20 \ WINNETKA TALK May 1, 1926 Unusually Low Coal Prices Now in Effect For the Lawn Black Dirt Lawn Lime Fertilizers | Edinger & Sons Established 1907 | University 5035 Wilmette 641-642 The Greatest Success In Years of Succeeding Greater mechanical dependability and advanced physical beauty have been skilfully combined in the new motor cars. Such superiorities as split-second braking, sturdy body construction, freedom from repairs, longevity and abundant power are clothed in a ' new attractiveness of line and color which leave nothing to be desired. Add to this the part played by Reo's financial stability in producing cars of this character at the cost of ordi- nary automobiles and you have the season for Reo popularity. Reo Evanston Co. 1101 Chicago Ave. Univ. 6190 "Buy where service is handy" 5s - u 2 - Purple Golfers Prepare to Cop Season's Honors Although the Purple golf team has had very little outdoor practice, due to the inclement weather, indoor practice in the Patten gym net has helped remedy the situation and the western conference champs have strong hopes of repeating this season. The schedule arranged for the golf team follows :May 1, Northwestern at Illinois; May 7, Purdue at Northwest- ern; May 13, Wisconsin at Northwest- ern; May 14, Drake at Northwestern; May 20, Michigan at Northwestern; May 24, Northwestern at Towa. Red Cross Aids Many Disabled Service Men Although seven years have passed since the men who served in the World war were demobilized, thousands of them are still in hospitals or partially disabled. To these men and their families the War Service department of the American Red Cross still renders aid. During the past year, more than 25000 requests for service have come to the Chicago chapter. The service given includes assisting the families of men who are in the veterans' hospitals, in establishing death claims and enabling dependents to carry on until a regular allowance from the government comes in, in pro- curing evidence for men who are ad- mitted to the government hospitals for mental cases and, at the request of the Veterans' Bureau, supervising the wel- fare of orphaned children who are its wards. There are many men constantly pass- ing through Chicago on their way to or from the hopitals. Red Cross work- ers meet these sick veterans, transfer them, using litters, wheel chairs and ambulances, if necessary, provide tem- porary shelter and food. Other men recently discharged from hospitals are aided in securing work or in returning to their homes. OBSERVE "BABY WEEK" Infant Welfare Society Sets Sunday, May 2, as Time to Tell Parents of Work "Baby Day" is to be observed on Sunday, May 2, under the auspices of the Infant Welfare society of Chicago The purpose of "Baby Day" is to con- centrate the attention of the fathers and mothers on the welfare of Chi- cago's babies and to tell them how the infant mortality rate can be cut in two. The infant welfare stations receive generous support from all the north shore villages. The Infant Welfare Society and the Chicago Health department are co- operating in making Chicago and en- varions safer for babies. Last year the infant welfare stations conducted by the society, together with those con- ducted by the Health Department, cared for more than 25,000 babies un- der two years of age. These babies had more than three times the chance for life and health that babies in gen- eral in Chicago enjoy. The principal reason for this is that the Infant Wel- fare babies receive continuous medical supervision and breast-feeding is urged and promoted. Babies are brought to an Infant Welfare station regularly where they are examined by a doctor and the mothers told what to do to keep them well. Then every baby is visited in its home periodically by a nurse who further instructs the mothers concerning proper feeding, bathing, dress, sanitation, etc. As one means of letting fathers and mothers in general know how to keep their babies well, the milk companies of Chicago have generously made provision to print and distribute 500,- 000 cards on the day before "Baby Day" on one side of which will be in- structions, "How to Keep the Well Baby Well," on the other side of which will be a statement from Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, Chicago commissioner of health. El FOR WEDDING GIFTS IG JEWELRY Michigan Ave at Van Buren CHICAGO Traveling Case - 16 inches Colored Pig Skin. $52 Other Cases ip Vanous Leathers, from $24 SPAULDING & Co. SILVERWARE - WATCHES - LEATHER CHINA GLASS 1636 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON --l EE