot 50x 150 south front; 4 blks. to Glencoe station. Price $22,500. Phone Win- netka 828. 1LTN29-1te WANTED -- REAL BUY THRU owner--vacant business property. Address Wil. Life A-854. 1LTN29-1tc 2 FOR RENT---HOUSES FOR RENT -- 6-ROOM HOME ON fine wooded lot; near schools and transp. $100. T7-room home; fine lo- cation; h. w. heat; near schools 'and transp. $110. 7 room home; best east side location; sun room; sleep- ing porch; garage with side drive; hot water heat, $150. Paul Schroeder & Co 407 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil. 698 2L.29-1tc FOR RENT -- JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 1. 2nd Duplex flat, corner; five rooms and large enclosed sleeping porch; furnished; reproducing grand piano; large garage; three blocks from Elm street station. Winnetka 1853. 2LTN27-4tc FOR RENT -- 6 MONTHS OR YEAR; furnished modern house; 8 rooms; 2 baths; large sun parlor and sleep- ing porches; conv. elec. and steam transp. Wil. 3087. ' 2LT29-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 5 ROOM bungalow with sunporch; 2% blocks to North Shore; 4% blocks to North Western May 1-Oct. 1. Call Wil- mette 1064. 2LTN29-1tc FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM bungalow; bath and sleeping porch; full basement; newly decorated; $65.00 Apply 1046 Pine st. Win- netka 752. 2LTN29-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE; Poss. June 19; 21% or 3 months; 4 bedrooms; 1 bath; screened porch; garage; $125.00 per month. Phone Winnetka 624. 2LTN28-tfc FOR RENT -- 1 5 RM. BUNG.; 1 6- rm. Bung. on Winn. ave. near new Elect. line; garage; hot and cold running water; gas and elect. Add. 927 Cherry St. Phone Winn. 535-J. 2T6-1tp FOR RENT--MAY 1; 7-ROOM HOUSE; screened porch and sleeping porch; garage. Will give 2 year lease. 911 Linden Ave. Wilmette 919-M. A 2LTN29-1tc FOR RENT FURNISHED --ARTISTIC 8 room house; 2 baths; h. w. heat; garage; large lot; for a year or more from June. Phone Winn. 721. 2LTN29-1tc FOR RENT -- FURN. HOUSE FROM June 1 to Oct. 1st; large pleasant house; nice yard; near Indian Hill club. Winnetka 2611. 2LTN29-1te FOR RENT -- NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE; furn.; for summer. Can sub-let 2 rooms for $40. Wil. 701-R. 2LT29-tfc FOR SALE -- 50 FT. LOT EAST OF Ridge on Washington; south front. Tel. Wilmette 1432. 1LTN29-1tp FOR RENT -- 8-ROOM FURNISHED Youse; $250 per month. Glencoe 1105. 2L'TN28-4tp R 4 be F a

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