dito cdubineauiiiei 34 WINNETKA TALK May 1, 1926 ----- A Interior Decorators Drapery--Carpeting--Furniture Sheldrake 10049 for Appointment All Work Guaranteed M. Welch & Co. ! ITI LL LLL Mrs. Bob avenue left Miss Pond, sister of Anderson of 328 Linden this week for her home *in Min- neapolis. Miss Pond has been the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson for several weeks. A number of so- cial affairs have been given in her honor during her stay in Winnetka. --your neighbors know Evanston --they profitably appreciate that HH oS wn Coandion EVANSTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Winnetka Woman Killed by Taxi Last Thursday Miss Josephine Salmen, a sister of Mrs. Seibert Dietz, of 688 Center street, Winnetka, was struck py a taxicab at Chicago aveaue and South boulevard, Evanston, Thursday evening of last week, sustaining injuries from which she died ten minutes later. She was dragged 30 feet, and in addition to a skull fracture, also suffered a deep cut on the chin, a fratured rib and a bone of the leg. She was removed to St. Francis hospital. Miss Salmen was 40 years old. Be- sides her sister, she is survived by two brothers, William, of 964 Spruce street, Winnetka and Fred, of California. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of the sister, conducted by the Rev. James Austin Richards, of the Winnetka Con- gregational cliurch. Burial was at Memorial Park cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Donaham and their little daughter, Betty, of Harvey, Ill, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jaeger of 221 Fifteenth street | over the past week-end. \ More Than an Establishment-- where.' sonnel of mechanics. A North Shore Institution More than just a building, machines, and men, Cadillac Evanston Service is a friendly, vital aid to Cadillac owners. which Cadillac owners can turn with complete confidence that their needs will be met in as perfect a manner as is humanly possible. Cadillac has never believed that owners should be forced to find service "anywhere and every- In Evanston, as in five Chicago com- munities, it has established a complete service organization; equipped it with time-saving tools; manned it with a courteous trained per- Here at Standardized Charges, an exceptional quality of service is rendered. 4 The obligation to satisfy Cadillac owners is never forgotten by Cadillac. Service institution is evidence of this. EVANSTON BRANCH It is an institution to The Evanston CA D'IPEL AC 1810 Ridge Avenue Evanston Rogers Patk University 8600 9133 Subdivide Parts of Big Glen Oak Acres Properties G. H. Jacobsen is subdividing the first and second additions to Glen Oak Acres. The two additions comprise about 80 acres and front on Lake ave- nue and Wagner road. Glen Oak Acres, as the name implies, comprises acre tracts, which are wood- ed and highly restricted. The two new additions will comprise fifty foot lots, which will enable people of moderate means to acquire home sites in this rapidly growing section. There will also be restrictions in regard to the improvements to be made in these addi- tions, and in which the streets will be made to conform to the streets in Glen Oak Acres, and into which they will open. The tract comprising the new additions is not wooded, but four fine trees will be planted on each lot. The development of the new tract is being made by Mr. Jacobsen for various syn- dicate owners. A. C. Lueder, Post- master of Chicago, represents one syn- dicate. J. H. Schaefer and company, the real estate firm at 831 Ridge avenue, Wilmette, and George E. White, of the firm of Klinge and White, the Ridge avenue, merchants, have another. The Schaefer company is also interested in still another of the syndicates. POUR AT HOME COMING Visitors at Arden Shore camp on the occasion of Home Coming Day, Sun- day, May 2, will be served with tea in the afternoon, with the following wom- en presiding at the tea tables: Mrs. George Richardson, Mrs. Floyd Evans, Mrs. George Malcolm, Mrs. Donald Welles, all of Lake Forest. Mrs. Fred- erick G. Wacker, also of the same suburb, is chairman of the tea com- mittee. EFORE the morning round of golf, drop in at the Central Cafeteria for an ap- petizing breakfast that will en- able you to put up a real game against Colonel Bogey. Breakfast ready at 7 each week day. Sundays 12 to 5 Personal Supervision of Fred Miller CENTRAL CAFETERIA Nelson Building Central Ave., east of Wilmette Ave. WILMETTE