WINNETKA TALK May 1, 1926 A FEW DOLLARS --Transforms Your Home-- CHANGE THOSE DINGY FLOORS INTO ONES OF CHARM BUY THE PRICE x QUALITY x SERVICE -- SATISFACTION LOOROLEUM Greenleaf LOORCOVERING TORES 1007 Davis St. Evanston PECIALISTS Sensational Special Offer! . EUREKA Pr VACUUM CLEANER Sentto Youfor 10 Days FREE USE Here is our great special offer to youl We will deliver right to your door a brand new Grand Prige Eureka Vacuum Cleaner and a complete set of world famous Eureka cleaning ents. USE THEM 10 DAYS ABSOLUTELY FREE--without the slightest obligation to buy. Clean your carpets, rugs, mattresses, uphol- stered furniture, draperies, hangings, etc. Learn the Eureka's matchless usefulness for yourself. Only $4.50 Down Eee oe If you decide after 10 days use that you simply cannot afford to do with- out the Eureka, you can keep it by paying only $4.50 down and the bal- ance in monthly payments so small you will never miss Remember, this sensational offer [ positively ends soon. Phone or write us right away. If you wait, hundreds will be ahead of you. FREE--$8.50 Set of famous "'High-Vacu- 4 k with um' eachEurek hased Tune in "The Grand Prize Eurekas"" ery (This great offer may be Tuesday, - (Eastern Standard Time, withdrawn at any time.) WEAF National program. ) TRADE IN YOUR OLD CLEANER } Liberal allowance willbe EUREKA VACUUM i| CLEANER CO. 517 Lincoln St. Phone Winn. 1694 {|| of a Grand Prize Eureka.' Winnetka Po [ MARIO KURENKO COMING | AS MUSIC CLUB ARTIST "New Patti," Also Known as the "Russian Nightingale," Booked for Next Season Mario Kurenko, the Russian soprano, will sing next year at New Trier audi- torium in one of the artist-recitals, sponsored by the Winnetka Music club. The north shore is indeed fortunate in having an opportunity to hear so great an artist. Though it is less than a year since Madame Kurenko made her American debut she has already es- tablished herself firmly in favor. She is spoken of as the "Russian Nightin- gale." Only last week she sang in Washington in place of Lucrezia Bori, who was forced by engagements at the Metropolitan Opera House to cancel her appearance there. She proved a delight to all who heard her. Mario Kurenko is a native of Tomsk, Siberia, but at an early age she emi- grated with her parents to Moscow, which she really considers her native city, and which was the scene of her first great triumphs. She began her musical education at the age of twelve, and after graduating from high school entered the Moscow Conservatory as a pupil of the famous Mazetti. At the same time she also became a student at the Law School of the University of Moscow. Her graduation from both institutions was almost simultaneous, and at an early age she found herself both a full-fledged attorney-at Law and a budding prima donna. Miss Kurenko's ambition at first had been to become an expert in criminal law in order to defend the unfortunates who found themselves persecuted by the Czar's government. However, at the insistence of her friends, and the earnest urgings of Professor Mazetti, she finally accepted an engagement with the opera company of the City of Kharkoff, where she made her debut a little more than six years ago. The very first performance proved such a sensation that she was called immedi- ately to the Grand Opera of Moscow, where she remained for several sea- sons, the idol of the Russian public, and the mainstay of the company. The "New Patti" Rumors of a "New Patti" began to reach European operatic centers about two years ago, but not until Mario Kurenko accepted engagements to sing in concerts and opera in the countries adjoining Russia was there any op- portunity to verify these reports. Fol- lowing her performances in Riga, Helsingfors and other cities along the Baltic sea there was immediately keen competition among various Impressari for the privilege of bringing her to other European countries. Last spring she gave a private recital in Paris and was at once engaged to come to America. : Madame Kurenkc arrived in this country last September, coming from Russia via the Trans-Siberia railway and steamship across the Pacific. Her first American performance took place in Los Angeles where she sang lead- ing roles in Grand Opera there. She then toured the Pacific Coast in concert before coming East. Unusual Artist Miss Kurenko is an unusual artist, possessing a charming voice, perfectly trained, as well as tremendous musical erudition. To an astonishing musical sense is added great individuality and deep seriousness in her work. She sings as easily as she breathes. Her voice is even, up to the highest notes. The sound is transparent, like crystal. Her phrasing is unusual in its distinctness, and her dramatic acting is simple, natural and free from theatrical pathos. Her repertoire can be judged by her historical concerts, which embrace the period from the fifteenth to the twentieth century. Kurenko is one of the musically elect. She charms and one wants to hear her endlessly. Renewals "of subscriptions for next year's series of these recitals was taken during the last concert. While the series is not yet fully subscribed it will soon be over-subscribed. Those who would avoid disappointment should send in their subscriptions at once to Mrs. Bessie Grant, secretary, Winnetka State Bank. "Everlasting Punishment" Christian Science Topic The lesson sermon at First Church of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday morn- ing, May 2, will be "Everlasting Pun- ishment." Services are held in the Masonic temple at 708 Elm street, at 11 o'clock, and the testimonial meeting is held on Wednésday evening, at 8 o'clock. The Christian Science reading room at 526 Linden street, is open daily from 12 until 6 p. m. po First Church of RICHARD J. In the Masonic Hall, corner OF GLENCOE, ILLINOIS Announces : FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, i The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts GLENCOE Monday Evening, May 10, 1926 at 8 o'clock THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Christ, Scientist DAVIS, C.S. of Vernon and Hazel Aves.