22 WINNETKA TALK May 8, 1926 Skokie Club Scene of State Net Meet June 28 The Illinois state tennis champion- ships, feature event of Chicago's net season, will be held on the clay courts of the Skokie Country club, Glencoe, the week of June 28. Announcement of the date of the Illinois classic and of most of the other important tennis tournaments of the year is contained in the first issue of the official bulletin, the new organ of the United States Lawn Tennis association, issued this week. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mrs. Richard Timberlake of Winona, Minn., announces the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Laird, to Henry Wallace Dunmore of 415 Maple ave- nue, Monday, May 3, in Chicago.. Mr. and Mrs. Dunmore have gone East on their honeymoon, and will be at home after June 1, at Windom square, Winona, Minn. Mrs. W. W. Hanville, 840 Foxdale avenue, was elected chairman of the membership committee of the Daugh- ters of the Renaissance at their annual meeting last week. HEADS CULTURE CLUB Mrs. Justus Chancellor, Sr., 333 Fairview avenue, Winnetka, has been elected president of the Chicago Cul- ture club for the coming year. The club consists of more than 400 mem- bers, and is one of the finest and best known clubs of Cook county. Those chosen as officers with her, are Mrs. Edgar Strawbridge, first vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Charles Kraft, second vice- president; Mrs. Bert Terck, recording secretary; Mrs. I. G. Spitzer, treas- urer; Mrs. Edward Clark, correspond- ing secretary. Ownership with your rightful share of the profits in perpetuity ; OR every $100 invested in 6% preferred stock you receive ' one share of common or ownership stock in Cle ORRINGTON All your money, with 6% interest, is paid back to you, complete return being estimated within ten years. ] an average payment of 16% per annum during the retirement period (This issue is so conservatively low that according to our estimates it should be retired in about seven years.) : After all your money has been returned, we estimate yout common or ownership stock should pay approximately $12.00 [ per share. Investors in this issue will be given first opportunity to invest in other equally attractive real estate securities in Evans- ton's fast growing center. | Telephones--Greenleaf 500, Sheldrake 0500 VICTOR C. CARLSON amen ~ WRITE TODAY FOR OUR BOOKLET: "YOUR RIGHTFUL SHARE OF THE PROFITS" ORGANIZATION Inc. CARLSON BUILDING EVANSTON | | | > Southeast Corner of Orrington Avenue and Church Street This makes if oe pc FIN o_o ------_-------- a aa HONOR OCTOGENARIAN Sunday School of Kenilworth Union Church Pays Tribute to Veteran Superintendent John Benham, 165 Kenilworth ave- nue, Kenilworth, who celebrated his 80th birthday Monday, May 3, was ac- corded an impresive reception at the Sunday shool of the Kenilworth Union church last Sunday in recognition of his completion of 60 years as a Sun- day school worker in Chicago and vicinity. Mr. Benham is at present superintendent of the Sunday school at the Union church. Sunday's reception included a pro- cession of 80 small girls each carry- ing a rose, and 80 small boys each car- rying a penny, preceded by an escort conveying a large birthday cake. Mr. Benham also received telegrams and greetings from Sunday school leaders in many places. In addition to his affiliations with various Sunday schools, Mr. Benham was associated with the Cook county Sunday school association for 30 years. He was at one time president of the Illinois Sunday School association and was for five years a member of the board of the Chicago Central branch of the Y. M. C. A. Since coming to Kenilworth he has been actively con- nected with the Sunday school of the Union church and since 1918 has been superintendent. During his administra- tion the average attendance has in- creased from 100 to 200 pupils Monday of this week Mr. Benham was honored at a special meeting of the Union League club in Chicago, which organization he joined 45 years ago. Catholic Daughters Hold Annual Communion Sunday Sunday, May 9, has been announced as annual Communion Sunday for the Catholic Daughters of America at St. Joseph's church. Mass will be cele- brated at 8 o'clock in the morning with the Rev. Neumann, chaplain of the local court of the order, as celebrant. He will also give the sermon. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock Wil- mette Court, No. 848, will join Rosary Court, Lady of the Lake and Uni- versity Court n joint initiation cere- monies at the Edgewater Beach hotel. A banquet will follow at 6:30 o'clock. Anna Magensen, grand regent, and Elsie Schmitt, vice regent, will take part in the degree work Sunday after- noon. HEAR BOYS' CHORUS At the music festival on Sunday a group of boys from the North Shore Country Day school sang a chorus of the Peers from the opera, "lolanthe," which the school had presented some- what more than a week ago. Who This Man yy 5 Ie