May 8, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 45 AID ROAD BUILDING Militia Reserve Will Winnetka P. T. A. Will | from EAU Hold Dinner May 24 Hold Election Monday House Passes Federal Aid Legislation: | (-,,,,.,y A of the Illinois Militia| The annual meeting of the Winnet- | Expect Prompt Favorable Action in| Reserve, Winnetka, will hold its an-|ka Parent-Teacher association will be Senate | nual dinner on Monday evening, May | held Monday afternoon, May 10, at; _-- | 24, at the Community House. Major 3:30 o'clock, at Horace Mann school. | Motorists of the nation won their | "Jack" Macy will be the guest of hon- | At this time will be heard the reports | first outstanding victory in the cam- | OF and "Wally" Rumsay and "Charlie" | of the school chairmen and the chair- | paign for continued Federal aid for LRasiman, will lead re singing. Mem- | men of ste various standing commit- | ' Ego : ? | bers or the Motor lransport company, | tees. cers for the ensuing year | highwas SohstriicHon when the House, / who lived in Winnetka during the|will also be elected. Refreshments | wi Ee Dowell Bill oh ET war have been elected to member- | will be served and there will be some | ai Ea 1 AULIONIZING 2D" | ship in this organization, it is an-|form of entertainment, including sic ropriations of $75,000,000 annually for , 12 USIC pop el oh 1028 and 1929 for oi honhied, a Henbers are urged tolhy the Skokie school band. bi 47 dl Tt ° | attend the dinner anc reservations -- ----r in the Federal aid system. . {may be made with Lee Adams, sec- M { Mes Edw : | In addition to the Federal aid ap- |retary, or Sherman Aldrich president. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rathbone of propriations, the Dowell bill also car- Pasadena Spent a Tew Gays nm Keil ries appropriations of $7,500,000 for | . worth 'asi week a ¢ home of Mr, each NE fiscal 2. for forest Opens Automobile Sales and Mrs. John V. Rathbone, 523 Ab- INDIVIDUALITY roads and trails, The bill now goes | A in Hubbard Wood bottsford road. They were on their to the Senate for consideration. gency In riubbar 00ds | way home from a trip around the | i as -Deen' Greswnd A tel | George W. Peak who has 1 world When 'your, baie las been dresge telegram received this week by | ¥ WV. < W 1as been con- . 3 he Chi : M lut d tl o | nected with the automobile industry Chom by us, you may teel assured that it the cago otor club stated that no |. ts > i 15d d dv and: has that amendments were offered to the bill|n Chicago for the past fifteen years, Miss Jeanette Cherry, 422 Abbotts- 195 Suessed Soried Fw : and that it was debated but four hours | Bat Spoaed % $les fgency Pr the | ford road, Kenilworth, spent last marked note of individuality. en the floor of the House without a illys-Knight Great Six and Over- | week-end in Madison, Ill, visiting her single objection being made to its Jad sotor cars at 917 Linden avenue, | college friends. Siw Bugene siethod of Perstancat passage. Action on the resolution ubbare Woods. He also has in con- aving assures you Ol a mos permitting immediately consideration | nection with the sales agency depart- natural marcel wave. of the bill was unanimous, the tele- ment a complete and up-to-date auto- gram stated. | mobile service station. C. A. Frid- Charles M. Hayes, president of the |man, residing on Ashland avenue, Wil- Eugene Method Chicago Motor club, said this week |mette, who has been selling Willys- 0 of that the records show complete un- Knight automobiles for the past ten P Wavi animity since the bill was first in- |years, is associated, as salesman, with ermanent Waving troduced. He said that House leaders | Mr. Peak. " Marcelling Shampooing told representatives of the A. A. A. . after the vote that the astounding suc- HOLD ANNUAL MEETING cess of the bill so far was owing to The annual meeting of the Parent S the thorough manner in which the iircduies - Bet ' organized motorists and others aiding Teachers association of the Horace ty $ Beauty in the campaign had sold eastern Mann school will be held Monday, an gn May 10, at 3:30 o'clock in the after- states on the national benefits accru- ; Betty Brooks ine from Federal aid noon. The annual report of the as- y g : : sociation will be read and officers for 817 Elm Street According to the telegram received | the year elected. Following the busi- irom the fimerican A a Ress maging tea will be served and Phone ation headquarters the overwhelming there will be a program of entertain- 4 . 2660 success of the Federal aid bill in the | ment, furnished in part by the Skokie Winnetka House will doubtless have a strong ef- | school band. fect on the Senate but it will in no | ifs way cause the nation-wide motoring | Y organization to let down on its cam- paign. Mrs. Robert E. Kenvon is again at her home at 1011 Greenwood, Wilmette, after an extensive visit in California. {Special This Week | Three Layer Brick PINEAPPLE NEW YORK with PECANS and CHERRY 552-54 Lincoln Ave. $16.50 Low price, High quality, Long service An Exide Battery is too thrifty a purchase for you to ignore. Made by the largest manufacturers of storage batteries in the world. Winnetka Exide Battery Service Opposite Winnetka Post Office Phone Winn. 1387 Ex10¢ BATTERIES