WINNETKA TALK May 8, 1926 r . vi ¥ gis . . OUTLINES METHOD OF paign to eradicate the pest in the Chi- | bites because blood contains a sub- | cago area. : stance she must have for maturing ERADICATING SKEETER "The first thing to understand about | her eggs. " mosquitoes is that they breed only in "Mosquitoes bit the rich and the O | -------- water. The first two stages of the mos- | poor alike. They bite animals and Official of Gorgas Memorial Jhitoes SXiaence ge Joenl in water. Did And is 8 well known fans ths . 1e third stage is the full grown mos- |in dairy district, badly infested with ey Tustitute Tolls of Plans quito as you know it--the winged in- | mosquitoes, that the milk production PY ) or ork Loca y sect that does the biting. And even [drops off just as soon as the mosaui- 1S l Sol 3 in this stage the mosquito needs mois- | toes begin to get 'bad.' i If mosquitpes can be conquered at|tyre in order to maintain life. Hence | "Now about the plan of co-opera- | Panama, where they breed every day you find them harboring, during the |tion to overcome the man-made handi- an | in the year, you can readily realize day, in the shady woods, in deep grass, | caps which are causing mosquitoes to !' | that something can be done about (jn shrubbery, and on the under side of |breed so prolifically. Everybody is them in the Chicago area when men, | huildings. | helping. More co-operation between money and knowledge combine to "In fact it is common misinforma- | towns and villages, between golf clubs, tackle the problem," state Dr. Gilbert |ti5n that mosquitoes breed in bushes. |and between other agencies is in evi- Fitz-Patrick, member of the executive | The do not; they breed only in water. | dence in attacking the mosquito prob- 4 | committee of the Gorgas Memorial In- They do harbor in bushes, grass and |lem than ever before. ry stitute which is co-operating 'with Chi- in the woods, because they find mois- "Anton Cermak, president of the cago suburban communities in a cam- | ture and protection there. Cook County board, is one of the t y "Why I know of one golf club that | mosquito fighters. He and the board destroyed several thousand dollars members have in their control, 30,000 DEAN & BRO Wi N worth of shrubbery because some of [acres of Forest Preserves, which can- \ | the members were sure they would | ot be enjoyed by the people of Cook M f Q li destroy the breeding places of mosqui-| county unless the mosquitoes' are tak- | * eats 0 ua iy toes when they ordered the shrubs cut |en care of. So the Cook County board . down. Most school children know |contributes liberally to the general Phone 420 Winnetka that mosquitoes breed in water, but |gyverhead fund and besides pays for . . . {|| there are adults of my acquaintance | control work, such as drainage and Four Free Deliveries Daily who still suspicion the bushes. oiling, within the Forest Preserves. 1 : Ww. | "Chicago and vicinity is not natural- Sanitary District Helps | 910}3 Linden Ave. Hubbard oods | ly mosquito-breeding territory. But be-| «phe Sanitary District of which cause sec many of the towns and vil- || yrence F. King is president was lages flow their sewage into the tiny probably the very first body to fight creeks and streams, streams which are |, squitoes here. The Sanitary board Extra Special almost dry in warm weather, and|y,,ws that mosquitoes breed in the which actually ought to have nothing | reeks and streams under its juris- 3 but pure water flowed into them, one | diction, and are therefore anxious to . Lime for the Lawn is entirely right in saying that our | pate the nuisance. Consequently, for mosquitoes are 'man made.' Man made | {vo weeks past oiling gangs have been : . 3 them, when he polluted the streams, |.¢ work in the country. now being sold for a short time only at the low price of when he built splendid towns but made | «(jing must be practiced where no provision for scientific waste dis-| drainage is impossible or impractical. 25¢ Per Bag posal. Drainage is the permanent type of No Respecter of Persons work, and I am glad to be able to an- ; is S itary District has u Now! Or It M I a "The mosquito is no respecter of |nounce that the Sanitary : y : ay Be Too te. persons. She bites the people who appropriated the sum of $10,000 for live on the south side with the same |drainage work on the Salt Creek area COAL d COKE ferocity as the people who live west on the west side. an or north. And by the way its the lady Coeofdinating the work of 2 the . . mosquito which does the biting. She | groups is the Gorgas Memorial Insti- are now at their lowest price. If your order for next 1 tute, the national foundation for bet- season's fuel is not already in, phone us today. elevhone. Wilmette: 334% ter individual health, created to honor DR FRANK B ERWIN General Gorgas who wiped out Yel- HARD COAL . . . low Fever at Panama. The Gorgas Suock SETERINARIAN tof Method is the method used wherever . the t ° : Fle 36 Single ton 4 ton or more pes A a then mosquito work is done on a large scale. Large Egg Coal... ... 5 $17.25 $17.00 "Dog and Cat" It is the method which will eventually Small E Coal 17.25 All calls receive my personal rid Chicago of mosquitoes. Actual di- ma TR a AR > 17.00 atteation rection of the work is dome by Maj. Range Coal 17.70 17.45 724 Prairie Ave. Wilmette, Ill Spe ge 0a) rer : = (Continued on page 44) ey Chestnut Coal . 5... wv 17.45 17.20 ~ Pex Coal' vioinv nov nvvns 14.40 14.15 Buckwheat Coal ........ 11.40 11.15 COKE | Single ton 3 ton or more | Egg and Nut Coke . ..... $12.25 $11.50 Pea Coke ...... ead « 2M L753 11.00 Single ton Load Lots Mine Ruf =o, voor vino $ 8.00 $ 7.50 MONTREAL- QUEBEC Lump-and Egg ......... 10.00 9.50 Go via the picturesque St. Lawrence to Nut: vers Ey i es 9.50 9.00 all important European ports. Scenery, ie service, and Old World charm join SOFT COAL hands to make your trip enjoyable on a i Canadian Pacific Empress or Monoclass Single ton Load Lots (one class) Cabin steamship . Lump and Egg <5 cen $ 7.85 $7.35 : Cannel Coal ™. ...... oa . 14.00 By the short sea voule to Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg, Liverpool, Antwerp, Belfast and Glas- ow. Arrange your trip NOW to sail m Montreal or Quebec. Only 4 days on the open sea. Further information from local steamship agents or COAL WOOD.FEED ¥- TELEPHONE C : 2 8 HUBBARD W00 DS.ILL R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent, 71 E. Jackson Blvd. Tele- A phone Wabash 1904, Chicago, Ill. For Freight apply to W. A, Kitter- - master, Gen. Agt. Freight Lept., 940 The Rookery, Chicago, Ill