May 15, 1926 WINNETKA TALK New Prices = CHRYSLER Reduced $55 to $215 "70" Coach ....iiivian $1585 Roadster... ..° 5: $1680 Sedan ci. .cn xu $1740 Royal Coupe... .... $1895 Brougham ........... $1945 Royal Sedan ...... $1995 Saving ...... S$ 55 Saving ..... $100 Saving ...... $155 Saving ..... $100 Saving ..... $125 Saving ..... $210 Crown Sedan......... $2100 Saving... $215 All Prices Include Spare Tire, Bumpers (front and rear), Fire and Theft Insurance and Full Equipment Delivered in Evanston CHANGED IN NO WAY--EXCEPT IN PRICE In the accomplishment of the new sensational lower prices of Chrysler "70" there is absolutely no change in performance, quality, comfort, style, equipment, design, materials or work- manship in the body or chassis which have won such wide- spread preference and admiration. These sensational reductions establish Chrysler "70" even more emphatically as the world's one outstanding motor car value in its class. EVANSTON MOTOR SALES W. D. REAGAN, Mgr. 1840 RIDGE AVE. PHONE UNIV. 2277