: : § § : PARR YRS TY TE Ei [ETT ye Es. BE WINNETKA TALK May 1, 1926 Te ET or Ee A en ys CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued from Page 47) 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- USED CARS Satisfaction guaranteed. A variety to choose from, Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN31-1te FOR SALE--HUDSON COUPE, $440 cash; brand new radiator; painted and cylinders re-ground in 1925; 2 new tires; original cost, $3500. Will demonstrate any time. Telephone Winnetka 839. 20LT31-1tp FOR SALE--OAKLAND SPORT TOUR- ing, 1923; fully equipped; good cond. Seen by appt. $400. Winn. 1041, 20LTN31-1tp FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN, TUDOR. Well equipped. Phone owner, Winn, 330. 20LTN31-1te WANTED--OLD AUTOS AND ELEC- trics; any condition. Univ. 1986. 20LTN22-tfe r-- m-- -- 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--EVERYTHING IN PER- ennials; gladiolus bulbs, $3.00 per 100 or 45¢ doz; also mixed specials; white viclet plants, beautiful viola carnations 10¢ ea and pansies, all colors, at a special price. Call Winn. 329. 21TS-1te MUST SACRIFICE ACCOUNT OF building, 125 - 3 to 4 feet Japanese barbery bushes, first class condi- tion; will deliver and plant. Bargain. Phone Glencoe 16 or Winn. 1294. 21TNS-1te FOR SALE -- GARAGE 40x20 ft.; 18 months old; to be moved from 806 Elm St. Inquire, North Shore Laun- dry, 566 Chestnut St, Winnetka. 21TNS-1te FOR SALE -- SEVERAL NICE dresses. Also have small stock of new spring coats to sell at $16.50 Winn. 1372. 21TNS-1te WILL SELL AT CONSIDERABLE RE- duction, membership in Briergate Golf Club. No assessments to pay. Tel Kenil. 2851. 21TNS-1tc FOR SALE--110 OLD AND NEW JAP prints; 60 old Chinese pictures; other curios. 5th floor. 9 No. Wa- bash Ave. Chicago. 21LTN31-1tc FOR SALE -- WELL LOCATED OUT- side lot near chapel in Memorial Park. Reasonable. Call Winn. 2395. 21LTN31-1tp FOR SALE -- THREE 110-GAL. AND one 60-gal. steel oil tanks; $20 for all. Tel. Wil. 1961. 21LTN31-1tp FOR SALE--SUMMER DRESSES AND coats; sizes 34 and 36; 50c to $10. Call Winn. 1880. 21TS-1te FOR SALE--GREEN CLOTH COAT and dress; size 18. Winnetka 1486. 21LTN31-1tc FOR SALE--BROWN REED BABY buggy, $10. Phone Winnetka 1190. ; 21LT31-1te FOR SALE--MUGHO PINES, RED cedars, perennials, Tel. Winn. 1334. 21TNS8-1tp " FOR SALE--TWO BABY CARRIAGES, $5 and $10. Call Winn. 362. 21TNS8-1tp 22 FINANCIAL WE LOAN MONEY AT LOWEST rates on Evanston and North Shore nroperties. Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. 500 Davis St. Greenleaf 1617 22LTN25-tfc 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--FOX TERRIER, WHITE WITH black spots, head mostly black, short tail; 1% years; answers to name of "Bill." 1374. Reward. Call Winn. 24L/TN21-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- WIRE-HAIRED FOX TER- rier, 5 months old, white with brown spots; no collar. Finder please phone Winn, 632-J. 24T8-1tc LOST--GREAT DANE DOG, MALE, white markings; answers to name of "Sig." Reward. Call Univ. 3043-R evenings. 24LTN31-1tc Z6 GARDENING SPECIAL LANDSCAPE GARDENING. I have under my supervision men to do this work by the hour or day. Call Winn, 329. 26T8-1te 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRING and refinishing, upholstering, mat- wresses renewed. Fred Nitto, 1240 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2430. 27LT19-tfc 28 PIANO TUNING IHAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED FOR the Spring time. Prices reduced for May. L. W. Foster, 625 Park Ave. Wilmette Fhone Wil. 908-M. 28LTN13-tfc 2% PAINTING AND DECORATING FOR PAINTING AND DECORATING call E. M. Brandt, Glencoe 971 29TNT7-4tc PE 31 BUSINESS SERVICE REPAIRS NORMAN E. DALLY, 725 OAK ST. Bicycles repaired and rebuilt. Lawn mowers sharpened, grinding and electrical repairs. Prompt service. 31T8-tfe 32 KENNELS PUPS FOR SALE CHOW CHOWS ST. BERNARDS WIRE-HAIRED FOX TERRIERS Pedigreed prize winning stock. RIVEREDGE KENNELS Half Day, Ill Prairie View 606-W-2 32LTN31-1tp Gives Lecture on Christian Science Editor's Note: The accompanying is an extract from a lecture on Chris- tian Science given Friday evening, April 30, at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Winnetka, by Bicknell Young, C. S. B, of Chicago. His subject was "Christian Science: Its Redemptive Mission.'"" There lately fell into my hands a newspaper clipping describing the dis- covery of a new disease. It was curious to note with what enthusiasm the writer perorated to the effect that this was the only disease that had been both discovered and fully elucidated in America. All of this seemed to him a great boon for the race, and his com- mendation for the discovery and praise of the discoverer knew no bounds save those of a restricted vocabulary. About sixty vears ago Mary Baker Eddy discovered Christian Science and coordinately discovered that there is no disease, either old or new. This aston- ishing event, strange as it may seem to vou, had to do with facts, not theories. It was purely scientific and ethical, and its high purpose was not tainted by any personal ambition. Mrs. Eddy was not seeking fame but truth, and she found it in the mental realm where truth exists primarily and ex- clusively. Always a Christian, she naturally ac- cepted the universally admitted fact that God is infinite: but she perceived that the word infinite had been mis- interpreted to include both eternal facts and temporal things. She saw that in- finity could not include "evil, for in- finity means endless continuity, where- as evil means destruction. She was thus enabled to explain evil--a thine that had never been done, notwith- standing that all philosophers from the earliest times of intellectual activity to our own time had asked themselves, What is the origin of evil? Mrs. Eddy saw and announced that an infinite cause and evil in any form are polar op- posites. She saw that they can never meet or unite or coalesce or be known to each other; and because she was compassionately aware of the crying need of humanity to be free from disease, she took the first great scien- tific step toward that most desirable end by announcing the unreality of disease. This should not be misunderstood, and not need be, for Christian Science and its operation in humanity's be- half fulfill all the requirements of Science every step of the way and show that the most that can properly be said of disease or any other form of evil is that it appears to be a human reality, and that just because it ap- pears to be a human reality it needs to be banished, --that is to be made un- real to human beings. This is exactly the right thing to do and is exactly what Christian Science does. You may at first doubt such a result, and possibly think me audacious to stand here and announce such a dis- covery, but you will agree that if this discovery can justify itself by proof, then its beneficent influence must ex- ceed that of all the other discoveries made since the beginning of the world. By way of unimpeachable evidence, thousands of Christian Scientists aver that they have seen disease disappear from the human body when the belief and fear of it were dispelled from the human mind through Christian Science. However strange the doctrine of Christian Science as to disease and sin may appear to the casual thinker or unthinking person, the fact is that no other doctrine offers a single indica- tion of a way of deliverance. The be- lief in the reality of evil, the fruit of centuries of wrong beliefs about God. has been accepted without question. I say, without question, for while we ad- mit that here and there a philosopher, or true disciple of Christianity, or a poet perceived the ideals of Christi- anity, and expressed the hope that they were more real than the contrary ex- periences to which all seemed to be subject, vet prior to the advent of Christian Science there was nothing definite in this direction; no discern- ment of Principle by which to judge righteous judgment, no rule by which righteous judgment could be made operative in behalf of sick, sinning, and dying men and women. Tt has been commongly supposed that Jesus alone could exercise deific power, and that he alone had the right to do so. But he taught differently, and on the very day that Mrs. Eddy announced the Principle and rule of pure spiritual healing it became possible for every- day people like ourselves to achieve the natural right and privilege of healing the sick and saving sinners. The very first case healed in Chris- tian Science by Mrs. Eddy nearly sixty vears ago proved this Science, proved the universality of it, and brought to pass what St. John declared in Revela- tion, that Christ "hath made us kings and priests unto God." . Mrs. Eddy's personal experience had convinced her of the futility of material methods. Utterly disappointed, as all must ultimately be, in the mixture of truth and error, spirit and matter, pre- sented to the world in the name of both religion and science, she finally turned to the divine Mind exclusively. She read the Bible in a new light and per- ceived the deep scientific significance of its teachings. Thus she discovered the Science of Christ, Christian Sci- ence. She tested it by healing the sick and reforming the sinner, and finally gave it to the world in her book, "Sci- ence and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures." With singleness of purpose an he- roic fortitude she established the Chris- tian Science movement and became its Leader. Her wisdom and foresight in founding The Mother Church and the branch churches of Christ, Scientist, as well as the publications designed to in- terest and educate the public, are be- coming familiar to well informed peo- ple throughout the world. No one can deny the deep devotion and unselfish- ness of her work. It remains for us to carry it on by following the teachings her writings contain. Christian Science has given us eyes to see the real way and the understand- ing to walk in it, but I would not give the impression that this way and this understanding can come to you with- out any effort on your part. We can call your attentign to the heritage. Ac- cording to the Bible it is "incorrupti- ble" and "fadeth not away," but if you desire it you must claim it. There is no realm in which you can do so other than the realm of thought or education, --using the term in the highest sense. The thinking that resembles God-- and thinking is the only thing about a human being that ever does resemble God--is the way, and the only way of deliverance. It was the way that Jesus recommended ; it was his way. The beneficent power and influence of the Christ cannot be invoked through material means. You and I at this moment are thinking about the healing power of God, which available power apprehended is properly named Christ, Truth. To think about it is a wonder- ful step for us to take, but it is not the final step. In a certain sense there is no final step. You cannot measure thoughts. They are not restricted by time or distance. We can think over hill and dale and lakes and mountains and forests and cities and countries and oceans, and even out to the stars. What a wonderful word Mind is! Do you doubt the power of this di- vine presence? Do you think this pow- er insufficient to heal your disease, as- 'suage your sorrows, comfort your hearts, remove your fears, and give you the kingdom of heaven within and with- out?The supreme naturalness of all this must appeal to every earnest per- son. Its efficacy is certain, and every one may test it for himself. Enter- taining these ideas with absolute sin- cerity, you will find that they banish evil thinking and wrongdoing. Christian Science alone brings to light divine Principle and shows that no thinking is right except that which recognizes that the design and purpose of the one divine and infinite Mind is good, and is equally good for all crea- tures. None are selected or picked out to be particularly favored, but all are blessed. It is ever true that "God is no respecter of persons," but God is a respecter of thinking,--or to speak more accurately, thinking approximates the divine Mind, God, when ideas which express the power and law of good, God, are entertained and maintained. If such thinking becomes habitual it constitutes the means by which man's unity with God is proved, and in this light the belief in diseasg¢ disappears. When this occurs the human body manifests health. MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP 733 Elm Street Tor Appointment Phone Winnetka 822 -