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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 17 Apr 1926, p. 49

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A 47 April 17, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES 1 FOR RENT--ROOMS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR RENT -- MAY 20-OCT. 1; FURN. bung.; 2 bedrms.; large porch; gar.; wooded lot; conv to transp. $100 per FOR RENT -- CHOICE OF SINGLE rm. or very lge. rm. for 1 or 2; east side near bus and trans.; garage if WANTED--EXP. LAUNDRESS MON. or Tues. or half-day Mon. and Tues.; washing machine and mangle; SITUATION WTD---AS CHAUFFEUR and houseman, cook or butler in private family er bachelor; mo. No small children. Ref. re- desired, ref. Phone Wil. 204. 379 Ridge Ave. Winnetka 1379 ence. Phone Douglas 3981. Vaughan. quired. Winn, 1327. 2T6-1te 4LTN29-1tp 12L/TN29-1te 14LT29-1tp FOR RENT -- IN GLENCOE; 9 RM. | FOR RENT -- PLEASANT ROOM | WANTED -- RELIABLE WOMAN; | SITUATION WTD -- CHAUFFEUR IN house; large trees; small fruit; near school; hot water heat; 2 baths; ex- tra lav. and toilet. Phone Univ. 8518. 2TN6-1te FOR RENT --- LARGE WINNETKA house; 8 bedrooms; 7 baths; sun par- lor; sleeping porch, 2 car garage. Apply Ayres Boal, 122 8S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 2T6-2tc FOR RENT -- WINN.; 6 RM. COL. house; furn.; summer; slp. porch; gar.; adults. Tel. Winn. 1781 2Té6-1tc FOR RENT -- JUNE, JULY; FURN,, 8 rm. hse.; 3 baths; sun and 2 slpg. porches; att. garage; 267 Ridge ave., Tel. Winn. 2358. 2T6-1te FOR RENT --HOUSE, PRACTICALLY new; Indian Hill section; near lake, Phone Winnetka 518-R. 2LTN29-1tp FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM BUNGALOW and sun rm.; in best res. sec.; large wooded grounds; lge. liv. rm.; 2-car garage. Phone Wil. 204. 2L'TN29-1tp near Hubbard Woods sta.; also ga- rage; reasonable. Winn. 2070. 4T6-1tc 5 FOR RENT--OFFICES AND STORES FOR RENT --- IN HUBBARD WOODS rapidly growing business district; small store 12x30 ft..; at 904 Lin- den Avenue. A good barber shop would pay from the start. Rent $35 month. Cal H. H. Brown, Wilmette 218. SLTN28-2te FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. S5LTN28-tfc FOR RENT -- STORE. APPLY 601 Main St., Wilmette. 5LTN29-1te 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- ONE HALF OF TWO- car garage until July 1. On Elm st.,, near Skokie school. Phone Win- netka 2086. I ---- 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- 5 ROOMS AND SEP- arate bath; front and rear glazed porches; furnace heat; centrally lo- cated; possession May 1. Phone Wil- mette 1724. 3LTN29-1te FOR RENT -- 1ST. FLR. HOUSE- keeping suite; lge. liv. rm. bdrm., kitch. bath; priv. entrance pch.; ga- rage if desired. Phone Wil. 204. 3LTN29-1tp FOR RENT -- APARTMENT, 2ND floor; front view; 4 rooms newly decorated; hot water heat. Must see to appreciate; reasonable rental. Ph. Winnetka 274. 3TNG6-1tc FOR RENT -- FIVE CHEERFUL rooms; bath; sunporch; heated; lower apt. Phone Wilmette 866-M. 3LTN29-1tc FOR RENT -- 3 ROOM STEAM heat flat; 1 block from Hubbard Woods depot. 1079 Gage St. 3LTN29-1te FOR RENT -- 4-ROOM KITCHEN- ette apt. with porch and 1-car ga- rage. Phone Kenilworth 826-W. 3Té6-1te FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM APT.; H W. heat; garage Call Wilmette 1468 evenings. 3LTN29-1te FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM FLAT; 1ST flr.; $35. Poss. May 1. Call Wil- mette 1064. 3LTN29-1te FOR RENT -- 5-RM. FLAT; POSS. May 1. Tel. Wilmette 3555. 3LTN29-1te FOR RENT -- 3 RM. APARTMENT; furn. or unfurn. Tel. Glen. 38. 3TN6-1te FOR RENT -- APARTMENT -- 627 11th St.: 4 rooms and bath; heated. Phoné Wilmette 2399. 3LTN26-tfc FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM FLAT. CALL Winnetka 1240, 3LTN29-1te EE ---------------------- 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT---COMFORTABLE, FURN- ished room: eanvenient to transpor- tation. Call Winnetka 1769. 4T6-1te FOR RENT -- TWO LARGE FRONT rooms: near transn, 89 Elm St. Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1325. 4LTN29-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms: for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080, 4LT50-tfe FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE ROOM; gentleman preferred. 1010 Spruce, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 589. 4T6-1tc FOR RENT -- GARAGE AT 610 Cherry st. Call Winnetka 1432. 6T6-1te FOR RENT -- PRIVATE SINGLE GA- rage. Phone Winnetka 1686. 6T6-tfc FOR RENT --GARAGE, 220 MYRTLE St., Indian Hill. Tel. Winn. 606-W. 6T1-tfe housework; half days; $10 per week; 8 in family; new modern home; good treatment. Add. Winn. Talk A-861. 12T6-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL house work; 3 in family. Call after 6 p. m. Winn. 1307. 1285 Asbury Ave, Hubbard Woods, . 12TN6-1tc WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL for 2nd work; small family; Wil- mette near "L," LIL. B. Weiller, 343 Washington ave. Tel. Wil. 1736. 12T6-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with general housework; small family. Tel. Wilmette 3577. 12LTN29-1te WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL to assist with hswk.; 4 adults, 333 Sunset road. Winnetka 1057. 1LTN29-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO DO CLERICAL work and typing. The Toy Tinkers, Ine, 721 Custer Ave, Evanston. Supt's. office. 12L29-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; white; best wages. L. J. Longini, phone Win- netka 1382, 12LTN29-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL; GEN- eral house work; no laundry; close to transportation. Phone Winn. 1587. 12T6-1tc I -------------------- 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT -- FOR SUMMER or longer; in Glencoe or Winnetka: east section preferred; furnished house with 5 or more bedrooms; 2 baths 2nd floor; garage. Responsible tenant willing to pay for high class home. Winnetka 721. TLTN29-1te WANTED TO RENT FOR SUMMER-- East Glencoe for June, July and Au- gust; furnished house; 6 bedrooms; or more baths; butler"s pantry with sink. P. O. Box 121, Winnetka. TLTN29-1te WANTED TO RENT--FURN. HOME on the North Shore for the summer months. Responsible family. Call Sheldrake 9764 Sunday. TLTN29-1te WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED house; 6 rooms; for 2 or 3 months beginning May. Will pay $125-150 per month. Phone Mr. Leonard, Win- netka 281. 7Té6-1te WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED house from May 1. B. L. Stein, 234 Maple Hill Rd., Glencoe. TLTN29-1tc WANTED TO RENT IMMEDIATELY -- 6 or 7-room house or bungalow. Call University 10465. TT6-1tp 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--ATTRACTIVE- ly furnished, cheerful room; private family; southwest Winnetka; by young business man. Address Win- netka 'Talk A-862. 10T6-1tp 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- RELIABLE ENERGETIC man for gardening and other work; good pay L. Lindenthal, 678 Long- wood ave. Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 957. 11LTN29-1te WANTED -- YOUNG MAN TO WAIT on trade and take charge of stock- room; steady employment and chance for promotion. Wersted Mo- tor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 11TN5-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- A NEAT MIDDLE-AGE woman who loves children for Mother's helper: small family; good heme: eo to lake for summer; $10 a week, Winnetka 1327. 12LTN29-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM; SUITABLE FOR two young ladies; near transp. Call Winnetka 2327. 4T6-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM SUITABLE FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen. 858 Elm St. Call Winnetka 674-R. 4T6-1tc FOR RENT -- HUBBARD WOODS-- room and garage; woman; $50; Ad- dress Winn. Talk A-855. 4TN5-4tp WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE «irl for general house work; small house and familv: good wages; ref- erences. Call Winnetka 680. : 12LTN29-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid; gen hswk.: 2 adults: 1 small child; good home for right party; refs. 379 Ridge Ave. Winn. 1379. 12LTN29-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid for general housework; 2 in private family; col. 1516 Hinman ave., Evanston. In the rear. Raymond Jericks. Univ. 6105. 14LTN29-1tp SITUATION WTD -- CHAUFFEUR, single, 30, with honorable discharge as chauffeur in France; willing to do little garden work; ref. Address Wil. Life A-857. 14LTN29-1tp SITUATION WTD -- HOUSECLEAN- ing; window washing; floor varnish- ing; by contract or by day. Univ. 8957. 14LTN29-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- MAN (WHITE) wants permanent position 2 days a week; house and lawn work. Call Wil. 3428. 14LT29-1tc SITUATION WTD -- CLEANING OR laundry work; $5 and carfare; com- petent colored woman. Boul. 4725. 15LTN29-1tp SITUATION WTD. --EXPERIENCED gardener and houseman. Frank Christen, 469 Madison Ave. Glencoe. 14LTN29-1tp FANCY SMOCKING, FAGOTING AND children's clothes made. Call Win- netka 1212. 15LT29-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE AMERICAN DRESSMAKER -- WORK for young married ladies and chil- dren; also understands making all kinds of drapery and curtains; best Winnetka ref. P. O. Box 117, Evans- ton, IIL 15TN6-1tp WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING; family Call Winnetka 2062. will call and deliver same. Phone 12T6-1tc Glencoe 796. 15TN6-1te WANTED -- YOUNG WOMAN FOR | EXP. COOK--FOR LUNCHES, DIN- typing and general bank work. Ap- ply Room 1215, Illinois Merchants Bank Bldg., Chicago. 12TN6-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL to work in grocery store in Glen- coe. Apply 345 Park Ave. Glencoe. 12T6-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework; must be good cook. Call Winnetka 2313. 12TN6-1te ners, parties, ete, upon request. Call Lawndale 1431. 15T6-1tp 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE ; AND FEMALE DAY WORK WANTED BY COLORED. Laundry and yard work; house- cleaning; rug cleaning. J. E. Steens. Tel. Kenilworth 1088. 16LTN29-1tc 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework; small family; no laundry; good wages. Tel. Winnetka 2028. 12TN6-1te WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER; white; 3 in family. Ph. Winn. 2041. 12T6-1tc WANTED--GIRLS AT NORTH SHORE Laundry, 566 Chestnut St., Winnetka. 12TN6-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; good home. Phone Wilmette 2866. 12LTN29-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. 237 Walden Drive, Glencoe. 12LTN29-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO CLERK IN store. Pouloplos Bros. 801 Elm St., Winnetka. 12LTN29-1te WANTED --A LAUNDRESS (WHITE) for Monday or Tuesday. Tel. Wil- mette 3083. 12LT29-1tp WANTED -- AN EXPERIENCED white cook. 777 Prospect Ave. Tel. Winnetka 1792. 12LTN29-1te WANTED -- MAID; GEN. HSWK.; no washing; good wages; nice place. Winnetka 1514. 12LLTN29-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED--EXPERIENCED COUPLE; housework including laundry and vard work; 3 in family; ref. req. Ad- dress Wil. Life A-858. 13LTN29-1te IN KITCHEN. Call Winnetka WANTED -- HELP Caravel Tea Room. 1820. 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR; married: reliable; handy man; good mech.; 12 yrs. exper.; with priv. fam.; Winn. or Glen.; 5 yrs. prev. pos.; Pref. apt. above gar.; A-1 ref. Address Winn. Talk A-860. 14T6-1tp 13LTN29-1tp | HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE-- Will sell beaut. furniture of 4-room apt. for $500.00, worth $1,500.00, bought four months ago; 3-piece silk mohair parlor set; 4-piece wal- nut bedrm. set; 7-piece walnut din- ing room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs, floor lamps; small rugs; oil paint- ings; mirrors; library table; silver- ware; kitchen set; will separate; will arrange for delivery. 832 Le- land ave., near Sheridan Rd. Chi- cago, Ill. Phone Sunnyside 6190. 17LTN28-4tp FOR SALE -- 2 SIMMONS, WALNUT finish beds with deluxe springs, full size, $25, 3% size, $15; 4x7 fibre rug, $4; library table 28x48, $7.50; phono- graph like a victrola, $35; grey fin- ish iron cot with good mattress, $9: $85, Tryon Knitting machine--make offer; 4-tube Acnedyne radio with loud speaker, new 6 volt A battery, two 45-volt wet B battery. Tel. Wil- mette 2928. 17TN6-1te FOR SALE-- HEPPELWHITE SIDE chair; Chippendale side and arm chair; Colonial console table; lift- top table, lyre base; library table; Morris chair; dining table and 6 chairs; music cabinet; all mahogany reproduction; wicker tea-cart. Tel Winnetka 243. 17LTN29-1te FOR SALE -- AM LEAVING TOWN, wish to dispose of fine Stickney fumed buffet; "Reliable" gas range equipped with Lorraine Heat Regu- lator; new Iceberg refrigerator and many other items. All very reason- able. Phone Winnetka 553. 17LTN29-1te FOR SALE -- NEW SIMMONS BED, complete; fine mah. dresser; victrola and radio set; vacuum cleaner; bed- ding; kitchen table and ware; lamps. Make offer. Must be sold. 467 Chest- nut St. Call Winn. 730 or Greenleaf 939. 17TN6-1te FOR SALE--PORCELAIN ENAMEL bath tub and lav.; low closet tank, wooden; 5 glass towel bars. Phone Wil. 2608. 17LT29-1te MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 48

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