iv May 8, 1926 WINNETKA" TALK 37 Check Petitions to Determine Who Owns West Strip Tt is still undecided whether a nar- row strip lying just east of the North Shore line's new Skokie Valley line and between Lake avenue and the southern boundary of Wilmette, is offi- tially in Wilmette or Glenview. The overlapping of this particular | section in the annexation elections. re-' cently, is a matter in the two villages | which will probably have to be decid- ed in the courts. filed their reports with the county recorder, a procedure which, it is claimed, Glenview executed a few hours prior to Wilmette. However, the time of filing, it is said, will not determine the final status of the affair, but rather, the number of petitioners in the district affected, which each village had secured. Wilmette had a majority of the resi- dents in the district which it annexed, but there is contention as to whether row strip now claimed by both vil- lages, favored annexation to Wilmette or Glenview. This is one of the points, it is said, that will have to be definitely deter- mined, and which, with other proceed- ings, will be according to court direc- tions. Music Director Visits Country Day Students On Monday and Tuesday Thomas W. Surette, director of music at the North Shore Country Day school and consultant in music for numerous edu- cational institutions in the East, paid a visit to the school. In the morning exercises on Monday, various scenes irom the Gilbert and Sullivan opera, "Tolanthe," recently given by the school with marked success were sung, during his stay. Both villages have | In Scoutdom Awards made by the Council at the Public Night, May 1, 1926: Knot Boards--Ist place--Wolf Pa- trol, Troop 1--Knots of Rummler and Frank; 2nd place--Coo Coo Patrol, Troop 3; 3rd place--Wolf Patrol, Troop 1--Will Elliott, Jr. Cooking--Best Troop--Troop 1; Best Patrol--Wolf Patrol, Troop 1; Jest Scout--W. S. Elliot, Jr., Wolf Patrol. First Aid Kits--Best Troop--Troop 3;Best Patrol--Bear Patrol, Troop 3; Best Kit--MacCollins, Stagg Patrol, Troop 3. Models--1st Jamie Odell, Stagg Pa- trol, Troop 3 model ship; 2nd--Wil- lets Burnham, Troop 2 model bridge; | 3rd--John Moore, Black Hawk Patrol, | Troop 1 bird house; Honorable Men- | tion--Olin Sethness, Black Hawk Pa- Ts : : 2; Bowman the majority of residents in the nar- | trol, Troop 1 hook rug. Scout Council, April 30 Tenderfoot--George Beyers, Troop Kreer, Troop 1; Frank Hilpert, Troop 2: Jack Odell, Troop 3: Joseph Miller, Troop 2; Robert Smith, Troop 2. Second class--Dick Bernard, Troop | 3 First class--Louis Dean, Troop 3; Mac Collins, Troop 3. Merit badges--Fred Fairman, Jr, cooking, printing and camping; Bill Elliot, Jr., craftsmanship in metal. OPEN BALL SEASON The Young Men's class of the Con- gregational Church school opened its baseball season with a lively game in Lake Front park last Thursday eve- ning. The groups plans to play regu- larly during the spring and summer months, and invites all voung men over the high school age to join in this and the other activities of the class. Albert Wallberg Formerly with C. D. MacPherson Interior Decorating Exterior Painting Canvas Work--Antiquing Craftex Textures 2715 Reese Avenue Tel. Univ. 8507 field. ful, courteous, comes from those whom they have served during Shore. tended to by Mr. Lewis, who is the only funeral director residing in New Trier Frederick E. Lewis Resident NORTH SHORE Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis, has had twenty-one years of successful service in the professional The best testimony to their care- and conscientious work their residence on the North All calls will be personally at- Township. Very Latest in Modern Limousine Equipment 1120 Central Avenue WILMETTE Parlors phone, Wilmette 3552 Home phone, Wilmette 3552 LL ddd dd td ed i ed a a dda "For Fuel--Use Oil" Prompt Deliveries from Our Winnetka Bulk Storage Plant Braun Bros. Oil Co. "For Fuel--Use Oil" Wilmette and Winnetka WILMETTE 290 WINNETKA 1565 lids iid ddd a7 77007 ZT a7 2 227 7 a Zr A ddizzzizrazz. 222 | NEW MARMON SALES AND SERVICE STATION 6017 Broadway, Chicago Phone Long Beach 6428 Open Evenings and Sundays Marmon North Shore Ad 2 le ede, NZ PALL LL SLLL LS ALLL ALLS ISIL ASSIS SALAS SSSA ASS Try this famous recipe today! Mrs. Anna J. Peterson of the Peoples Gas Co. offers this: TOMATO CHEESE RING 1, pints cottage cheese i can omat~ soup 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon aranulated gelatine Va cup cold water Soak gelatine In cold water five minutes. »~dd bolling water and when elatine is dissolved. 1dd tomate soup. train cottage ckcese and seaso with salt and paprika. Put into rino mold and when tomato mixture has cooled pour over cheese. Place on ite to solidify. Serve on lettuce. garnish with hard-cooked eqg and slices of tomato. Doesn't that sound entrancing? Bowman Dairy Company Cottage Cheese is famcus for its superior goodness! It's firm texture and fresh cream flavor makes it a food delight beyond compare. Try it to- day. Your cook book is full of recipes. Insist on DAIRY COMPANY Collage Cheese