TY GR eR TT TE TNT I RR. TT TTR Tn 1 TA 46 WINNETKA TALK May 1, 1926 -- ; 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notice =e Classified haveRtisemen g witl be Charged galy FOR SALE _-- BY OWNER FOR SALE to resident t district fro dvanston to 3 > : O} Glencoe inclusive whose iY ni in "the lens directory, or --=al big sacrifice, owing i BONES who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates line in all Average of five words to the line. 109, discount on all easxh with order advertisements when papers. 35 cents a CHARGE, 50 cents, type used. brought to our office at 1222 Central Winnetka. 25 cents a line in any two three papers. MINIMUM No black face Ave, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions--_ 3, up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | We Have Home Buyers WILMETTE 75% OR MORE OF THE NORTH 7-ROOM STUCCO RESIDENCE, LOT 50x176; hot water heat; bed rooms; Garage. $16,000.00 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, LOT 50x 177; hot water heat; garage. $13,500.00 £-ROOM RESIDENCE ON LOT 50x200; hot water heat; hard wood finish. $15,500.00 6-ROOM BRICK VENEER RESI- dence, lot 44x235; hot water heat; garage. $17,500.00 7-ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW, LOT 756x125, furnace heat; electric water pump; 2-car garage; will trade for acreage. $9,000.00 FOR RENT WILMETTE 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE; HOT water heat; modern. $85.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wil. 364 Wilmette, Illinois 1LTN31-1te EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS LINCOLN . AVE; 8 ROOM BRICK Colonial; tile roof; 3 baths; all large rooms; h. w. heat; 2-car brick ga- rage; wooded and landscaped lot; thoroughly insulated $35,000. 7 Rooms; new Old English solid brick; 2 baths; h. w. heat; attractive gar- den; beaut. landscaped lot; $32,000. 2 baths; oil $24,000. Asbury heat; Ave., 6 rooms; attached garage, Sunset rd.,, 8 room Colonial; 2 baths; h. w. heat; 2-car garage, $24,000. Elder Lane, 7 room brick Colonial; h. w. heat; garage. $23,000. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. 720 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 254 i i 1LTN31-1te $ 10,500 $ NEAR KENILWORTH 7 Rooms; 3 bedrooms; hot water heat; large lot. Terms. F. J. Budinger & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Opp. Village Hall Phones Wilmette 1750 and 363 1LTN31-1te FOR SALE VERY FINE 6 ROOM COLONIAL shingle home; large living room; arched doorway with tiled entrance; sleeping porch; sun room, off dining rm.; 3 blks. to Lake and station. Bed rock price $15,500. Call Win- netka 828. 1LTN31-1te HUBBARD WOODS FINE 6-ROOM STUCCO WITH heated sleeping porch and sun room; roomy place and all re-decorated; oil heat; garage; lot 50x150 3 blks. to transp. Price $19,500. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Winn. 1800 460 Winnetka Ave. 1LTN31-1te FOR RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY attractive 6 rm. bungalow; water ht.; lge. rms.; 2-car garage; con- veniently located, $110.00 per mo. F. Coleman Burroughs 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wilmette 640 ! J 1LTN31-1tec Shore home buyers are now living in Evanston apartments and hotels. Our rental department gives us in- timate contact with these buyers. List your homes and vacant and rentals with us. B. B. Clover & Co. 847 Chicago Ave. Evanston. Univ. 470 Chicago Office 1405 Title & Trust Building 1LTN31-1te .) > Wilmette's Best Buy WHY NOT ENJOY MANY ADVAN- tages of owning your own home? We offer a well-built attractive 7- room house; 4 bedrooms; 2 baths; sun parlor; sleeping porch; ga- rage; beautifully landscaped lot; ex- treme east location near lake and Sheridan road; conv. transp. This is a rare opportunity; do not fail to see us for appt. Owner open to reasonable offer. Terms. E.E.StultsRealty Co 424 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil. 3450 1LTN31-1te Winnetka Home PRACTICALLY NEW 6-RM. BRICK; newly decorated thruout; sun and sleeping porches; fine location. Will consider taking in trade well located 65 to 75 ft. lot in east Wilmette, Kenilworth or southwest or east Winnetka. B. B. Clover & Co. 847 Chicago Ave. Evanston Univ. 470 1LTN31-1tc WHY PAY RENT? WHEN YOU CAN BUY A HOME ON rent paying basis? Small cash pay- ment required on this 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, in a choice location of Glencoe. LISTED FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. $10,500.00. J. H. Schaefer & Co. $31 Ridge Ave. Phone Wil. 364 Wilmette, Illinois 1LTN31-1te Bargains in Acreage 700 Acres at McHenry-----price very low, 600 Acres adjoining Paul Rader Park, 'Wauconda. v 20 Acres near trans. in Deerfield. 65 Acres on Kotz Rd., W. of Winnetka. il% Acres on Hill Rd, Winnetka. Other puilding lots in Indian Hill dis- trict. 'Telephone F. H. Ward, Wilmette 3041, 1LTN23-tfe Coal, Lumber, etc. NEARLY 2 ACRES WEST OF WIN- netka and adjoining C. & N. W. R. R. Ideal for coal, lumber or material vard. Switch yard sites are scarce to change of business plans, most beautiful home in Skokie Heights. Tel. Glencoe 169. 1TN31-1tp FOR SALE -- ATTRACTIVE 6-RM. stucco bungalow; hot water heat; garage; fine wooded lot; good loca- tion; near schools and transp. A real bargain $13,500.00. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. 421 4th St. End of "L" Phones Wilmette 2760 and 460 1LTN31-1te FOR SALE HOUSE ON 3 LARGE wooded lots, 325x275; suitable for estate. Also large homesites at $20 per foot in new, highly restricted GLENVIEW HIGHLANDS SUBDI- VISION. Near North Shore Golf Club. Apply at office on sub.,, Wau- kegan Rd. 1500 ft. north of Lake Ave, 1LTN31-5tp GLENAYRE WEST WILMETTE WILL FURNISH LOT 50x168 WITH sewer and water service, paved street; a new 6-room modern house. §-ROOM $2,000 cash. $100 monthly. F. H. GATHERCOALI, 607 Main St. Tel. Wil. 225 1LTN31-1te AS WE ARE HAVING A GREAT many calls for houses both furn. and unfurn. we would like to list your house for rent or for sale. Our clientele is of the best and are thoroughly investigated before sign- ing. Please communicate with FIRST REALTY COMPANY 720 N. Michigan Ave. Sup. 0666 1LTN31-1tp SOUTHWEST * GLENCOE COZY LITTLE SIX ROOM HOME ON 300-ft. lot; heavily wooded and uniquely landscpd., large garage with servants' quarters. Price $33,000--will sell with less ground. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Sole Agents 460 Winnetka Ave. 1LTN31-1tc ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH I MUST sell my 6-rm. English stucco resi- dence and garage at 114 Sunset rd. hot water heat; corner lot 100x150, facing park and near golf course. Mrs. F. Finan. 824 Aldine Ave., Chicago Wellington 7995 1LTN31-1te $13,500 5-ROOM BUNGALOW; CONV. FOR "L" transp.; beautifully landscaped lot; near Sheridan rd. and lake. Bar- gain. Terms. Mr. Brock, Wilmette 3450. 1LTN31-1te FOR SALE -- NEW 7-ROOM BRICK Colonial residence in northwest Winnetka, overlooking park; large living room; 2 baths; toi. and lav. .on 1st floor; hot water heat; 2-car ;garage. Phone owner, Winn. 415. ' : 1TNS-1te MOVING AWAY FORCES OWNER TO SELL MOST AT- tractive 6 room house; sleeping and sun porches overlooking gardens; Winn. 1800 garage; in East section; conv. to transp. and schools. Only $15,500. Winnetka 721. 1LTN31-1te FOR SALE HOMES AND VACANT Fred'k. B. Thomas & Co. and worth money. This can be | Elm and Linden Sts. Winn. 2350 bought for less than $6,000. Call at 1LTN31-1te once. FOR SALE --1% STORY HOUSE rame; 6 rooms, enclosed porch; a J h F Hah I imps.; hot water heat. Lot 99x315; © n 2 Im, nc. well planted. Terms to suit. Otto 1619 Sherman Ave. University 2382 Falk. Northbrook 114-W. 1LTN31-1te 1TNS8-1te GLENCOE--MUST SELL FOR SALE -- 8-RM. HOUSE; ALL 6 BUILDING LOTS AVERAGING 20,- 000 sq. ft. each in one of best loca- tions in Glencoe at $45 per foot. Call Winn. 1226 1ILTN31-1tc improvements; hard wood finish; double garage; 1 acre of ground at Northbrook; Walter Ave. Tel. North- brook 99. 1LTN30-2tp an VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Co. REAL ESTATE Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 162 1T5-tfe UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY WELL BUILT SEVEN ROOM STUCCO Home in one of Winnetka's best lo- cations on 85 foot lot for. sale at $17,000. For details call Miss Thomp- son. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Winn. 1800 460 Winnetka Ave. 1LTN31-1te WANTED VACANT LOT ON NORTH Shore between Evanston and High- land Park. State particulars and lowest cash price. Herman Sund 537 Main St., Wilmette. Phone Wil 1754. 1LTN31-1tp FOR SALE --WINNETKA, 139 BERT- ling Lane, 7-room Col; 4 bedrooms; tile bath; encl. slp. porch.; lge. at- tic, lot 64x150 Exch. small house or vacant. Tel. Winn. 1805. 1T48-tfe 7 ROOMS--GLASSED PORCHES RENT ($115) OR SELL $14,000 AT- tract tms. improved home; 969 Elm st.,, Winnetka; 3 blks. station; 2 blks. school. May 1, Owner. Univ. 3341-R. 1T8-1tc FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL OLD home in Geneva, Illinois, Kane Co.; large yard; trees; shrubs. Inquire of owner, 215 Campbell St.,, Geneva, 111. Phone Geneva 758. 1LTN31-1te FOR SALE -- 7-ROOM HOME, MOD- ern;lot 70x175; 2-car garage; close to transportation; price $7,000, Ph. Deerfield 177-W. A. M. Kiest, Deer- field, IL 1T7-2te FOR SALE -- THE DOW HOME, 215 Campbell St., Geneva, Ill, Kane Co. Phone Geneva 758. 1LTN3-1te FOR SALE -- NEW 6-ROOM COL- onial. Phone Wil. 573 or 1334. 1LTN31-1te 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES 29 FLATS AND RESI- dences for rent unfurn- ished. 59 residences for rent furnished. Ranging in price from $65 to $1,500 per month. Heinsen & Kroll, Inc. 720 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill 2LTN31-1te FOR RENT --FURN. HOME IN EAST Indian Hill; 2 blks. to elec. or steam transp.; 3 blks. to bathing beach; cozy well furn. 8-room house; 3 bedrooms; breakfast and large sun room; large screened porch; well kept grounds; garage. June 1 or 15 to Sept. 15. Phone Winnetka 1595 or Harrison 2991. 2LTN31-1tp FOR RENT -- 5-ROOM HOUSE; GA- rage; 33 Ivy Court, Kenilworth; near schools and transportation; hot water heat; 3 year lease. J. A. Sears, 417 Warwick Road. Tel. Kenil. 163. 2LTN31-1tp YOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE BUNGA- low; furn. or unfurn.; 3 rms.; bath; large sleeping porch; full basement. 1046 Pine St., Winnetka. Tel Win- netka 752, 2T8-1tp FOR RENT --6 ROOM BUNGALOW; gas, elec. light; furnace heat. Winnetka avenue; near new elec- tric. Tel. Winn. 535-J, 2T8-5tp FOR RENT --LAKE FRONT HOUSE; 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; 1 lavatory; June 15-Sept. 15. Tel Mrs. Massey, Winn. 2122. 2TNT7-2tc FOR RENT -- WINN.; 6 RM. COL. house; furn.; summer; slp. porch; gar.; adults. Tel. Winn, 1781. 2T8-1te FOR RENT -- TWO 6-ROOM HOUSES; one 7-room house; one 5-room flat. Phone Wil. 573 or 1334. 2LTN31-1te